
Title: Modelling world Englishes: a joint approach to postcolonial and non-postcolonial varieties
Other creators: Buschfeld Sarah; Kautzsch Alexander
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: English language — Variation.; English language; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Record key: on1176323343

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This book brings together two types of varieties of English that have so far been treated separately: postcolonial and non-postcolonial Englishes. It examines these varieties of English against the backdrop of current World Englishes theory, with a special focus on the extra- and Intra-Territorial Forces (EIF) Model.

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Table of Contents

  • Half-title
  • Title page
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Figures and Tables
  • Contributors
  • Foreword
  • 01 CHAPTER 1 Introduction
  • 02 CHAPTER 2 English in England: The Parent Perspective
  • 03 CHAPTER 3 English in Namibia: Multilingualism and Ethnic Variation in the Extra- and Intra-territ
  • 04 CHAPTER 4 English in the United Arab Emirates: Status and Functions
  • 05 CHAPTER 5 English in India: Global Aspirations, Local Identities at the Grassroots
  • 06 CHAPTER 6 English in Singapore: Two Issues for the EIF Model
  • CHAPTER 7 English in the Philippines: A Case of Rootedness and Routedness
  • CHAPTER 8 English in South Korea: Applying the EIF Model
  • CHAPTER 9 English in Japan: The Applicability of the EIF Model
  • CHAPTER 10 English in Australia - Extra-territorial Influences
  • CHAPTER 11 English in North America: Accounting for its Evolution
  • CHAPTER 12 English in The Bahamas and Developmental Models of World Englishes: A Critical Analysis
  • CHAPTER 13 Standard English in Trinidad: Multinormativity, Translocality, and Implications for the D
  • CHAPTER 14 Englishes in the Atlantic Ocean Englishes in Tristan da Cunha, St Helena, Bermuda and the
  • CHAPTER 15 English in Ireland: Intra-territorial Perspectives on Language Contact
  • CHAPTER 16 English in Gibraltar: Applying the EIF Model to English in Non-Postcolonial Overseas Terr
  • CHAPTER 17 English in Ghana: Extra- and Intra-territorial Forces in a Developmental Perspective
  • CHAPTER 18 Synopsis: Fine-tuning the EIF Model
  • Index

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