Title | International customs cooperation. The WCO human resource management: manual |
Creators | Sergeev I. V.; Tyukhtenkova E. I. |
Imprint | Санкт-Петербург: Троицкий мост, 2022 |
Collection | ЭБС "Айбукс.ру/"; Общая коллекция |
Subjects | Таможня. Таможенная политика; таможенное дело; трудовые ресурсы, кадры |
LBC | 65.428-18-640я73 |
Document type | Tutorial |
File type | Other |
Language | English |
Rights | Доступ только с авторизованных компьютеров.; Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение) |
Record key | TEMP-255 |
Record create date | 9/22/2022 |
The manual «International customs cooperation. The WCO Human Resource Management» presents the information about the fundamental issues of the WCO in the capacity building and human resource management field. This handbook explores primary historical and modern aspects of the WCO establishment, gives information about its structure, the framework of its governing bodies and functional units, describes strategic development goals and highlights activities devoted to the training management. The manual also features the characteristics of the Partnership Program on customs academic research and development since it is the foundation for the WCO member countries’ capacity building and customs authorities’ staffing. It also covers partnership issues of the International Network of the Customs Universities’ (INCU) and the WCO professional standards.
Access count: 19
Last 30 days: 4