
Title: Профессиональный английский язык для экономистов: учебное пособие
Creators: Вдовина Елена Константиновна
Organization: Санкт-Петербургский государственный политехнический университет
Imprint: Санкт-Петербург, 2013
Collection: Учебная и учебно-методическая литература; Общая коллекция
Subjects: английский язык; учебники и пособия для вузов
LBC: 81.432.1-923
Document type: Tutorial
File type: PDF
Language: Russian
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Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов кафедры «Мировая и региональная экономика», прослушавших курс дисциплин «Введение в мировую экономику» (на англ.яз.) и «Международные экономические отношения» (на англ.яз.) и владеющих академическими навыками чтения, аудирования и говорения, а также основной экономической терминологией. Цель пособия состоит в дальнейшем развитии академического профессионально ориентированного двуязычия, ориентированного на активное использование английского языка как дополнительного языка в учебной и научно-исследовательской работе. Четыре модуля основного содержания курса дополнены приложениями по развитию академического словаря, учебных навыков и навыков самостоятельной работы с использованием ИКТ и Интернет ресурсов.

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Table of Contents

    • Film 1. Decision time
  • Video vocabulary
    • Film 2. Changing tack
    • Change of tack fоr Condor
  • Video vocabulary
    • Film 3. The Media presentation
    • 3. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.
  • 10. Write 3 definitions in your own words and in full sentences: the business community; an international daily; a cutting edge journalist.
    • Film 4. THE SHORT LIST
      • 1. Read the advertisement and answer the questions.
      • 2. Watch the video. Complete the information about the candidates.
      • 3. Watch the video. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
  • Character assessment
    • Character assessment
      • 4. Watch the video again and make notes of each character. Evaluate the candidates’ strengths in the areas (from 1 to 5). Give some evidence from the film to support your opinion or just explain why you think so.
  • Video vocabulary
    • Video vocabulary
      • 5. Match the words and phrases in bold with the correct definitions below.
      • Definitions
      • 6. Fill the gaps with the words in ex.5. Change the form if necessary. Translate the sentences into Russian in writing. Underline the Russian equivalents.
    • Film 5 Running into trouble
      • 1. Read the Blade Runners website and decide if the statements аrе true (T) or false (F).
      • 2. In pairs, discuss the questions:
      •  Why do you think in-line skating is popular?
      •  What other type of sports are even more popular now with various groups of people?
    • 3. Watch part 1 of the video and answer the questions.
    • 4. Watch the rest of the video and make notes about the problem.
    • 5. Watch the video from beginning till end again and answer the questions.
  • Video vocabulary
    • 6. Match the words and phrases in bold with the correct definitions below.
      • Definitions
    • 7. Fill the gaps with the words in ex.5. Change the form if necessary. Translate the sentences into Russian in writing. Underline the Russian equivalents.
    • Film 6. FROM THE CITY
      • 1. Read the film review and the dictionary definitions and answer the questions.
  • Review: The Corporation
    • 2. Match the following words with their meanings.
    • 4. Watch the video and match Enron, WorldCom or Parmalat with definitions.
    • 5. Watch the video again. Then select the correct answer.
  • Video vocabulary
  • 6. Match the words and phrases in bold with the correct definitions below.
    • 6. Match the words and phrases in bold with the correct definitions below.
      • Definitions
    • 7. Fill the gaps with the words in ex.6. Change the form if necessary. Translate the sentences into Russian in writing. Underline the Russian equivalents.
    • Film 7. Nature Knows Best
    • Profitable packaging
    • 2. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
  • Video vocabulary
  • You are going to watch a dramatized video film Allience from the Market Leader course. The film presents two air companies, one from the USA and the other one from Hong Kong, trying to arrange an alliance. The film focuses on a one-week negotiation phase concerning one issue crucial for the success of the forthcoming alliance, namely, the rearrangement of catering in the two air companies. You will watch the nine parts of the film, one part at a time and do before-, while-, and after-watching tasks and exercises in class and partly as your home work. In the end, you will be assigned an essay based on one of the topics of the film.
    • Writing an essay
      • Writing an essay
        • Writing an essay
          • Writing an essay
            • 11. For home work:
            •  Read and translate the article.
            •  Edit your 1st draft according to the editing steps.
            • ARTICLE 3
            • 1. Skim the editorial from entitled “Why Taxes Have to Go Up” of February 21, 2013 for gist. In one sentence, what is the answer to the question in the title?
            • Why Taxes Have to Go Up
            •  Why is it important for both Democrats and Republicans to avoid budget cuts?
            •  What arguments are used in the editorial to criticize the Republicans’ point of view?
            •  What arguments are used in the editorial to support President Obama’s tax increases?
            • ARTICLE 4
            • 1. Read the article from entitled “The Excel Depression” of April 18, 2013, which is written by Paul Krugman, a columnist for The New York Times and a Nobel Prize winner in economics (2008).
