
Title: Techniques in plantation science series ;. Crossing in oil palm: a manual. — 1.
Creators: Setiawati Umi
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Oil palm.; Oil palm — Mutation breeding.; Palmier à huile.; Palmier à huile — Mutation induite.; Crossing.; Cultivation.; Embryo sac.; Fertilization.; Germplasm.; Handbooks.; History.; Inflorescences.; Occupational health.; Oil palms.; Oilseed plants.; Plant breeding.; Pollen.; Pollination.; Safety.; Viability.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
Rights: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Record key: on1037884609

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This manual discusses first the history of cultivation and breeding, as well as the pollen and embryo sac biology, fertilization, germplasm and commercial crossing, of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). Then, guidelines in health and safety issues relating to crossing in oil palm are given, followed by protocols on pollen collection and storage; pollen viability testing; isolation of the female inflorescence; pollination; and commercial tenera production. Target audiences of this manual are students and researchers in agriculture, plant breeders, growers and end-users interested in the practicalities of oil palm crossing for breeding and commercial seed production.

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Table of Contents

  • Crossing in Oil Palm:
  • Copyright
  • Series Foreword
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • Preface
  • 1 Introduction
    • 1.1 History of Oil Palm Cultivation and Crop Facts
    • 1.2 History of Oil Palm Breeding
    • 1.3 Biology and Genetics of Oil Palm
    • 1.4 Pollen Biology of Oil Palm
    • 1.5 Embryo Sac Biology of Oil Palm
    • 1.6 Fertilization in Oil Palm
    • 1.7 Germplasm
    • 1.8 Target Traits
    • 1.9 Commercial Crossing
    • References
  • 2 Health and Safety Considerations
    • 2.1 Health and Safety in the Field
      • Equipment needed for tall palm trees
      • Other general considerations
    • 2.2 Health and Safety in the Laboratory
    • Reference
  • 3 Pollen Collection and Storage
    • 3.1 Tools
    • 3.2 Materials
    • 3.3 Methods
      • Step 1
      • Step 2
      • Step 3
      • Step 4
      • Step 5
      • Step 6
      • Step 7
      • Step 8
    • References
  • 4 Pollen Viability Testing
    • 4.1 Tools
    • 4.2 Reagents
    • 4.3 Methods
      • Step 1
      • Step 2
      • Step 3
    • References
  • 5 Isolation of the Female Inflorescence
    • 5.1 Tools and Materials
    • 5.2 Reagents
    • 5.3 Methods
      • Step 1
      • Step 2
      • Step 3
  • 6 Pollination
    • 6.1 Tools
    • 6.2 Reagents
    • 6.3 Methods
      • Step 1
      • Step 2
      • Step 3
      • Step 4
      • Step 5
      • Step 6
    • References
  • 7 Commercial Tenera Production
    • Blank pollination
    • References
  • Index

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