
Title: Energy - efficient heating supply systems: магистерская диссертация
Creators: Золотова Юлия Сергеевна
Organization: Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого. Инженерно-строительный институт
Imprint: Санкт-Петербург, 2015
Collection: Выпускные квалификационные работы; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Теплоснабжение; Здания и постройки — Инженерное оборудование
UDC: 697(043.3)
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
Rights: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Record key: RU\SPSTU\edoc\30364

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In 2009, a Federal Law No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and improvement of energy efficiency” was accepted. Improving the energy efficiency of heating systems is becoming one of the strategic tasks of the Russian Federation. According to that law accounting and regulation of heating source are obligatory. Noticeable effect of thermal energy saving in heating systems (20-30%) can be achieved by automatically adjusting heat. The most complete and efficient automation task can be implemented with the help of automated district heating substations(ADHS) of buildings with the ability to control heat at the request by customer level, depending on the outdoor temperature. The tasks of reconstruction existing and designing of new energy-efficient ADHS have important economic significance and will be relevant in the coming decades, as the behavior of thermal technological systems of buildings with various changes of internal and external factors should be adjustable and ADHS, being a link between consumers of heat and heat networks allow to meet modern energy-saving technologies, which will obtain low-cost, fast design and technological solutions. Authors of plenty articles say, that as any other technology it should have a universal strict algorithm of design. Unfortunately analysis of scientific-research literature base showed absence of detailed methodologies of ADHS design. Therefore the scientific problem of the research is to develop heat source submission terms depending on the actual climatic conditions and mode of operation of the building.

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Table of Contents

  • Calculated (design) value of heat transmission resistance of external envelope:
    •  In order to avoid overstatement of the return temperature of the heat network controller TAC Xenta 302 by means of a temperature sensor installed in the return pipe of the heating system, controls the return temperature that is returned in a thermal...
    •  Control of pumps heating is a logical circuit which controls the main and standby pump changeover after a specified time, the alarm signal output.
    •  Protection against dry running of pumps DHW and heating is performed by the controller TAC Xenta 302 according to the signals of pressure sensors and PE3 PE4 MBS3000 (Danfoss) installed on the supply line of cold water and return pipeline of the hea...
    •  In AITP installed the metering of thermal energy based on heat meter Multical 602 production company "Kamstrup" (see OUTA).
    • STAF, STAF-SG, STAF-R, STAG 5-5-15
    • Technical description
    • STAF
    • STAF-SG
    • STAF-R
    • STAG
    • Presetting
    • Measuring accuracy
    • Correction factors
    • Formulas
    • Sizing a balancing valve
    • Conversion disc
    • Measuring instruments
    • Balancing
    • Kv values for various presettings
    • Example
    • Diagram DN 20-50
    • Diagram DN 65-150
    • Diagram DN 200-300
    • Accessories
      • Prefab insulation STAF, STAF-SG, STAF-R DN 50-150
      • Measurement point for probe
      • Measurement nipple and probe for 60 mm extension.
      • Rating plate
      • Complete digital handwheel
      • Allen key
    • Installation instructions
    • STS, STA, STAD, STADA, STA-DR 5-5-10
    • Technical description
    • Pre-setting STA, STAD, STADA
    • General
    • STS
    • STA
    • STAD
    • STADA
    • STA-DR
    • Accessories
      • Measurement points
      • Handwheels
      • Prefab insulation
      • Connection sets
      • Installation of draining kit
    • Balancing
    • Measuring accuracy
    • Correction factors
    • Formulas
    • Conversion disc
    • Measuring instruments
    • Kv values
    • Diagram
    • Installation instructions
    • Exchange of handwheel

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