
Title: Polylogues on the mental lexicon: an exploration of fundamental issues and directions
Other creators: Libben Gary; Jarema Gonia; Kuperman Victor ((Professor of linguistics),)
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Psycholinguistics.; Language and culture.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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"From its beginnings, the study of the mental lexicon has been at the crossroads of research and scholarship. This volume presents a polylogue--a textual conversation of many voices. It is designed to capture the excitement within the field and generate a deeper understanding of key issues and debates for established researchers, students, and readers interested in language and cognition. The first chapter examines how the mental lexicon itself can be seen as a polylogue. In the following six chapters, authors tackle the fundamental questions concerning future research on lexical representation and processing in an interactive structure that presents new perspectives and captures the excitement of the field. The themes include the value of cross-linguistic megastudies, the nature of meaning, how to capture truly natural language, what can be learned from lexical acquisition, the advantages of a functionalist perspective, and the role of schemas in understanding morphology and the lexicon"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Polylogues on The Mental Lexicon
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Table of contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1. The mental lexicon as polylogue
    • Roots of the polylogue
    • The polylogue as conversation and text
    • Structural topic modeling applied to the mental lexicon as polylogue
    • The value of structural topic modeling in capturing polylogues and creating opportunities
    • From the observers to the observed: The mental lexicon as polylogue
    • The thematic polylogue
    • References
  • Chapter 2. Meta-megastudies
    • Thesis
    • Commentaries on Myers thesis
      • Ray Jackendoff commentary on Myers thesis
      • Dorit Ravid commentary on Myers thesis
      • Russel Richie commentary on Myers thesis
      • Benjamin Tucker commentary on Myers thesis
      • Chris Westbury commentary on Myers
    • The article
      • The need for meta-megastudies
      • The challenges of meta-megastudies
      • Confounded variables
      • Typological language sampling
      • Infrastructure for meta-megastudies
      • Conclusions
    • References
  • Chapter 3. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain: Explaining semantics without semantics
    • Thesis
    • Commentaries on Westbury thesis
      • Ray Jackendoff commentary on Westbury thesis
      • James Myers commentary on Westbury thesis
      • Dorit Ravid commentary on Westbury thesis
      • Russel Richie commentary on Westbury thesis
      • Benjamin Tucker commentary on Westbury thesis
    • The article
      • What makes an explanation non-dormitive?
      • Mapping lexical semantics into other domains
      • Semantics as a mapping from multiple domains
      • Explaining semantics without semantics
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • References
  • Chapter 4. Why we need to investigate casual speech to truly understand language production, processing and the mental lexicon
    • Thesis
    • Commentaries on Tucker and Ernestus thesis
      • Ray Jackendoff commentary on Tucker and Ernestus thesis
      • James Myers commentary on Tucker and Ernestus thesis
      • Dorit Ravid commentary on Tucker and Ernestus thesis
      • Russel Richie commentary on Tucker and Ernestus thesis
      • Chris Westbury commentary on Tucker and Ernestus thesis
    • The article
      • Why casual speech has attracted so little attention within psycholinguistics
      • Relevance of differences between casual and careful speech for psycholinguistics
      • Challenges and opportunities for research on the production of casual speech
      • Challenges and opportunities for research on the comprehension of casual speech
      • Where do we think psycholinguistic research should go?
    • Funding
    • References
  • Chapter 5. Hebrew adjective lexicons in developmental perspective: Subjective register and morphology
    • Thesis
    • Commentaries on Ravid et al. thesis
      • Ray Jackendoff commentary on Ravid et al. thesis
      • James Myers commentary on Ravid et al. thesis
      • Russell Richie commentary on Ravid et al. thesis
      • Benjamin Tucker commentary on Ravid et al. thesis
      • Chris Westbury commentary on Ravid et al. thesis
    • The article
      • Adjectives
      • Morphology as a developmental criterion
      • Familiarity as index
      • Register
      • Method
      • Results
      • The Five adjective lexicons: Semantic and morphological analyses
      • Discussion
    • References
  • Chapter 6. Functionalism in the lexicon: Where is it, and how did it get there?
    • Thesis
    • Commentaries on Richie thesis
      • Ray Jackendoff commentary on Richie thesis
      • James Myers commentary on Richie thesis
      • Dorit Ravid commentary on Richie thesis
      • Benjamin Tucker commentary on Richie thesis
      • Chris Westbury commentary on Richie thesis
    • The article
      • Goals of the current review
      • Functionalism in the phonological lexicon
      • Functionalism in lexical-semantics
      • Issues with functionalist accounts of the lexicon
      • Future directions – additional ways to assess functionalism in the lexicon
      • The emergence of functionalism in the lexicon: Current and future directions
      • Conclusion
    • References
  • Chapter 7. Morphological schemas: Theoretical and psycholinguistic issues
    • Thesis
    • Commentaries on Jackendoff and Audring thesis
      • James Myers commentary on Jackendoff and Audring thesis
      • Dorit Ravid commentary on Jackendoff and Audring thesis
      • Russell Richie commentary on Jackendoff and Audring thesis
      • Benjamin Tucker commentary on Jackendoff and Audring thesis
      • Chris Westbury commentary on Jackendoff and Audring thesis
    • The Article
      • 1. Overall goals
      • 2. Representations in relational morphology
      • 3. Acquisition of productive schemas relies on the relational function
      • 4. Theory of processing: Basic assumptions
      • 5. Schemas in processing
      • 6. Conclusions
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
  • Author index
  • Subject index

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