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Название: Nematodes as model organisms
Другие авторы: Glazer Itamar; Shapiro-Ilan David I.,; Sternberg Paul W.,
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Nematodes.; Biological models.; Nématodes.; Modèles biologiques.; Biological models; Nematodes; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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"Nematodes, especially Caenorhabditis elegans have been used as a model for research in molecular biology since the 1960's. This is a much-needed update on research on fundamental processes in areas such as genetics, developmental biology, nutrition, toxicology, ecology, pharmacology and medicine"--.

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  • Cover
  • Nematodes as Model Organisms
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • 1 The Genus Pristionchus: a Model for Phenotypic Plasticity, Predatory Behavior, Self-Recognition and Other Complex Traits
    • Introduction
    • Evo-devo Beginnings and Developmental Systems Drift
    • Rapid Genome Evolution and Taxonomically Restricted Genes
    • The Phylogeny of the Genus Pristionchus
    • The Life History and Ecology of P. pacificus
    • Developmental Plasticity and Predatory Feeding
      • Mouth-form plasticity in P. pacificus
      • Genetic basis and environmental influence
      • eud-1 and the gene regulatory network
      • Mouth-form plasticity and evolutionary novelty
      • Convergent evolution of predation in nematodes and organismal consequences
    • From Behavior to Neuroscience
      • Predatory behaviors
      • Environmental sensing and its associated behaviors
    • Self-recognition and Cannibalism
    • Complex Small Molecule Chemistry
    • Conclusions and Outlook
    • References
  • 2 Aging
    • Introduction
    • Advantages of Worms for Aging Studies
    • Aging and Lifespan
    • Healthspan
    • History of C. elegans for Aging Research
    • The Insulin/IGF-1 Signaling Pathway
    • Dauer Formation and Longevity
    • Why IIS?
    • Tissues Changing with Age
    • Caloric Restriction (CR)
    • Additional Inputs to the IIS
      • C. elegans SIRT1/sir-2.1
      • Adenosine 5’monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK)
    • Target of Rapamycin (TOR)
    • Cellular Processes That Modulate Longevity
      • Autophagy
      • Protein translation
      • Mitophagy
    • Reproductive System
    • Summary/Future Studies
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
  • 3 Entomopathogenic Nematodes as a Model for Probing the Insect Immune System
    • Introduction
    • Entomopathogenic Nematode Life Cycle
      • Mutualism regulators
    • Insect Innate Immune Signaling and Function
      • Insect humoral immunity
        • Imd and Toll pathways
        • Other immune pathways
        • Insect cellular immunity
        • Coagulation
    • Nematode Immunomodulatory Strategies
      • Nematode immunomodulation in insects
    • Insect Immune Response to Entomopathogenic Nematodes
    • Conclusions and Perspectives
    • References
  • 4 The Use of the Root-knot Nematodes, Meloidogyne spp., for Studying Biotrophic Parasitic Interactions
    • Introduction: Root-knot Nematode, Meloidogyne spp., a Global Pest
    • Giant Cells, the Unique Feeding Structures of the Root-knot Nematodes
    • The Emergence of Plant Parasitism in Nematodes
    • Suppression, Manipulation and Induction of Host Defenses
      • Nematode NAMPS induce PTI in host plants
      • RKN effectors involvement in suppressing plant immunity system
    • Peptides Mimicking Plant Hormones – a Special Class of Effector
      • CLE-like peptide
      • C-terminally encoded peptides
      • IDA-like peptides
    • The Trend Toward Genome Reduction in Plant Parasites
    • Horizontal Acquisition of Parasitism Genes
    • The Repertoire of Plant Cell Wall- degrading Enzymes in Root-knot Nematode Genomes
    • References
  • 5 Nematodes as Models for Symbiosis
    • Introduction to Symbiosis
    • Diverse Nematode Models of Symbiosis
    • Entomopathogenic Nematodes: a Versatile Platform for Symbiosis Research
      • Discovery of entomopathogenic nematodes
      • Advancement of EPNs as a model for host–microbe interaction
      • EPNs as a model for host–microbe interaction
        • Bacterial surface proteins mediating host interactions
        • Nutrition and secondary metabolism
      • EPN–symbiont pairs as models of symbiont specificity and host switching
      • Role of non-obligate symbionts in EPN life cycles
      • Advantages of EPNs as a model system for symbiosis research
      • Nematode–microbiome models of insect and gastropod pathogenesis
    • C. elegans as a Model for Symbiosis
      • History of microbial community research in C. elegans
      • C. elegans as a model for host–microbe interaction
        • Characterization of native microbiome of Caenorhabditis
        • Tools for microbiome research
      • Responding to bacteria: C. elegans innate immunity
