
Title: Magazine of Civil Engineering. — № 7 (99)
Organization: Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого
Imprint: Санкт-Петербург: СПбПУ, 2020
Collection: Общая коллекция
Subjects: Строительство; Сопротивление материалов; Строительная механика; Строительные материалы
UDC: 624.04(051); 69(051); 539.3/.6(051)
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
Rights: Свободный доступ из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Record key: RU\SPSTU\edoc\66079

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Table of Contents

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  • Contents
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Methods
    • 2.1. Governing equations and boundary conditions
    • 2.2. System Model Verification
    • 2.1.
    • 2.3. Numerical Values and Analysis Cases
  • 2.3.1. Model and Parameters
  • 3. Results and Discussion
    • 3.1. Main effects of parameters on the tower drift
    • a) Cases of hard soil
    • b) Cases of hard rock
    • 3.1.
    • 3.2. Main effects of parameters on the tower base shear coefficient
    • a) Cases of hard soil (1)
    • b) Cases of hard rock (1)
  • 1.
  • 4. Conclusions
  • Spatial analysis methodologies using multicriteria evaluation approaches
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Methods
    • 3. Result and Discussion
    • 4. Conclusion
  • Numerical simulation of concrete dam during heavy rain
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Methods
      • 2.1. Prediction of reservoir water temperature under the storm flood
      • 2.2. Calculation of rainfall-water level relationship
      • 2.3. Computing theory of temperature field
      • 2.4. Finite element model
      • 2.5. Calculation parameters
    • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 3.1. Analysis of Calculation Results
    • 4. Conclusion
    • 5. Acknowledgements
  • Earth pressure reduction on retaining walls using EPS geofoam
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Methods
    • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 3.1. Verification of FE Model
      • 3.2. Effect of Foam Thickness
      • 3.3. Effect of Foam Properties
      • 3.4. Effect of Surcharge Pressure
      • 3.5. Effect of Backfill Soil
    • 4. Conclusions
    • 5. Acknowledgement
  • Influence of polypropylene-fiber on the mechanical properties of self-compacting-concrete with recycled aggregates
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Methods
      • 2.1. Materials
      • 2.2. Mixing ratios and specimen preparation
      • 2.3. Setting and test methods
    • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 3.1. Fresh mix properties
      • 3.2. Properties of hardened concrete
    • 4. Conclusion
  • Mathematical model of concrete biological corrosion
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Methods
    • 3. Results and Discussion
    • 4. Conclusion
  • Transition factor between elastic and deformation moduli for dispersive soils
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Methods
      • 2.1. Triaxial tests
      • 2.2. Numerical modeling
      • 2.3. Transition factor kE
    • 3. Results and Discussion
    • 4. Conclusions
    • 5. Acknowledgements
  • Bearing capacity of drilled shaft in intermediate geomaterials
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Materials and methods
      • 2.1. Geological condition
      • 2.2. Static loading test and pull-out test
    • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 3.1. Loading test and pull-out test result
      • 3.2. FEM method results and comparison with measured results
      • 3.3. Side resistance correlation
    • 4. Conclusions
  • Bending torsion in Γ-shaped rigid and warping hinge joints
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Methods
      • 2.1. Rigid joint
      • 2.2. “Warping hinge” joints
    • 3. Results and Discussion
    • 4. Conclusion
  • Behavior of B-C connections damaged by thermal shock
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Methods
      • 2.1. Experimental Work Review
      • 2.2. Description of Non-linear Finite Element Analysis (NLFEA)
      • 2.3. Investigated Parameters
      • 2.4. Validation Process
    • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 3.1. Failure Mode
      • 3.2. Horizontal load-displacement hysteretic loops
      • 3.3. Horizontal load-displacement envelopes
      • 3.4. Ultimate horizontal load corresponding net drift displacement
      • 3.5. The displacement ductility
      • 3.6. Energy dissipation
      • 3.7. Secant stiffness degradation
      • 3.8. Comparison of NLFEA with other results
    • 4. Conclusions
  • The effect of formworks on the temperature regime in the mass concrete
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Materials and Methods
      • 2.1. Mathematical foundations of numerical modeling for solving the temperature problem
      • 2.2. Relationship of thermal stress and temperature field in concrete mass
      • 2.3. Evaluation criteria for thermal cracking in mass concrete
    • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 3.1. Object of study
      • 3.2. Research results
    • 4. Conclusions
  • Flange connections with high-strength bolts with technological heredity of bolts
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Methods
      • 2.1. The investigated flange joints
      • 2.2. Experimental investigation
      • 2.3. . FE models
      • 2.4. Metallographic test of bolts
    • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 3.1. . Experimental and numerical studies
      • 3.2. Metallographic studies
    • 4. Conclusions
    • 5. Acknowledgements
  • Deformations during drying of wooden corner elements of I-beams
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Methods
    • 3. Results and Discussion
    • 4. Conclusion


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