
Title: Land of fertility III: the southeast Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Muslim conquest
Other creators: Miszk Łukasz; Wacławik Maciej
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: HISTORY / World.; Antiquities.; Civilization.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Record key: on1097665111

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"The papers in this volume are based on presentations given at the third and fourth international conferences of the ""Land of Fertility: The Southeast Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Muslim Conquest"" series. The first of them 'The Migration of People, Goods and Ideas in Ancient Times', was held at the Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, on June 10-11 2016 ... The fourth conference, entitled 'Egyptian Perspective: Ancient civilisations in relation to The Two Lands', was held on June 9-10, 2017."--Preface.

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Table of Contents

  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • Chapter One
  • Chapter Two
  • Chapter Three
  • Chapter Four
  • Chapter Five
  • Chapter Six
  • Chapter Seven
  • General Bibliography
  • List of Contributors

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