      • Advantages of C. elegans as a model system for symbiosis research
    • Nematode Models of Intracellular Endosymbiosis
      • The intracellular endosymbionts of an insect-parasitic nematode
      • Filarial parasitic nematodes
        • Transmission mechanisms of Wolbachia in Brugia malayi
        • Brugia malayi and wBm Wolbachia genomes
        • Wolbachia endosymbionts as a therapeutic target
      • Advantages of filarial nematodes as a model system for symbiosis research
    • Plant-parasitic Nematodes (PPNs)
      • Cardinium and Wolbachia endosymbionts of PPNs
      • Xiphinematobacter endosymbionts
      • Advantages of PPNs as a model system for symbiosis research
    • Chemosynthetic Intracellular Endosymbionts and Ectosymbionts of Marine Nematodes
      • Marine nematodes with intracellular endosymbionts
      • Stilbonematine nematodes with ectosymbionts
      • The molecular and cellular basis of ectosymbiosis
      • Advantages and future directions of marine nematode–thiosymbiont interactions as a model system for symbiosis research
    • Conclusions
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
  • 6 Nematode Pharmacology: Neurotransmitters, Receptors, and Experimental Approaches
    • Introduction
    • Main Pharmacological Models: Advantages and Limitations
    • Overview of Neurotransmitter Receptor Systems and Intracellular Signaling Cascades
      • Acetylcholine (ACh)
      • 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin)
      • Dopamine (DA)
      • Tyramine (TYR)
      • Octopamine (OA)
      • Glutamate
      • GABA
      • Nitric oxide (NO)
      • Neuropeptides
    • C. elegans and Drug Discovery
    • Outlook
    • References
  • 7 Nematodes as Ecological and Environmental Indicators
    • Introduction
    • Toxicity Testing
      • Single-species toxicity testing
        • Chemical and material testing
        • Standardization
        • Testing of environmental samples
        • Eco(toxico)logical modeling
        • Toxicokinetic modeling
      • Multi-species toxicity testing (model ecosystems)
      • In situ bioindication
        • The NemaSPEAR[%]-index for freshwater systems
        • Trait-based indices for soil systems
    • Nematodes in Ecological Metacommunity Models
      • Model of metacommunity structure
      • Models of biodiversity
    • Conclusions
    • References
  • 8 Use in Soil Agro-Ecology
    • Introduction: Soil as Live Resource
    • Nematodes as Soil Organisms
    • Evaluation of the Nematodes in the Soil for Ecological Studies
      • Isolation of nematodes
      • Method for identification and quantification: from visual to molecular approaches
      • Functional diversity and the employment of indexes for ecological approaches
    • Examples of Use of Nematodes as Model System in Soil Ecology Approaches
      • Use of nematodes as model system in plant protection
      • Use of nematodes as model system in community changes due to disturbance
    • Conclusions and Future Directions
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
  • 9 Stress and Survival Mechanisms
    • Introduction
    • Nematode Life Cycle in Relation to Survival
    • The Nematode Species Used for Survival Studies
    • How Nematodes Encounter Extreme Conditions
      • Desiccation tolerance
      • Osmotic stress
      • Extreme temperatures
        • Cold tolerance
        • Heat tolerance
      • Oxidative stress
    • Conclusions and Future Directions
    • References
  • 10 Molecular Toxicology in Caenorhabditis elegans
    • Introduction
    • Oxidative Stress-related Molecular Signals
      • Roles of mitochondrial complex signals
        • Complex I (NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase)
        • Complex II (succinate ubiquinone oxidoreductase)
        • Complex III
        • Complex IV
        • Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone, CoQ) synthesis
      • Roles of superoxide dismutases (SODs)
      • Roles of catalase (CTL-1-3) proteins
      • Roles of glutathione-requiring prostaglandin D synthases (GSTs)
    • MAPK Signaling Pathways
      • p38 MAPK signaling pathway
        • Duox1/BLI-3
        • TIR-1 and VHP-1
        • MEK-1
        • Mitochondrial complex I
      • JNK signaling pathway
      • ERK signaling pathway
        • SOD-3
        • Antimicrobial proteins
        • MTL-1 and MTL-2
        • NATC-1
        • HSF-1
        • GPD-2
        • SMK-1
        • AAK-2
        • HCF-1
        • SIR-2.1/SIRT1
        • PRDX-2
    • Insulin and the Related Signaling Pathways
    • Development-related Signaling Pathways
      • Wnt signaling pathway
        • POP-1
        • DAF-16
        • UNC-62
        • EGL-5
        • PRX-5
      • TGF-β signaling pathway
        • DBL-1-mediated TGF-β signaling pathway
        • DAF-7-mediated TGF-β signaling pathway
      • Notch signaling pathway
      • Developmental timing control-related signals
        • HBL-1 and LIN-41
        • SDZ-24
    • Cell Death and DNA Damage-related Signaling Pathways
