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Название: Institute for law and finance series ;. Green Banking and Green Central Banking. — 24.
Другие авторы: Berrigan John; Boivin Jean; Bräunig Günther; Campa Jose Manuel; Dombret Andreas; Draijer Wiebe; Fishwick Ed; Goulard Sylvie; Hildebrand Philipp; Hoyer Werner; Issing Otmar; Kenadjian Patrick S.,; Kenadjian Patrick; Kopp Matthias; Lagarde Christine; Massow Valentin von; Mijs Wim; Mminele Daniel; Moynihan Ted; Paravani-Mellinghoff Simona; Pietikäinen Sirpa; Sewing Christian; Silva Luiz Awazu Pereira da; Tan Jessica; Thallinger Günther; Weidmann Jens; de Vries Bouke
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Investments — Environmental aspects.; Finance — Environmental aspects.; Banks and banking, Central.; Sustainable development.; Economic development — Environmental aspects.; Finanzrecht.; Green Finance.; ILFS.; LAW / International.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1280943199

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The books deals with the questions that really matter for green finance: Where will the money to finance the transition to a low carbon environment come from, how far do the banks' balance sheets stretch and where will the rest of the money come from? How much can we rely on the capital markets, especially in the EU, to get money to the parts of the economy which really need it, without greenwashing? How do governments organize not just a transition, but a just transition to a low carbon environment? Is it time to revisit received ideas about the proper role for centralbanks?

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  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • The Authors
  • I. The Role of the Financial Sector
  • The Role of public Financing in Reaching Climate Neutrality
  • The Financial Services Sector needs to be an important Driver for the Corporate Decarbonization Trajectory in Europe
  • Greening the Economy: The Role of Banks in the Climate Transition and Challenges
  • Banking on going green…
  • How Banks can help Achieve the Paris Agreement
  • Green Banking in Practice: How Banks and Corporates will need to work together to finance the Transition to a more sustainable Economy
  • II. The Chance for Europe
  • A monumental Shift to green Finance
  • Climate Change – Turning Investment Risk into Opportunity
  • What we meant by “The Chance for Europe”: Betting on the Brussels Effect
  • Climate Change: Boon and Bane for long-term Investors
  • III. The Role of Government Authorities
  • The Future of Sustainable Finance: A target-oriented and ambitious Agenda for Transition
  • Financing Transition
  • Green is becoming the new Black – Sustainable Finance is a Global Opportunity and the Key to tackling Climate Change
  • Setting the Scene and Speed for Greening the Finance Sector – what Governments must do
  • IV. The Role of Central Banks, Regulators and Supervisors
  • Climate Change and Central Banking
  • What Role should Central Banks play in Combating Climate Change?
  • Enhancing ESG Governance, Disclosure and Risk Measurement in Credit Institutions
  • Climate Change and Central Banks: From Financial Stability Considerations to a global Response?
  • Green Monetary Policy?
  • How are Central Banks helping to make the Recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic more sustainable and inclusive?

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