
Title: Crystal Growth of Intermetallics
Creators: Binnewies Michael.; Dolinšek Janez.; Failamani Fainan.; Feuerbacher Michael.; Fisk Zachary.
Other creators: Gille Peter; Grin Yuri; Guélou Gabin.; Guo Quansheng.; Hedo Masato.; Henkie Zygmunt.; Ipser Herbert.; Kakihana Masashi.; Mori Takao.; Ōnuki Yoshichika.; Prokofiev Andrey.; Rosa Priscila.; Schmidt Marcus.; Vaney Jean-Baptiste.
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Crystal growth.; Intermetallic compounds.; SCIENCE / Physics / Crystallography; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
Rights: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Record key: on1083627436

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Intermetallic compounds are in the focus of solid-state research for a wide range of future applications, e.g. in heterogeneous catalysis, for thermoelectric generators, and basic research of quantum critical effects. A comprehensive overview is given on various crystal growth techniques that are particularly adopted to intermetallic phases. Experienced authors from leading institutes give detailed descriptions of the specific problems in crystal growth of intermetallic compounds and approaches to solve them.

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Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Contents
  • List of Contributing Authors
  • Intermetallic compounds and their single crystals
  • Phase diagrams for crystal growth of intermetallics
  • Flux methods for growth of intermetallic single crystals
  • Single crystal growth of intermetallics by the Czochralski method
  • Floating zone growth of intermetallic compounds
  • Chemical vapor transport of intermetallics
  • Growth of high-entropy alloys
  • Crystal growth of the filled skutterudite arsenides by the flux method under enhanced vapor pressure
  • High-quality single crystal growth in heavy fermion compounds
  • Crystal growth of intermetallic thermoelectric materials
  • Electronic transport properties of complex intermetallics
  • Index

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