            • The Excel Depression
            • 3. Answer the following questions:
            • 4. Write an outline of 10 points by compressing the text and using your own words as much as possible. The first two have been done for you as a model:
            • 1. Read the article from entitled “Toyota Expansion Reflects a Push for U.S. Lexus Sales” of April 19, 2013. Throughout the task, refrain from using a dictionary. Practice relying on your guessing and thinking, and on the collaboration with your partner.
  • Toyota Expansion Reflects a Push for U.S. Lexus Sales
    • Toyota Expansion Reflects a Push for U.S. Lexus Sales
      • Toyota Expansion Reflects a Push for U.S. Lexus Sales
        • Toyota Expansion Reflects a Push for U.S. Lexus Sales
          • Toyota Expansion Reflects a Push for U.S. Lexus Sales
            • 7. Write an outline of 9 points (one sentence each) by compressing the text and using your own words as much as possible. The first point has been done for you:
            • 1. Read the article from entitled “China Passes Japan as Second-Largest Economy” of August 15, 2010. Throughout the task, refrain from using a dictionary. Practice relying on your guessing and thinking, and on the collaboration with your partner.
    • 3. Discuss the answer to the following questions based on the information in the article.
    • ARTICLE 7
    • 1. Before reading the article from entitled “Rebalancing the economy. Less paper, more iron” of July 7, 2011, focus on the title and a very short thesis below the title. Present in your own words the central message of the article.
    • 2. The message seems obvious: British politicians believe it is manufacturing that may push the British economy up. Scan the text to find out why it is easier said than done. Compile a list of the related issues and discuss them using the examples from the article.
    • 3. In pairs, answer the following questions based on the information in the article:
      • 3. In pairs, answer the following questions based on the information in the article:
        • 3. In pairs, answer the following questions based on the information in the article:
          • 3. In pairs, answer the following questions based on the information in the article:
            • 1. Read the article from entitled “The world should heed warnings that barriers to trade are creeping up” of June 30, 2012. Throughout the task, refrain from using a dictionary. Practice relying on your guessing and thinking, and on the collaboration with your partner.
  • During the presentation
    • During the presentation
      • Zero, oh and nought: For the number 0 on its own, we say zero.
      • Points and commas: Unlike in Russian, in English they use a point (.) and not a comma (,) for decimals. 15.001 fifteen point oh oh one;
      • Decimals: Unlike in Russian, in English we read all the numbers (digits) after a decimal point separately:
      • Hundreds, thousands, millions and billions
  • Fractions
    • Fractions
      • to go down (a lot)
        • Nouns
          • Verbs
      • Prepositions with proportions and trends:
    • For organization
    • To introduce another speaker
    • To recap previous speaker has said
    • To recognize knowledge
    • To refer to a diagram/figures
    • To move to another topic and to conclude
    • To draw listeners’ attention by asking rhetorical questions
    • Transition words
      • To begin with / First of all / Firstly / Next / Afterwards
    • Presentation assessment scoring rubric
    • Appendix 1. Articles
    • Appendix 2. Linking Words
    • Appendix 3. Punctuation
      • Step 5. Small linking words connecting words and sentences/complete thoughts.
      • Step 7. Between two complete sentences/thoughts
    • Appendix 4. Writing a Paragraph
    • Appendix 5. Language of Speculation and Reported Opinions
    • Appendix 6. Academic Word List
    • IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is designed to assess the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is used as the language of communication. IELTS is required for entry to university in the UK and other countries. Even if you are not planning to study abroad, you will definitely benefit from doing the tests. Free practice tests for learners of English can be found at
      • abstract; attach; cooperate; enhance; flexible; incidence; instructed;
      • ministered; presumed; tape
      • abandoned; arbitrarily; complements; denotes; exhibits; induced; minimize;
      • predominant; revising; uniform
      • Pronunciation  Audio (US)
    • Appendix 7. Critical Thinking
      • Appendix 7. Critical Thinking
        • Appendix 7. Critical Thinking
          • Appendix 7. Critical Thinking
            • Appendix 7. Critical Thinking
              • Appendix 7. Critical Thinking
                • 4. Answer the following questions.
    • How can E-Prime help you become a better thinker?
      •  It Exposes Opinions Disguised as Facts
      •  It Promotes Higher Accuracy
      •  It Makes Language More Colorful
      •  It Stimulates Debate
      •  It Improves Creativity
      •  It Exercises Your Brain
    • Appendix 8. Abstract Writing
    • Appendix 9. How to Make a Portfolio
    • Appendix 10. English Language Proficiency Levels
    • A1 – Beginner Level
    •  Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
    • A2 – Elementary Level
    • B1 – Intermediate Level
    • B2 – Upper-Intermediate Level
    • C1 – Advanced Level
    • C2 – Proficiency Level
    • 2. In order to have control of your progress as the English language user do an initial test in order to know which proficiency level you are at. You can see which level you should study and what communicative skills you should have at each level at:

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