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Название: Computational learning theory and natural learning systems. Vol. 4. Making Learning Systems Practical
Другие авторы: Greiner Russell; Petsche Thomas; Hanson Stephen José
Организация: IEEE Xplore (Online Service); MIT Press
Выходные сведения: Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England: MIT Press: A Bradford book, 1997
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Нейронные сети; теория вычислительного обучения; машинное обучение; MIT Press eBooks Library
УДК: 004.62; 004.032.26
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: Другой
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать)
Ключ записи: 6267512

Разрешенные действия: Посмотреть


This is the fourth and final volume of papers from a series of workshops called "Computational Learning Theory and `Natural' Learning Systems." The purpose of the workshops was to explore the emerging intersection of theoretical learning research and natural learning systems. The workshops drew researchers from three historically distinct styles of learning research: computational learning theory, neural networks, and machine learning (a subfield of AI).Volume I of the series introduces the general focus of the workshops. Volume II looks at specific areas of interaction between theory and experiment. Volumes III and IV focus on key areas of learning systems that have developed recently. Volume III looks at the problem of "Selecting Good Models." The present volume, Volume IV, looks at ways of "Making Learning Systems Practical." The editors divide the twenty-one contributions into four sections. The first three cover critical problem areas: 1) scaling up from small problems to realistic ones with large input dimensions, 2) increasing efficiency and robustness of learning methods, and 3) developing strategies to obtain good generalization from limited or small data samples. The fourth section discusses examples of real-world learning systems.Contributors : Klaus Abraham-Fuchs, Yasuhiro Akiba, Hussein Almuallim, Arunava Banerjee, Sanjay Bhansali, Alvis Brazma, Gustavo Deco, David Garvin, Zoubin Ghahramani, Mostefa Golea, Russell Greiner, Mehdi T. Harandi, John G. Harris, Haym Hirsh, Michael I. Jordan, Shigeo Kaneda, Marjorie Klenin, Pat Langley, Yong Liu, Patrick M. Murphy, Ralph Neuneier, E. M. Oblow, Dragan Obradovic, Michael J. Pazzani, Barak A. Pearlmutter, Nageswara S. V. Rao, Peter Rayner, Stephanie Sage, Martin F. Schlang, Bernd Schurmann, Dale Schuurmans, Leon Shklar, V. Sundareswaran, Geoffrey Towell, Johann Uebler, Lucia M. Vaina, Takefumi Yamazaki, Anthony M. Zador.

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