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Название: Studies in language variation ;. Variation in second and heritage languages: crosslinguistic perspectives. — v. 28.
Другие авторы: Bayley Robert; Preston Dennis Richard; Li Xiaoshi ((Associate professor of Chinese),)
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Second language acquisition.; Language and languages — Variation.; Heritage language speakers.; Sociolinguistics.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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"Variationist work in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) began in the mid 1970s and steadily progressed during the 1980s. Much of it was reviewed along with newer approaches in Bayley and Preston 1996 (B&P), heavily devoted to VARBRUL analyses that exposed the variability in developing interlanguages and placed variationist work within the canon of SLA. This new volume features three developing trends. First, it widens the scope of L1s of learners (from 6 in B&P to 8) and L2 targets (2 in B&P to 7) and in each case has brought more careful demographic and variable considerations to bear, including heritage languages and study abroad. Second, it modernizes statistics by moving from VARBRUL to the more widely used log-odds probabilities that allow more detailed consideration of variables and their influences. Finally, it deepens consideration of variable sociolinguistic meaning in learner behaviors, a dominating feature of 3rd Wave variationist work"--.

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  • Variation in Second and Heritage Languages
  • Editorial page
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Dedication page
  • Table of contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures
  • Acknowledgements
  • Editors and contributors
    • Editors
    • Contributors
  • Chapter 1. Variation and second language acquisition: Recent developments and future directions
    • Introduction
      • 1. More (and more) languages and more (and more) varieties
      • 2. Perception
      • 3. New ways to count things up
    • Broadening the scope of second language acquisition
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Chapter 2. An investigation of the use of the multifunctional particle ‑le by second language learners of Mandarin Chinese
    • Introduction
    • Description of ‑le
    • Previous research on ‑le
      • The acquisition of ‑le by native speakers
      • The acquisition of ‑le by L2 learners
    • Methods
      • Participants
      • Data collection
      • Coding
      • Analysis
    • Results
      • Native speaker results
      • Learner results
      • Post-verbal ‑le (NS vs. learners)
      • Sentence final ‑le (NS vs. learners)
    • Discussion
      • Learners vs. native speakers; Post-verbal ‑le vs. Sentence final ‑le
      • Native language and proficiency
    • Directions for further research
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Chapter 3. Production and evaluation of sociolinguistic variation in Mandarin Chinese among children in Singapore
    • Introduction
    • Mandarin variation and change in the Singapore context
      • Mandarin in Singapore
      • Mandarin sociolinguistic variation
      • Mandarin sociolinguistic development among local and expatriate children in Singapore
      • Mandarin learning environments
    • Participants and methodology
      • Participants
      • Methodology
    • Findings
      • Regional identification task
      • Occupation judgment task
      • Production task
    • Discussion
      • Regional identification
      • Occupation judgment
      • Speech production
    • Concluding remarks
    • Funding
    • References
  • Chapter 4. Cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of L3 variation: A comparison of speech and writing
    • Introduction
    • Acquisition of a third language
    • The acquisition of Ln variation patterns
      • Variation in Korean argument realization
    • Research questions
    • The study
      • Participants
      • Data collection
      • Coding and analysis
    • Results
      • Linguistic factors
    • Results: Developmental factors
      • Type 2 variation
      • Type 1 variation
    • Discussion and conclusion
    • Funding
    • References
  • Chapter 5. What can Cantonese heritage speakers tell us about age of acquisition, linguistic dominance, and sociophonetic variation?
