
Title Russian-Chinese cooperation in the energy sector: выпускная квалификационная работа магистра: направление 41.04.01 «Зарубежное регионоведение» ; образовательная программа 41.04.01_03 «Российская Федерация (международная образовательная программа) / Russian Federation (International Educational Program)»
Creators Чэнь Пэнюй
Scientific adviser Васильева Наталия Алексеевна
Organization Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого. Гуманитарный институт
Imprint Санкт-Петербург, 2024
Collection Выпускные квалификационные работы; Общая коллекция
Subjects economy; energy; development; cooperation; strategy; world politics
Document type Master graduation qualification work
File type PDF
Language Russian
Level of education Master
Speciality code (FGOS) 41.04.01
Speciality group (FGOS) 410000 - Политические науки и регионоведение
DOI 10.18720/SPBPU/3/2024/vr/vr24-5871
Rights Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение)
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Record key ru\spstu\vkr\33118
Record create date 8/29/2024

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This paper mainly focuses on the characteristics of cooperation between China and Russia in the energy field and its future development prospects. In my paper, my research objectives are mainly carried out in several major aspects, such as the history of Sino-Russian cooperation in the energy field, the challenges faced in the field of energy cooperation, and the assessment of the prospects of Sino-Russian cooperation in the energy field. Among them, in analyzing the history of Sino-Russian energy, I focused on the events and decisive factors that influenced contemporary relations in the field. In analyzing the challenges faced in the field of energy cooperation, I mainly identified the priorities of Sino-Russian energy cooperation policy. In assessing the prospects of Sino-Russian cooperation in the energy field, I prioritized current trends and potential for future development. I studied and examined noteworthy cooperation, including the establishment of the Russian-Chinese oil pipeline and the implementation of the "Power of Siberia 1" and "Power of Siberia 2" projects, which showed that the cooperation between the two countries in the field of natural gas and oil is full of great potential. In this paper, I emphasize that this cooperation has brought mutually beneficial economic benefits, enhanced the energy security and independence of the two countries and Russias economic position in the Asian region.

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