
Title: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament ;. Qumran, early Judaism, and New Testament interpretation: Kleine Schriften III. — 424. — 1. Aufl.
Creators: Frey Jörg
Other creators: Cerone Jacob N.
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Qumran community.; Judaism — History; Christology.; Hermeneutics.; Paul; Jesus; Dead Sea Scrolls; Canon; Dualism; Neues Testament; Antike Religionsgeschichte; Antike; Religionswissenschaft; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Back cover: How did the Qumran discoveries change New Testament scholarship? What are the main insights to be gained from the Qumran corpus with regard to the Jesus tradition, Paul's language and theology, the dualistic language and worldview of the Fourth Gospel, or the formation of the biblical Canon? The articles of this volume present the fruits of 25 years of scholarship on Qumran and the New Testament.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Titel
  • Preface
  • Table of Contents
  • Abbreviations
  • Introduction: Qumran, Ancient Judaism, and the New Testament
    • A. My Story with Qumran
    • B. Insights and Aims
    • C. The Present Volume
  • I. Introductory Essays
    • 1. New Testament Scholarship and Ancient Judaism: Problems – Perceptions – Perspectives
      • A. Problems: The Perception of Judaism in Christian Exegesis
      • B. New Perceptions: The Qumran-Discoveries, the Insights into the Plurality of Ancient Judaism, and the Changed Questions about Jesus and Paul
      • C. Perspectives: Theses on the Hermeneutical Task of New Testament Research with Regard to Ancient Judaism
    • 2. Qumran: An Overview
      • A. Location and Archaeology
      • B. The Textual Discoveries
      • C. Qumran, the Essenes, and the Yaḥad
      • D. The Textual Discoveries and their Significance for Early Christianity
      • E. Conclusion
  • II. Qumran and Early Jewish Texts
    • 3. Qumran Research and Biblical Scholarship in Germany
      • A. The Context of Qumran Scholarship in the Period after the Second World War
      • B. Scholars, Insights, and Projects
    • 4. Qumran and Archaeology
      • A. The Ruins of Khirbet Qumran up to their Interpretation by Roland de Vaux
      • B. The Revival of the Discussion about the Texts and the Advent of Alternative Archaeological Interpretations of Khirbet Qumran
      • C. The State of the Discussion and Remaining Questions
    • 5. On the Historical Value of the Ancient Sources about the Essenes
      • A. Introduction
      • B. The Older Research: Walter Bauer’s Framework as a Paradigm
      • C. The Problems of the Ancient Texts about the Essenes
      • D. Ronald Bergmeier’s Source Analysis and Its Problems
      • E. The Ancient Reports about the Essenes and the Library of Qumran
    • 6. The Qumran Discoveries and the Understanding of Apocalypticism
      • A. Preliminary Questions
      • B. Apocalypticism in the Texts from Qumran
      • C. The Contribution of the Qumran Texts to the Understanding of Apocalypticism
    • 7. Different Patterns of Dualistic Thought in the Qumran Library: Reflections on their Background and History
      • A. Reopening the Issue
      • B. The Complex Pattern of Dualism in 1QS III 13–IV 26, its Sapiential Background and Reception
      • C. The Pattern of Sheer Cosmic Dualism, its Sectarian Reception
      • D. Conclusions and Perspectives for Further Discussion
    • 8. Apocalyptic Dualism: Its Formation and Early History
      • A. Dualism as a Category of Scholarship
      • B. The Hebrew Bible and its Context
      • C. The Emergence of Dualistic Views in the Earliest Period of Jewish Apocalypticism
      • D. The Different Patterns of Dualism Represented in the Qumran Corpus
      • E. “This World and the World to Come”
      • F. The Reception of Apocalyptic Dualism in Early Christian Thought
    • 9. On the Origins of the Genre “Literary Testament”: Farewell Discourses in the Qumran Library and Their Relevance for the History of the Genre
      • A. Literary Testaments and Farewell Discourses in Biblical Scholarship
      • B. Criteria of the Genre “Testament”
      • C. The Evidence from the Qumran Library
      • D. Conclusions and Further Perspectives
    • 10. The New Jerusalem Text in Its Historical and Traditio-Historical Context
      • A. Form and Genre of the New Jerusalem Text
      • B. Origin and Date
      • C. Traditio-Historical Context
    • 11. The Testimonies about the Communal Meals from Qumran
      • A. The Qumranic Communal Meals in Scholarship
      • B. The Sources about the Essene Meals
      • C. The Meal Regulations of the Ya?ad from the Qumran Corpus
      • D. Consequences and Outlook: The Meals of the Ya?ad and the Lord’s Supper
    • 12. The Authority of the Scriptures of Israel in the Qumran Corpus
