Objectives and Tasks

The Electronic Library of Polytechnic University is focused on information provision for research and education. Textbooks, methodological publications, theses and dissertations, articles from scientific journals, conference proceedings, papers on the history of the university and other materials are available in the electronic form there. Many of them have been published at Polytechnical University or created by authors from Polytechnical University.

E-library storage object is a structurally complete item of the e-library stock, ensured long-term preservation and repeated use of its content.

Personal Account

Authorized users have an opportunity to use extra services of Personal Account, including creation of a personal list of electronic resources, saving of search requests, creation of summaries of the electronic works fragments. Fragments may be copied only from the resources, which are enabled to copy.

For authorization use the identifier and the password of the SPbPU ILC patron. The rules of registration in the SPbSPU Library are available on SPbPU ILC site.

For Authors

The procedure for receiving and use of e-resources is regulated by legislation currently in force, local SPbSPU regulations and direct agreements with the rightholders. The SPbSPU ILC site provides information for authors, including order of receipt and processing of electronic documents. Preservation of works in the e-library allows using them as literature, recommended for the discipline within SPbSPU curriculum.

For Users

The resources of the e-library are the part of the entire stock of the SPbPU Information Library Complex. They are presented in the electronic catalogue of the library. However, the search results in the electronic catalogue can be slightly different, since special technologies, oriented to the full-text and multimedia resources are used in the electronic library for the search function.

Every electronic resource has its own terms of access. As a rule, SPbPU ILC readers (authorized users) have more rights to work with e-resources.

Resources Usage


  Arrivals Usage statistics
Today 6  
Yesterday 18 18,418
Last 30 days 723 358,320
Last 365 days 10,443 4,128,371
All time 106,035 33,685,524