
Title: Investigating language as social (Inter-)Action: the 15th Conference on British and American Studies
Other creators: Burada Marinela; Tatu Oana; Sinu Raluca
Organization: Conference on British and American Studies
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Sociolinguistics — Congresses.; POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Cultural Policy.; SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / Cultural.; SOCIAL SCIENCE / Popular Culture.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Record key: on1104346117

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This volume consists of papers presented during the 15th Conference on British and American Studies, held at Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania. It reflects the work conducted by senior and junior researchers on a range of interesting topics falling into the wider scope of cognitive linguistics, language contact, translation and lexicography. The investigations reported here are streamlined into three chapters. The first, "Native Language Explorations and Acquisition", has Romanian as its central theme.

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Table of Contents

  • Table of Contents
  • Chapter I
  • Romanian as an Object of Investigation
  • Aspectual Verbs in Romanian
  • Two Types of Complement for One (Type of) Aspectual Verb in Romanian
  • Modern Romanian NPIs
  • The Acquisition of Epistemic Modality in a Romanian-Hungarian Bilingual Context
  • Sensitivity to Negative and Positive Polarity in Child Romanian
  • Chapter II
  • English as an Object of Investigation
  • Early Jamaican Creole Syllable Structure
  • Anglicism Usage in a Swedish Daily Blog
  • On the Similarity between Factive Verbs and Manner of Speaking Verbs
  • Phytonyms in Idiomatic Expressions
  • Representation of Rural Communities in American and Romanian Local Newspapers
  • Chapter III
  • Language and Culture in Translation
  • Dictionarese or not Really?
  • On the Outside Matter of Romanian Online Dictionaries
  • Translating Animal Metaphors in Shakespeare’s Hamlet
  • Challenges in Translating Collective Nouns
  • Adequacy or Acceptability in the Translation of Patient Information Leaflets
  • List of Contributors
  • Index

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