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Название: 100 Years of Conference Interpreting: A Legacy
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Congresses and conventions — Translating services — History.; Translating services — History.; Translating and interpreting.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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When Woodrow Wilson, David Lloyd George, Vittorio Emanuele Orlando and Georges Clemenceau met in Versailles in January 1919, they ushered in the modern era of multilateral diplomacy and--perhaps inadvertently--laid the foundation for a new profession. Indeed, communication among these statesmen was only possible thanks to the first conference interpreters. For the following 100 years, these interpreters would become a permanent fixture at all international multilateral conferences. As we celebrate one century of conference interpreting, this volume takes stock of some of the most important mil.

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  • Dedication
  • Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • Time to Take Stock
  • Prologue
  • Once Upon a Time at the ILO
  • Chapter I
  • Fifty Years of Research on Anticipation in Simultaneous Interpreting
  • Preparation Strategies for Sign Language Conference Interpreting
  • Simultaneous Interpretation of Political Press Conferences in Diplomatic vs. Media Settings
  • Written Interpretation
  • Chapter II
  • Conference Interpreting Skills
  • Understanding A, B and C
  • Critical Discourse Analysis
  • Tutor-Student Interaction in Online Interpreter Training
  • Chapter III
  • Introducing the Discussion
  • Question 1
  • Perroquets Savants ou Professionnels Aguerris ?
  • The Management of Interpretation Services
  • The Interpreter as Partner in a Multidimensional Act of Communication
  • The Management of Interpreting Services and the Need to Acknowledge the Costs of Preparation for Interpreters
  • Question 2
  • Los que Escuchan a los Intérpretes
  • Public Relations and the Way Forward
  • The Role of the Interpreter and Public Relations
  • One Hand Cannot Clap!
  • Question 3
  • Training Deployable Conference Interpreters for Multilingual Diplomacy
  • Is In-House Training the Answer?
  • In-House Training and IO-University Cooperation
  • In-House Training of Deployable Conference Interpreters
  • Question 4
  • What Can Research Deliver and How?
  • Interpreting and Ethnography
  • Research into Interpreting
  • Understanding RSI through Research
  • Question 5
  • Distance Interpreting and the Risk of Alienation
  • The Impact of Remote Conference Interpreting
  • Évolution Dans L’aliénation
  • Déconnectés dans la Connexion
  • Question 6
  • Shaping the Future as a Global Community
  • The Conference of the Future
  • Interpreters will not be Replaced by Technology, but by Interpreters using Technology
  • Interpreting, Technology and Humanity
  • Epilogue
  • Concluding Thoughts
  • Contributors

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