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Название Fine-grained concrete with various types of fibers // Magazine of Civil Engineering. – 2020. – № 5 (97). — С. 9702
Авторы Begich Y. E.; Klyuev S. V.; Jos V. A.; Cherkashin A. V.
Выходные сведения 2020
Коллекция Общая коллекция
Тематика Строительство; Строительные материалы и изделия; fine-grained concrete; fiber materials; reinforced materials; strength of concrete; fiber-reinforced concrete cements; binder concrete; cement concretes; мелкозернистые бетоны; волокнистые материалы; армированные материалы; прочность бетонов; волокнисто-железобетонные цементы; вяжущие бетоны; цементные бетоны
УДК 691
ББК 38.3
Тип документа Статья, доклад
Тип файла PDF
Язык Английский
DOI 10.18720/MCE.97.2
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Ключ записи RU\SPSTU\edoc\66046
Дата создания записи 29.01.2021

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This paper investigates the strength properties of the fine-grained concrete reinforced with the amorphous fiber based on the Fe-B-C system and obtained by the "spinning" method, and concretes reinforced with commercially available types of fibers: fiber based on mineral wool, basalt fiber, fiberglass, steel and polypropylene fibers. The flexural and compressive strength tests with the fiber-reinforced concrete specimens were carried out in accordance with the standard method corresponding to the Russian State Standard. The analysis of results was made by comparison with the characteristics of the control specimens without reinforcement. The best flexural strength characteristics were shown by specimens with the amorphous fiber, while the highest compressive strength was demonstrated with the steel fiber. The addition of the amorphous fibers leads to an increase of 56 % in the flexural strength, but decreases the compressive strength by 30 % compared to the control specimens, which proves the efficiency of this fiber working in bending. The addition of the steel fiber shows an increase of 20 % in flexural strength and an increase of 14 % in compressive strength, which confirms the positive effect of adding a commercially available fiber to the fine-grained concrete. The compounds of the fiber concrete with the compression strength limit up to 38 MPa and tensile strength in bending up to 12 MPa were developed, which allows to use amorphous fiber as a compound of fine-grained concrete in the construction industry.

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