      • A. The Qumran Library as a Paradigm-Shift in Canon-Research and the Pattern of a “Canonical Process”
      • B. The Qumran Corpus
      • C. Criteria of Authority or “Canonicity”
      • D. Writings Considered Authoritative
      • E. Conclusions
    • 13. The Worldview in the Book of Jubilees
      • A. The Temporal Structure
      • B. The Spatial Structure
      • C. The Worldview in the Book of Jubilees and the Function of Chronology and Topography
    • 14. Temple and Rival Temple: The Cases of Elephantine Mt. Gerizim, and Leontopolis
      • A. The Jewish Temple at Elephantine in Upper Egypt
      • B. The Samaritan Temple on Mt. Gerizim
      • C. Onias’ Temple at Leontopolis in Lower Egypt
      • D. Some Points for Comparison
  • III. Qumran, the New Testament, and New Testament Scholarship
    • 15. Critical Issues in the Investigation of the Scrolls and the New Testament
      • A. The Scrolls and New Testament Scholarship
      • B. Patterns of Relating the Scrolls and the New Testament or Early Christianity
      • C. Methodological Considerations
      • D. Insights on John the Baptist, Jesus, Paul, and John
      • E. Summary and Perspectives
    • 16. The Impact of the Dead Sea Scrolls on New Testament Interpretation: Proposals, Problems, and Further Perspectives
      • A. Four Periods of Discussion
      • B. Four Problematic Patterns
      • C. Some Methodological Considerations
      • D. Two Major Test Cases
      • E. Conclusions and Perspectives for Further Research
    • 17. The Textual Discoveries of Qumran and New Testament Scholaship: A Mediating Balance, Hermeneutical Considerations, and Concretions on the Jesus Tradition
      • A. A Double Introduction
      • B. The Change of the Questions: From Older to Newer Qumran Research
      • C. Methodological and Hermeneutical Considerations concerning the Comparison of Qumran and New Testament Texts
      • D. The “Historical” Jesus and the Jesus Tradition
      • E. Messianism and Christology
      • F. Concluding Thoughts and Perspectives
    • 18. Jesus, Paul, and the Texts from the Dead Sea: Research History and Hermeneutical Perspectives
      • A. Qumran and the New Testament – The Questions of the Older and Newer Research
      • B. Hermeneutical Horizons: Qumran Texts between Politics, Religion, and Scholarship
    • 19. The Character and Background of Matt 5:25–26: On the Value of Qumran Literature in New Testament Interpretation
      • A. The Court Scene of Matt 5:25–26 in its Matthean Context
      • B. Interpreting the Scene in Matthew and Luke
      • C. The Original Form: A Prudential Advice, Not a Parable
      • D. The Sapiential Background: Advice on Loans and Surety
      • E. The Social Background: Debt Imprisonment and Debt Slavery
    • 20. Paul’s View of the Spirit in Light of Qumran
      • A. Preliminaries: “Paul and Qumran” and Changes in Scholarship
      • B. Early Experiences of the Spirit and the Development and Background of Paul’s Views
      • C. The Notion of Spirit in Qumran
      • D. Paul, Qumran, and the Spirit: Some Concluding Perspectives
    • 21. Flesh and Spirit in the Palestinian Jewish Sapiental Tradition and in the Qumran Texts: An Inquiry into the Background of Pauline Usage
      • A. The Problem: The Antithesis of “Flesh” and “Spirit” in Paul
      • B. The Religio-Historical Issue in the Scholarly Debate
      • C. Flesh and Spirit in the Hellenistic-Jewish Tradition
      • E. The New Evidence from 1Q/4QInstruction and 1Q/4QMysteries
      • F. Somes Semantic and Traditio-Historical Trajectories
      • G. The Sapiential Traditions and the Pauline Usage of S???
    • 22. Contextualizing Paul’s “Works of the Law”: MMT in New Testament Scholarship
      • A. The Scholarly Framework: The Qumran Discoveries and the New Testament
      • B. The “Works of the Law” and the Debate about Pauline Theology
      • C. Other Parallels
      • D. Conclusion
    • 23. Recent Perspectives on Johannine Dualism and Its Background
      • A. A Fresh Look at Earlier Comparisons
      • B. Six Reasons for Revision
      • C. Dualism in the Johannine Corpus
      • D. Whence Johannine Dualism?
    • 24. Qumran and the Biblical Canon
      • A. Aspects of the Theological Discussion of Canon
      • B. The Term “Canon” and Its Application to the Christian Collection of the Writings of the “Bible”
      • C. Questions and Perspectives concerning the Emergence of the New Testament and Christian Canon
      • D. The Text Discoveries of Qumran and the Question of the Development of the Emergence of the Hebrew Canon
  • Original Publication Information
  • Index of Ancient Sources
  • Author Index
  • Index of Subjects
  • Index of Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek Words

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