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Название: De Gruyter STEM. Industrial waste: characterization, modification and applications of residues
Другие авторы: Anagnostopoulos Iphigenia; Ayres Negrão Leonardo Boiadeiro; Bier Thomas A.,; Borg Gregor; Costa Marcondes L. da,; Ehrenberg Andreas; Fernandez Oscar J. C.,; Figueira Bruno A. M.,; Galluccio Sabrina; Gogoi Champa; Heuss-Assbichler Soraya; Illikainen Mirja; Kamradt Andreas; Kiefer Stefan; Kilian R.,; Kiventerä Jenni; Kränzlein Eva; Laan Sieger van der; Costa Marcondes Lima da; Lochan Goswamee Rajib; Marinho Kássia L. L,; Moraes Dorsan S; Neumann Thomas; Pongener Chubaakum; Pöllmann Herbert; Qoku Elsa; Rödel Tim; Saikia Jitu; Saikia Pinky; Sarmah Susmita; Schollbach Katrin; Sekhamo Koweteu; Singh N. B.,; Skibsted Jørgen; Stöber Stefan; Tandon Kai; Waida Sandra
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Factory and trade waste.; Waste products.; Industrial Waste; Waste Products; Flug Asche.; Industrieabfälle.; Industrielle Rückstände.; Mineralogie.; Zementzusatzstoffe.; Déchets industriels.; Déchets.; Technology & Engineering / Environmental / Waste Management.; Fly ash.; Industrial residue.; Industrial waste.; Mineralogy.; Supplementary cementitious material.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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Industrial residues are obtained from all treatments of raw materials in industry during the process of mining, raw materials treatment and final usage. During these processes of enrichment, optimization and utilization of raw materials only part of the original material can be used for the dedicated application and some left-over parts remain. This contribution focuses on residues like mining overburdens, ore residues and ore processing residues like slags, but also on incineration ashes and water purification muds. Natural materials like pozzolanes, due to their potential of CO2-reduction, are also included. Based on this knowledge secondary reusable materials due to their chemical, physical and mineralogical properties can be identified. Also different characterization methods for analysing the potential for further application of these residues are included.

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  • Contents
  • List of Authors
  • Part 1: Measurement and properties
  • Chapter 1 Characterization of supplementary cementitious materials and their quantification in cement blends by solid-state NMR
  • Chapter 2 Mineralogical quantification of cements, wastes and supplementary cementitious materials
  • Chapter 3 Microstructure analysis with quantitative phase mapping using SEM-EDS and Phase Recognition and Characterization (PARC) Software: applied to steelmaking slag
  • Chapter 4 The use of μXRF in the characterization of industrial wastes and pozzolanes
  • Part 2: Characterization of industrial residues
  • Chapter 5 Characterization of supplementary cementitious materials: Brown coal fly ashes
  • Chapter 6 Iron and steel slags: from wastes to by-products of high technical, economical and ecological advantages
  • Chapter 7 Utilization of Supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) in Portland cement, alkali activated and ternary binders
  • Chapter 8 Study of some physico chemical properties of plastic clays belonging to Girujan deposits from Chumoukedima Nagaland, India and their prospective industrial applications
  • Part 3: Use and application of industrial residues
  • Chapter 9 Conversion of CO2 into useful products
  • Chapter 10 Mine tailings as precursors for alkali-activated materials and ettringite binders
  • Chapter 11 Industrial waste as fuel and raw material in the cement industry
  • Chapter 12 Fly ash from municipal solid waste Incineration: from industrial residue to resource for zinc
  • Chapter 13 Residues of industrial wastewater treatment: Hazardous waste or anthropogenic resource?
  • Chapter 14 Composites of some sustainable siliceous materials for the removal of fluoride from ground water and immobilization of the sludge generated
  • Part 4: Residues from mining
  • Chapter 15 Characterization and mineral processing options of “Kupferschiefer”-type low-grade black shale ore from mining dumps in Central Germany
  • Chapter 16 Rare-earth elements in phosphogypsum and mineral processing residues from phosphate-rich weathered alkaline ultramafic rocks, Brazil
  • Chapter 17 The Mn oxides tailing from Amazon Region as low-cost raw material to synthesis of shigaite-type phase
  • Chapter 18 Eco-cements out of Belterra Clay: An extensive Brazilian bauxite overburden to produce low-CO2 eco-friendly calcium sulphoaluminate based cements
  • Index

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