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Название: Handbooks of communication science ;. Public relations. — v. 27.
Другие авторы: Valentini Chiara
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Public relations.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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This handbooks series aims to integrate knowledge of communication structures and processes. It is global in orientation, dedicated to cultural and epistemological diversity as well as different scholarly approaches. The series features volumes on 'messages, codes and channels', 'mode of address: communication situations and context', 'methodology in communication science' and 'application areas'. The latter features volumes devoted to a large range of specialist areas of communication science. The series as a whole aims at meeting the needs of undergraduates, postgraduates, academics and rese.

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  • Preface to Handbooks of Communication Science series
  • Acknowledgments
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • 1 Public relations and social influence: Understanding the roots of a contested profession
  • Part I – Public Relations: History, Identity and Practice
  • 2 Public relations origins and evolution: A global perspective
  • 3 Women in public relations: A feminist perspective
  • 4 Public relations and the problems of professional identity
  • 5 Public relations as a reflective practice
  • 6 Public relations and legitimacy
  • 7 Public relations, power and control
  • Part II – Core Functions of Public Relations
  • 8 Public relations as media relations
  • 9 Public relations and social media
  • 10 Public relations as image and reputation management
  • 11 Strategic crisis management: State of the field, challenges and opportunities
  • 12 Public relations for stakeholder and societal engagement
  • 13 Social advocacy and public relations: Building communitas in the public sphere
  • 14 Public relations measurement and evaluation
  • Part III – Theories of Public Relations
  • 15 The four models of public relations and their research legacy
  • 16 The Excellence Theory – origins, contribution and critique
  • 17 Personal influence in public relations
  • 18 Rhetorical theory of public relations
  • 19 Contingency theory of strategic conflict management: Explicating a “grand” theory of public relations
  • 20 Global public relations: Multi-paradigmatic perspectives, key approaches and future directions
  • 21 Relationship management: Status and theory
  • 22 Extending the boundaries of public relations through community-building and organic theories
  • 23 Dialogic theory
  • 24 A conceptual genealogy of the situational theory of problem solving: Reconceptualizing communication for strategic behavioral communication management
  • Part IV – Recent Theorizing in Public Relations
  • 25 The strategic application of social capital theory in public relations
  • 26 Ideas of public relations in the light of Scandinavian institutionalism
  • 27 Public relations and Actor-Network Theory
  • 28 Public relations and expectation theory: Introducing Relationship Expectation Theory (RET) for public relations
  • 29 Public relations and cultural theories
  • 30 Ethical theories and public relations: Global issues and challenges
  • Afterwords
  • 31 Critical reflections on the field
  • 32 Mapping public relations theory: Concluding reflections and future directions
  • Contributors to this volume
  • Index

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