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Название Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs ;. Intra-individual Variation in Language. — 363.
Другие авторы Auer Anita; Britain David; Büchler Andrin; Bülow Lars; Ellsäßer Sophie; Entringer Nathalie; Fanta-Jende Johanna; Havinga Anna D.,; Merten Marie-Luis; Nickel Grit; Pfenninger Simone E.,; Pröll Simon; Rawyler Nicolai; Schallert Oliver; Schiegg Markus; Schneider Christa; Ulbrich Christiane; Werth Alexander
Коллекция Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика Language and languages — Variation.; Historische Sprachwissenschaft.; Psycholinguistik.; Soziolinguistik.; German.; Language Change.; Language Variation.; Sociolinguistics.; EBSCO eBooks
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Дата создания записи 30.08.2021

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This volume offers several empirical, methodological, and theoretical approaches to the study of observable variation within individuals on various linguistic levels. With a focus on German varieties, the chapters provide answers on the following questions (inter alia):Which linguistic and extra-linguistic factors explain intra-individual variation? Is there observable intra-individual variation that cannot be explained by linguistic and extra-linguistic factors? Can group-level results be generalised to individual language usage and vice versa? Is intra-individual variation indicative of actual patterns of language change? How can intra-individual variation be examined in historical data?Consequently, the various theoretical, methodological and empirical approaches in this volume offer a better understanding of the meaning of intra-individual variation for patterns of language development, language variation and change.The inter- and transdisciplinary nature of the volume is an exciting new frontier, and the results of the studies in this book provide a wealth of new findings as well as challenges to some of the existing findings and assumptions regarding the nature of intra-individual variation.

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