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Название: Critical explorations (IGI Global). Research anthology on food waste reduction and alternative diets for food and nutrition security
Организация: Information Resources Management Association,
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Food industry and trade — Waste disposal.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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"This book explores methods for reducing waste and cutting food loss in order to help the environment and support local communities as well as solve issues including that of land space. It also provides vital research on the development of plant-based foods, meat-alternative diets, and nutritional outcomes"--.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Editorial Advisory Board
  • List of Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Food Safety and Preservation Technologies
    • Chapter 1: Food Quality and Safety Regulation Systems at a Glance
    • Chapter 2: Ecological Chemistry Aspects of Food Safety
    • Chapter 3: Food Safety and Climate Change
    • Chapter 4: Technologies for Monitoring the Safety of Perishable Food Products
    • Chapter 5: Closed Refrigerated Display Cabinets
    • Chapter 6: Nanocomposites in the Food Packaging Industry
    • Chapter 7: Non-Thermal Food Preservation Methods in the Meat Industry
    • Chapter 8: Non-Thermal Preservation of Dairy Products
    • Chapter 9: Novel Packaging Technologies in Dairy Products
    • Chapter 10: Biopreservatives for Improved Shelf-Life and Safety of Dairy Products
    • Chapter 11: Resource-Saving Technology of Dehydration of Fruit and Vegetable Raw Materials
  • Section 2: Food Supply Chain Management
    • Chapter 12: Managing Risk in Global Food Supply Chains
    • Chapter 13: Risks in Sustainable Food Supply Chain Management
    • Chapter 14: Building a Sustainable Food Supply Chain and Managing Food Losses
    • Chapter 15: Logistic Strategies to Minimize Losses and Waste in Food Supply Chains
    • Chapter 16: From Information Sharing to Information Utilization in Food Supply Chains
    • Chapter 17: IoT-Based Cold Chain Logistics Monitoring
    • Chapter 18: An Exploratory Study on Blockchain Application in a Food Processing Supply Chain to Reduce Waste
    • Chapter 19: Performance Evaluation of Food Cold Chain Logistics Enterprise Based on the AHP and Entropy
    • Chapter 20: A Circular Economy Perspective for Dairy Supply Chains
    • Chapter 21: Consumer Purchase Preference for the Perception of Quality of Perishable Products in a Smart City
    • Chapter 22: Methodology for the Design of Traceability System in Food Assistance Supply Chains
    • Chapter 23: Analyzing Sustainable Food Supply Chain Management Challenges in India
    • Chapter 24: Wastage and Cold Chain Infrastructure Relationship in Indian Food Supply Chain
    • Chapter 25: Perishable Goods Supply Cold Chain Management in India
    • Chapter 26: Factors that impact Quality during the Transportation of Tomatoes
  • Section 3: Repurposing Wasted Food
    • Chapter 27: Food Waste Reduction Towards Food Sector Sustainability
    • Chapter 28: Utilization and Management of Food Waste
    • Chapter 29: Various Approaches for Food Waste Processing and Its Management
    • Chapter 30: Value-Added Products From Food Waste
    • Chapter 31: Microbe Mediated Bioconversion of Fruit Waste Into Value Added Products
    • Chapter 32: Industrially Important Enzymes Production From Food Waste
    • Chapter 33: Recent Advances in Waste Cooking Oil Management and Applications for Sustainable Environment
    • Chapter 34: Impacts of Food Industrial Wastes on Soil and Its Utilization as Novel Approach for Value Addition
    • Chapter 35: Allocation Optimization Problem for Peruvian Food Bank
    • Chapter 36: Economic and Environmental Costs of Meat Waste in the US
  • Section 4: Sustainable Agricultural Production
    • Chapter 37: Tropospheric Ozone Pollution, Agriculture, and Food Security
    • Chapter 38: Technical Equipment of Agricultural Production
    • Chapter 39: Issues and Challenges in Smart Farming for Sustainable Agriculture
    • Chapter 40: Disrupting Agriculture
    • Chapter 41: Agbiotech, Sustainability, and Food Security Connection to Public Health
    • Chapter 42: Agricultural Cooperatives for Sustainable Development of Rural Territories and Food Security
    • Chapter 43: Towards the Development of Salt-Tolerant Potato
    • Chapter 44: Local Production-Based Dietary Supplement Distribution in Emerging Countries
    • Chapter 45: State Support of Agricultural Production in Emerging Countries as a Tool to Ensure Food Security
    • Chapter 46: New Approaches to Agricultural Production Management in the Arctic
    • Chapter 47: Produce Internationally, Consume Locally
    • Chapter 48: Determinants of Agricultural Production in Romania
    • Chapter 49: Farm Security for Food Security
  • Section 5: Sustainable Consumption and Alternative Diets
    • Chapter 50: A Review on Impact of Changing Climate on Sustainable Food Consumption
    • Chapter 51: Comparing the Effects of Unsustainable Production and Consumption of Food on Health and Policy Across Developed and Less Developed Countries
    • Chapter 52: Sustainable Food Consumption in the Neoliberal Order
    • Chapter 53: Food and Environment
    • Chapter 54: Re-Thinking Meat
    • Chapter 55: Normality, Naturalness, Necessity, and Nutritiousness of the New Meat Alternatives
    • Chapter 56: New Meat Without Livestock
    • Chapter 57: Application of the Dietary Processed Sulfur Supplementation for Enhancing Nutritional and Functional Properties of Meat Products
    • Chapter 58: Nutritional Benefits of Selected Plant-Based Proteins as Meat Alternatives
    • Chapter 59: Understanding Gender Identities and Food Preferences to Increase the Consumption of a Plant-Based Diet With Heuristics
    • Chapter 60: Lifelong Consumption of Plant-Based GM Foods
    • Chapter 61: Nutritional Properties of Edible Insects
    • Chapter 62: The Nutritional and Health Potential of Blackjack (Bidens pilosa l.)
    • Chapter 63: Special Legume-Based Food as a Solution to Food and Nutrition Insecurity Problem in the Arctic
    • Chapter 64: Soybeans Consumption and Production in China
    • Chapter 65: The Potential of Traditional Leafy Vegetables for Improving Food Security in Africa
    • Chapter 66: Veganism in the Bhagwad Gita
  • Index

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