
Title: Glamping development based on reused shipping containers: выпускная квалификационная работа магистра: направление 38.04.02 «Менеджмент» ; образовательная программа 38.04.02_30 «Развитие международного бизнеса (международная образовательная программа)»
Creators: Сичака Хуаниас Джейссон Осуальдо
Scientific adviser: Тихонов Дмитрий Владимирович
Organization: Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого. Институт промышленного менеджмента, экономики и торговли
Imprint: Санкт-Петербург, 2023
Collection: Выпускные квалификационные работы; Общая коллекция
Subjects: туризм; инновации; строительство; устойчивое развитие; цели устойчивого развития; гламур; архитектура; инфраструктура; общественное развитие; tоurism; innоvаtiоn; cоnstructiоn; sustаinаbility; sustаinаblе dеvеlорmеnt gоаls; glаmрing; аrchitеcturе; infrаstructurе; cоmmunity dеvеlорmеnt
Document type: Master graduation qualification work
File type: PDF
Language: Russian
Level of education: Master
Speciality code (FGOS): 38.04.02
Speciality group (FGOS): 380000 - Экономика и управление
DOI: 10.18720/SPBPU/3/2023/vr/vr24-591
Rights: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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Record key: ru\spstu\vkr\27465

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СООБЩЕСТВЕННОЕ РАЗВИТИЕ. Тема магистерской диссертации: «Разработка глэмпинга на основе повторно используемых транспортных контейнеров». Целью исследования: Целью этого документа является предложение инновационной модульной конструкции из морских контейнеров для рынка туристических глэмпингов в России. Можно ли уменьшить воздействие на окружающую среду, используя строительство из морских контейнеров, основанное на переработке и экологичности. Исследование выполнялось на базе Архитектурные инновации и современная концепция рынка устойчивого глэмпинг-туризма. Предмет исследования: Для этого исследования взяты истории успеха различных типов глэмпинга в России, конструкции глэмпинга в Австралии, Чили, США и Колумбии, где контейнеры используются для развития глэмпинга. Методы исследования: В качестве учебного материала берется вторичная информация, оценивающая истории успеха других существующих проектов Glamring в России и их бизнесмоделей. Развитие туризма в мире и в России на основе исследований мировой организации туризма и увязки ее с устойчивостью. Важность превосходства во времени и развития устойчивых сообществ в будущем, выявления инновационных технологий на постоянно развивающемся рынке, оптимизации использования ресурсов за счет повторного использования и переработки.

The aim of the study: The purpose of this document is to propose the innovative modular construction through sea containers for the tourist glamping market in Russia. If it is possible to reduce the environmental impact using the construction with maritime containers, based on recycling and sustainability. The study was carried out on the basis of Architectural innovation and the modern concept of the sustainable glamping tourism market. Research subject: For this investigation, success stories are taken in Russia of different types of glamping, glamping construction designs in Australia, Chile, the United States and Colombia where containers are used to develop Glamping. Research methods: Secondary information is taken, as study material, evaluating success stories of other existing Glamring projects in Russia and their business models. Development of tourism worldwide and in Russia based on studies of the world tourism organization and linking it to sustainability. The importance of transcendence over time and the development of sustainable communities in the future, identifying innovative technologies in a constantly evolving market, optimizing the use of resources through reuse and recycling. The main results of the study: – It is determined that tourism and during the post-pandemic period is returning to the natural rhythm. However, considering the sanctions against Russia, domestic tourism in Russia has increased. – Maritime containers are strong, resistant and easy-to-transport structures, designed to transport objects within their internal capacity without suffering any type of destruction or deterioration, which allows them to be a possibility for the construction of modules in Glаmрing. – The reuse of this structure is also an important point that cannot be overlooked, taking into account that the volume of waste it entails is not less, so the containers that the waste can be used for multiple uses in addition to storage and the transport. – Their easy handling and shape make them stackable with each other, and they can be easily built due to their modular characteristics. The logistic processes, such as the acquisition processes of these containers, their costs, dimensions, characteristics are feasible to create a tourist project with this type of structure. – The properties of the container optimize the advantages of a space as well as the construction time, reducing the energy and economic cost of the project. In addition, it can meet the parameters and standards of comfort, acoustic insulation, seismic resistance and duration. Application field: Innovation in the tourism market in the transition towards a sustainable economy. Alternative architecture. Economic development in Russia. The scientific novelty of the study is Innovation and value creation of the tourist market in Russia with Glamping in containers. Reduction of times, less investment and greater durability of the construction. Conclusions. It is concluded that apart from reusing a large amount of material, the maritime container is quite comfortable to build with them, due to the easy handling of the modular structure. The feasibility of construction by reducing times, costs and increasing durability. Another finishing advantage is the easy mobility of factors through the Russian infrastructure.

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