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Название: The shadow of totalitarianism: action, judgment, and evil in politics
Авторы: Burdman Javier
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Totalitarianism.; Good and evil.; Act (Philosophy); Judgment (Logic); Political science — Philosophy.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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"Examines the relationship of evil, action, and judgment in the work of Immanuel Kant, Hannah Arendt, and Jean-François Lyotard"--.

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  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction: Totalitarianism and the Problem of Evil in Politics
    • The Problem: A “New” Form of Evil
    • Uncertainty
    • The Nature of Totalitarian Crimes
    • Subjective Evil and Bureaucratization
    • Moral Foundations
    • A Critical Political Theory of Evil
    • Structure and Method
  • Part 1: Action
    • Chapter 1 Arendt’s Reassessment of Responsibility
      • Radical Evil and the Destruction of Responsibility
      • Beginning, Disclosure, Distinctness
      • Forgiveness and the Burden of Unpredictability
      • Evil and Responsibility after Eichmann
      • Responsibility between Thinking and Action
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 2 Kant on the Deceptiveness of Evil
      • Arendt, Eichmann, Kant
      • Freedom and the Ground of Imputability
      • The Choice of Evil
      • Deception
      • From Radical Evil to the Banality of Evil
      • Conclusion
  • Part 2: Judgment
    • Chapter 3 Kant on the Sublime and the Judgment of Action
      • Arendt’s Turn to Kant’s Third Critique
      • Judgment between the Empirical and the Intelligible
      • A Sublime Judgment
      • A Supersensible Power
      • Between Enthusiasm and Sublimity
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 4 Lyotard on Good and Evil in Postmodernity
      • The Problem of Legitimacy and the Turn to Kant
      • Critical, Political, and Reflective Judgment
      • The Sublime and the Differend
      • Universality as a Sublime Sign
      • Conclusion
    • Conclusion: Extreme Evil as a Response to Political Uncertainty
      • The Eichmann Problem and Responsibility
      • Ideological Extremism
      • Uncertainty and Totalitarianism
      • Political and Moral Judgments
      • The Politics of the Lesser Evil
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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