
Title Градостроительные методы предотвращения развития неформальных поселений в городах Ближнего Востока (на примере республики Ирак): выпускная квалификационная работа магистра: направление 08.04.01 «Строительство» ; образовательная программа 08.04.01_17 «Городское строительство и хозяйство»
Creators Алгханнами Хуссейн Джассим Карим
Scientific adviser Романов Михаил Васильевич
Organization Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого. Инженерно-строительный институт
Imprint Санкт-Петербург, 2024
Collection Выпускные квалификационные работы; Общая коллекция
Subjects градостроительство; развитие; решения; территория; urban planning; development; solutions; territory
Document type Master graduation qualification work
File type PDF
Language Russian
Level of education Master
Speciality code (FGOS) 08.04.01
Speciality group (FGOS) 080000 - Техника и технологии строительства
DOI 10.18720/SPBPU/3/2024/vr/vr24-6694
Rights Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение)
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Record key ru\spstu\vkr\31099
Record create date 8/6/2024

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Целью выпускной квалификационной работы мастера является обустройство и очистка трущоб на Багдада. Заключительная подготовительная работа включает разработку трех глав: введение в проблему, исследование и планирование решения. В исследовательской части представлены методы развития трущоб: 1. Проблема 2- Методы решения из мирового опыта 3- Как найти правильное решение 4- Пример использования 5- Выбор стратегии 6- Внедрение градостроительных методов лечения в конкретном месте Практическая часть включает принятие принципов городского планирования для организации трущоб из трущоб в Багдаде (район АльШааб). Он включает следующие разделы: 1 - Первая гипотеза - это работа (анкета) и анализ анкеты в программе spss, где она была по 30 показателям по шкале Лайкерта по трем аспектам (1 - экономический аспект, 2 - социальный аспект. 3- политический аспект) 2- Вторая гипотеза, которая представляет собой работу над системой ГИС, включает анализ трущоб до и после 2003 года и анализ расширения и развития трущоб в период с 2003 года и после, а также в соответствии с аэрофотоснимками город Багдад. 3. Разработайте решения в области городского планирования для развития исследуемой территории (стратегия исцеления из трущоб, стратегия исцеления из трущоб): Применение принципов городского планирования для организации неформального жилья в Багдаде (район Аль-Шааб) -Частичное выселение с последующей перепланировкой участка - Разработка или обновление сайта 6 - Подготовка программы благоустройства города -Цели программы модернизации города -Улучшение жилищного фонда с архитектурной и строительной точки зрения и развитие трущоб путем планирования - Заинтересованные стороны и вклад в проект модернизации - Краткое изложение институциональной основы проекта модернизации Предложенные методологические принципы и методология разработки проблемы трущоб в городах станут актуальными после того, как закончится проектная идея развития трущоб в городах, особенно на Ближнем Востоке, и могут быть предложены для реализации и использования на практике разработчиками, девелоперами. и муниципальные власти.

In this chapter, according to the analysis of statistical data carried out in the third chapter, the first conclusions are drawn and, finally, proposals for improving the situation in urban planning and the organization of informal settlements are presented. According to various theoretical foundations and definitions, informal settlements are fabrics that are mainly located on the outskirts of cities and megacities of the country and are formed outside the official development plan. The inhabitants of these fabrics are low-income groups and arrogant immigrants. These fast-paced car textures lack safety, reliability, welfare, services and urban infrastructure. The reasons for the creation and formation of an informal settlement of high-rise projects. The uneven physical expansion of cities is one of the problems of the city and urbanization of the third world in the modern era; So during a continuous process, the physical boundaries and physical spaces of the city in the vertical and horizontal directions grow quantitatively and qualitatively, and if this process is rapid and unplanned, this will lead to a disproportionate combination of problem urban spaces, therefore one of the reasons why this trend, and one of its most important consequences is the marginalization of cities. The flow of urban development in Baghdad has doubled the urban population over the past thirty years, effectively exceeding the capacity of the government and municipalities to provide infrastructure, services and job creation in cities. In the third chapter, to examine the reasons for the establishment and expansion of informal settlements in Baghdad based on questionnaire questions that were conducted at three levels of economic, social and political over 30 items and field surveys, the results were obtained using the PCS software. The most important items that have the highest weight and average are: investments and government items of care on average 2.9, as well as items that people turn to fake work and the constant increase in the cost of living and housing, etc., respectively, in on average, 2.7 and 2.6 are in the highest echelons of power. More than 90% of them have fake jobs, and the government played little role in proper care and planning in order to organize these settlements. High crime and crime rates averaged 2.8, as well as high fertility rates and low safety rates for women and children with high average rates of 2.7 and 2.73, respectively. Residents of informal settlements have a socially low level. Each of the indicators can be said to have led in some way to the creation of informal settlements around the city of Baghdad. Among these three indicators, one of the important reasons for the formation of these settlements was the political index on average 2.46. The political issues that have the greatest impact on settlement include: elements of regional instability on average 2.77, as well as elements of political chaos, with the concentration of sites in Baghdad on average 2.7 and 2.69, respectively. ar. Due to the instability of security in Iraq in recent years, chaos reigns in the country, which has increased the migration and informal settlements around Baghdad. In the second part, gis software was used to study the area and location of informal settlements and to prove the increase in the number of these settlements in accordance with the second hypothesis. The results indicate an increase in the number of informal settlementsin the period before and after 2003, with the result that in the years before 2003 their area increased from 152 and 6328.7 hectares to 344 and 14680.02 hectares in the years after 2003. Among them, the districts of Al-Shaab and Al-Ghadir, with the highest percentage, have the largest number of informal settlements. Research is presented on maps. Baghdad, as the capital of Iraq, under the influence of political and economic conditions, led to overuse of land. According to Iraqi government sources, the number of casual neighborhoods and informal settlements in the city has skyrocketed since 2003, and these areas have negatively impacted the citys development and proper planning. According to the Iraqi Planning Ministry, by 2014, the number of informal slum dwellings in Iraqi cities, especially in Baghdad, excluding Kurdistan, is increasing by 346,881 houses at a rate of 7.3%, not to mention the growth of slums in Baghdad, which is approximately 6.9% of the total population. This increase is currently threatening various levels of security, economic, social, urban, environmental and other issues, making it a challenge facing society and all relevant government officials and bodies. Based on the results of the research, we continue to provide proposals and policies aimed at giving this region an intra-regional position and stemming from the social system of the region and the use of its potential facilities, which is what the city government hopes for. In order to eradicate informal settlement, raise public awareness and take measuresto resolve it.

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