Title | Lattice quantum field theory of the Dirac and gauge fields: selected topics |
Creators | Baaquie B. E. |
Imprint | Singapore: World Scientific, 2020 |
Collection | Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция |
Subjects | Lattice gauge theories.; Quantum field theory.; Lattice field theory.; Dirac equation.; Quantum chromodynamics.; World Scientific Publishing eBooks Collection |
Document type | Other |
File type | Other |
Language | English |
Rights | Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование) |
Record key | 00011536 |
Record create date | 8/6/2020 |
"Quantum Chromodynamics is the theory of strong interactions: a quantum field theory of colored gluons (Yang-Mills gauge fields) coupled to quarks (Dirac fermion fields). Lattice gauge theory is defined by discretizing spacetime into a four-dimensional lattice -- and entails defining gauge fields and Dirac fermions on a lattice. The applications of lattice gauge theory are vast, from the study of high-energy theory and phenomenology to the numerical studies of quantum fields. "Lattice Quantum Field Theory of the Dirac and Gauge Fields: Selected Topics" examines the mathematical foundations of lattice gauge theory from first principles. It is indispensable for the study of Dirac and lattice gauge fields and lays the foundation for more advanced and specialized studies"--Publisher's website.
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