
Title: Driving agribusiness with technology innovations
Other creators: Tarnanidis Theodore; Vlachopoulou Maro; Papathanasiou Jason
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Agricultural industries.; Technological innovations.; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industries / General; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
Rights: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Record key: ocn974301255

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Modern web-based applications are pertinent for businesses, as they often encourage their core competencies and capabilities. As such, the agribusiness sector must begin to take advantage of the open networks and advances in communication and information technologies in order to grow their businesses exponentially. Driving Agribusiness With Technology Innovations highlights innovative business models and theories that encourage the use of emerging technological advances to produce thriving enterprises. Featuring extensive coverage on relevant topics including digital environments, mobile agriculture, supply chain platforms, and internet marketing models, this publication is an important reference source for business managers, practitioners, professionals, and engineers who are interested in discovering emerging technology trends for agribusiness.

"This book explores whether companies in the agribusiness sector take advantage of the open networks and advances in information and communication technologies. In today's digital economy web-based applications are pertinent for businesses to energize their core competencies and capabilities. This book explores theories and business models including the areas of customer relationship management, supply chain management, sustainability"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Book Series
  • Editorial Advisory Board
  • Table of Contents
  • Detailed Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Agribusiness Productivity-Innovation-Sustainability-Environment
    • Chapter 1: Assess and Prognosticate Operational and Environmental Efficiency of Primary Sectors of EU Countries
    • Chapter 2: A Virtual Supply Chain Architecture to Grant Product Transparency in Agribusiness
    • Chapter 3: Factors Influencing Acceptance and Use of ICT Innovations by Agribusinesses
    • Chapter 4: The Ecovillage
    • Chapter 5: Eco-Certification and Transparency in Global Food Supply Chains
    • Chapter 6: Social Marketing
    • Chapter 7: Reasons for Adapting Information Connectivity in the Short Supply Chains of Local Food Producers
    • Chapter 8: Stakeholder Agriculture
  • Section 2: The Future of Agribusiness in the Digital Environment
    • Chapter 9: Determining the Role of Communication and Distribution Channels for Organic Foods
    • Chapter 10: Segmenting Paddy Farmer's Attitude and Behavior
    • Chapter 11: Multiple Exploration of Entrepreneurs' Suggestions for Agricultural Development of Local Regional Units in Greece
    • Chapter 12: Does Nonfarm Income Affect Agricultural Income and Investment in Pakistan?
    • Chapter 13: The Risk Parity Approach Applied to Agricultural Commodities
    • Chapter 14: Risk Management in Agriculture
    • Chapter 15: Social-Based Product Innovation and Governance in The Milk Sector
    • Chapter 16: A System Dynamics Model and Interface for the Simulation and Analysis of Milk Supply Chains
  • Compilation of References
  • About the Contributors
  • Index

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