    • Introduction
    • Acquisition and the study of contact-induced sound change
      • Frameworks based on child vs. adult acquisition
      • A framework based on linguistic dominance
    • Background on Toronto heritage Cantonese
      • The social context
      • The Cantonese vowel system
      • Research question
    • Methodology
      • Data and analysis procedures
      • Ethnic orientation (EO) group
      • Cantonese production score (CPS)
    • Results
      • The vowel /y/
      • The vowel /u/
      • Summary
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • References
  • Chapter 6. Spanish rhotic variation and development in uninstructed immersion
    • Introduction
    • Background
      • The rhotic systems of English and Spanish
      • Empirical studies on L2 rhotic development
      • Contributions and research questions
    • Methods
      • Participants
      • Setting
      • Instruments
      • Analysis
    • Results
      • General rhotic results
      • Target tap results
      • Target trill results
    • Discussion
      • Tap analysis
      • Trill analysis
    • Conclusion
    • References
    • Appendix A. Background questionnaire
    • Appendix B
  • Chapter 7. Linguistic variation and second language Spanish: A study of progressive and habitual marking by English-speaking learners
    • Introduction
    • Previous research
      • L2 variation
      • Variable progressive aspectual marking in Spanish and English
      • Second language research on variable progressive aspect marking
    • Research questions
    • Methods
      • Participants
      • Measures
      • Coding and analysis
    • Results
      • Frequency of form selection by participant group
      • Effects of linguistic factors by group
      • Analyses by lexical aspectual class and adverb condition
    • Discussion
      • Contrasting use in English and Spanish
      • Path of acquisition
      • Connection to previous studies of L2 Spanish simple present/present progressive
      • Connection to the prototype theory and aspect hypothesis
    • Conclusions and future directions
    • References
  • Chapter 8. Acquiring sociolinguistic competence during study abroad: U.S. students in Buenos Aires
    • Introduction
    • Previous research
      • The acquisition of region-specific phonological features in Spanish-speaking countries
      • The acquisition of region-specific morphosyntactic features in Spanish-speaking countries
    • Methods
      • Speakers
      • Data collection
      • Transcription
      • Coding and analysis
    • Results
      • Feature 1: sheísmo/zheísmo
      • Feature 2: /s/-weakening
      • Feature 3: Vos
    • Discussion
    • Conclusions
    • References
  • Chapter 9. Variation in choice of prepositions with place names on the French L1–L2 continuum in Ontario, Canada
    • Introduction
    • Complexity and inter-systemic transfer
    • Context and continuum
    • Prior research
      • Ontario French immersion students vs. Franco-Ontarian students
      • Variation in preposition choice by Franco-Ontarian students
      • Variation in preposition choice by FL2 speakers
    • Methods
      • Corpora
      • Data analysis
      • Research issues and hypotheses
    • Results
      • Inter-group differences for à, au, and en
      • Influence of individual use of French
      • Inter-systemic influence of the ‘+/– motion’ verb distinction
    • Discussion
    • References
  • Chapter 10. Variation, identity and language attitudes: Polish migrants in France
    • Introduction
      • Language variation, migration and superdiversity
      • Migration and identity construction
      • Variation in L2 speech and individual variation
    • The study: Poles in France
    • Methodology
      • The Variable: ne deletion
    • Results
    • A tale of two couples
      • The first Polish couple
      • The second couple
    • Conclusion
    • Funding
    • References
  • Chapter 11. Sociostylistic variation in L2 French: What schwa deletion patterns reveal about language acquisition during study abroad
    • Introduction
    • The acquisition of sociolinguistic competence in L2 French
    • Social networks and language variation
      • Schwa deletion in French
    • Methods
      • Participants
      • Data collection
      • Social network strength scale for study abroad
      • Data coding: Dependent variable
      • Data coding: Independent variables
      • Data transcription protocol
      • Quantitative analysis
    • Results
      • Linguistic factors
      • Extralinguistic factors
    • Discussion
      • Linguistic constraints on schwa deletion: Clitic type and collocations
      • Extralinguistic constraints on schwa deletion: Time abroad and social networks
    • Conclusions
      • Limitations and future directions
    • References
    • Appendix A. Participant biographical information
    • Appendix B. Social network strength scale (SNSS) for study abroad
  • Chapter 12. Differential object marking in heritage and homeland Italian
    • Introduction
    • The status of DOM in Romance languages
    • Methods
    • Results
      • Modeling DOM where it is expected
      • Non-canonical use of DOM
      • (Non)-effects of ethnic orientation
    • Summary of findings
    • Discussion
    • References
    • Appendix A. Individual speaker information
  • Chapter 13. On (not) acquiring a sociolinguistic stereotype: A variationist account of L2-Catalan lateral production by L1-Spanish bilinguals
    • Introduction
    • The production and acquisition of Catalan laterals
      • The status of Catalan laterals
      • The acquisition of Catalan laterals
    • Experimental methodology
      • Linguistic factors
      • Social factors and subject population
      • Test instruments
      • Data collection methods
    • Data analysis methods and results
      • Acoustic analysis
      • Total counts of collected lateral production data
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Author index
  • Subject index

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