      • Apoptosis signaling pathway
      • DNA damage signaling pathway
        • mir-360
        • ABL-1
        • NOL-6
    • Metabolism-related Signaling Pathways
      • Functions of fat metabolic sensors
        • SBP-1
        • NHR-49
        • MDT-15
        • NHR-80
      • AMPK signaling pathway
      • ACC and FAS
      • FAT-6 and FAT-7
      • ELO proteins
      • Fatty acid transport protein ACS-22
    • Protective Response-related Signaling Pathways
      • Antimicrobial proteins
      • Mitochondrial unfolded protein response (mt UPR)
      • Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) UPR
        • HSP-4
        • ABU (activated in blocked UPR) proteins
        • p38 MAPK signaling cascade (PMK-1-SKN-1/ATF-7)
        • MDT-15 and SBP-1
        • CDC-48-RUVB-2 signaling cascade
        • CED-1
      • Autophagy
      • Mitophagy
    • G-Protein Coupled Receptors and Ion Channels and Downstream Cytoplasmic Signals
      • GPCRs
        • Epidermal DCAR-1
        • Intestinal FSHR-1
        • Neuropeptide receptors
        • Neuronal SRH-220
      • Ion channels
        • Cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels
        • Voltage-gated calcium ion channel UNC-2
        • Potassium ion channel KVS-1
        • Chloride intracellular channel EXL-1
      • ARR-1/arrestin
      • G proteins
        • Gqα signaling
        • Goα signaling
      • PLC-DAG-PKD signaling
        • PLC-PKD-TFEB signaling cascade
        • DKF-2
      • Ca2+ signaling
        • UNC-31
        • CRT-1
    • Epigenetic Regulation of Toxicity of Environmental Toxicants or Stresses
      • Methylation regulation
        • Methylation of histone H3K4
        • Methylation of histone H3K9
        • Methylation of HIS-24K14
        • Methylated glycans
      • Histone acetylation regulation
        • MYST family histone acetyltransferase complex
        • N-terminal acetyltransferase C (NAT) complex
        • CBP-1
      • MicroRNAs (miRNAs) regulation
      • LncRNAs regulation
      • Circular RNAs (circRNAs)
    • Perspectives
    • References
  • 11 Nematode Use for Testing Theoretical Models of Behavioral Ecology
    • Introduction: Models of Behavioral Ecology
    • Resource Acquisition
      • Foraging
      • Recognition
      • Exploitation
      • Optimal strategies above and beyond resource acquisition: bet hedging and the preference–performance hypothesis
    • Competition
    • Communication and Dispersal
    • Aging and Behavior
      • Aging of free-living nematodes
      • Impact of aging on mobility and locomotion
      • Aging of parasitic nematodes
      • Impact of aging on infectivity in parasitic nematodes
      • Strategies to delay the effects of aging
    • Learning
    • Conclusions
    • References
  • 12 Entomopathogenic Nematodes as Models for Inundative Biological Control
    • Introduction
      • Basic biology and life cycle
      • Foraging behavior
      • Biocontrol production and application technology
      • Justification of EPNs as a model system for inundative biocontrol
    • Factors Affecting Efficacy
      • Abiotic factors
      • Biotic factors
    • Approaches to Improve Efficacy
      • Improving production technology
      • Improving formulation and application technology
    • Biocontrol in Practice: Successes and Failures
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • 13 Parasitic Nematodes: Model Systems for Studying Parasitism and Pathogenesis
    • Introduction: Origin of Parasitism in Nematoda
      • Fossil records and phylogenetic hypotheses
      • Evolutionary trajectories of nematode parasites and bacteria symbioses
        • Animal and human parasites: filarial nematodes
        • Insect parasites: entomopathogenic nematodes
        • Plant parasites
    • Parasitic Nematode Models
      • Animal and human parasites: filarial nematodes
        • Life cycle
        • Microfilariae–vector host interactions
        • Regulation of host’s immune response
        • Experimental models
      • Insect parasites: entomopathogenic nematodes
        • Life cycle
        • Role of the infective juvenile stage
        • Experimental models
      • Plant parasites
        • Life cycle
        • Experimental models
    • Role of Symbionts in Disease Control
      • Filarial symbionts
      • Entomopathogenic nematode symbionts
      • Plant parasite symbionts
    • Emerging Tools for the Study of Parasitism and Pathogenesis of Nematode–Bacteria Partnerships
    • References
  • 14 Genetic Improvement of Beneficial Organisms
    • Introduction
    • Approaches to Genetic Improvement
      • Discovery
      • Selection
      • Hybridization
      • Mutagenesis and genetic engineering approaches
    • Case Studies: Improvement of Nematode Efficacy
    • Case Study: Improvement of Survival and Persistence
    • Trait Stability
    • Future Prospects of Genetic Improvement in EPNs
    • References
  • Index
  • Back Cover

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