
Title: Geochemistry of Geologic CO2 Sequestration
Other creators: Bourg Ian C.,; Cole David R.,; DePaolo Donald J.,; Navrotsky Alexandra
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Adsorption.; Gasspeicherung.; Mineralisation.; Treibhausgas.; Geological carbon sequestration.; Geochemistry.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Record key: on1083622989

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Volume 77 of Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry focuses on important aspects of the geochemistry of geological CO2 sequestration. It is in large part an outgrowth of research conducted by members of the U.S. Department of Energy funded Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) known as the Center for Nanoscale Control of Geologic CO2 (NCGC). Eight out of the 15 chapters have been led by team members from the NCGC representing six of the eight partner institutions making up this center - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (lead institution, D. DePaolo - PI), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, The Ohio State University, the University of California Davis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Washington University, St. Louis.

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Table of Contents

  • Reviews
  • Preface
  • 1. Geochemistry of Geologic Carbon Sequestration: An Overview
  • 2. Natural Analogues
  • 3. Thermodynamics of Carbonates
  • 4. PVTX Properties of H2 0-C02-"salt" at PTX Conditions Applicable to Carbon Sequestration in Saline Formations
  • 5. Experimental Perspectives of Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation due to Carbon Dioxide-Water-Rock Interactions
  • 6. Molecular Simulation of C02- and C03-Brine-Mineral Systems
  • 7. In situ Investigations of Carbonate Nucleation on Mineral and Organic Surfaces
  • 8. Pore Scale Processes Associated with Subsurface C02 Injection and Sequestration
  • 9. Carbon Mineralization: From Natural Analogues to Engineered Systems
  • 10. Acid Gases in C02-rich Subsurface Geologic Environments
  • 11. Geochemical Monitoring for Potential Environmental Impacts of Geologic Sequestration of C02
  • 12. Multi-scale Imaging and Simulation of Structure, Flow and Reactive Transport for C02 Storage and EOR in Carbonate Reservoirs
  • 13. Caprock Fracture Dissolution and C02 Leakage
  • 14. Capillary Pressure and Mineral Wettability Influences on Reservoir C02 Capacity
  • 15. Geochemistry of Wellbore Integrity in C02 Sequestration: Portland Cement-Steel-Brine-C02 Interactions

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