
Title: Practical network scanning: capture network vulnerabilities using standard tools such as Nmap and Nessus
Creators: Chauhan Ajay Singh
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Computer networks — Security measures.; Computers — Access control.; Computer security.; Penetration testing (Computer security); COMPUTERS / Security / Networking.; EBSCO eBooks
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File type: PDF
Language: English
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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • Packt Upsell
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: Fundamental Security Concepts
    • Why security?
    • Building blocks of information security
    • Computer security
    • Network security
      • Firewalls
      • Intrusion detection systems / intrusion prevention systems
      • Multitier topology
    • Internet security
      • Password
      • System upgrade and updates
      • Phishing
        • Beware of phishing phone calls
        • Phishing protection
    • Security issues, threats, and attacks
      • IoT security risk
      • Computer security risk
      • Security Risk-Border Gateway Protocol
      • Security and threats
        • Natural disasters
        • Human threats
      • Security vulnerabilities
        • Technology weaknesses
        • Configuration weaknesses 
        • Security policy weaknesses
      • Using unencrypted or weak encryption for a website
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 2: Secure Network Design
    • Access control 
      • Asset classification and physical security
      • Authentication, authorization, and accounting
    • Network management and security design
      • Network segmentation
      • Segmentation strategy steps
      • Network protection consideration and design
    • Hardening your TCP/IP stack
    • DoS and DDoS attacks 
      • Volume-based attacks
      • Application layer attacks
      • Low-rate attacks
    • IP spoofing
      • Anti-spoofing using access lists
      • Encryption
      • Anti-spoofing using RPF checks
    • Ping sweeps and Port scans
      • Mitigation
    • DNS vulnerabilities 
      • How does DNS work?
      • DNS protocol attacks
      • Mitigation
    • Two factor authentication
    • Summary 
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 3: Server-Level Security
    • Classification of data
    • Physical security 
    • Disk encryption
      • Full-disk encryption
        • Bitlocker
        • Virtual Trusted Platform Module – vTPM 
        • Encrypt your Hyper-V Guest VMs 
        • Cloud VM disk encryption
        • What is encryption at rest?
    • Hardening server security
      • Check for open ports or services
      • System firewall configuration
      • System update
      • Disable USB
      • Hard disk encryption
      • BIOS protection
      • Check the installed packages
      • Password policies
      • Secure and encrypt remote access
      • Implement activity logging
      • Document the host information
    • Authentication NTLM versus Kerberos
    • Password policies
    • Server-level permissions
    • Server antivirus and malware protection
    • Local security policies
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 4: Cloud Security Design
    • Cloud offerings
      • IaaS
      • PaaS
      • SaaS
    • Public versus private
      • Public IaaS versus private IaaS
      • Public PaaS versus private PaaS
      • Public SaaS versus private SaaS
    • Shared technology and shared danger
    • Security approach for cloud computing
      • Traditional enterprise network model
      • Hybrid data center and cloud network
      • Network security devices for IaaS
        • Firewall Virtual Appliance
        • Virtual TAP vTAP
        • Virtual Router
        • Virtual web application firewalls
    • DDoS attack protection
    • Data loss prevention
    • Exploited system vulnerabilities
    • Summary 
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 5: Application Security Design
    • GDPR
      • Getting consent
      • Access to data
      • Encryption
    • SQL Injection
      • Prevention of SQL Injection attack on web applications
        • Employing comprehensive data sanitization
        • Deploying a Web Application Firewall
        • Limit database privileges
        • Finding vulnerabilities
    • WAFs
      • WAF protection against common web attacks
    • Blacklisting and whitelisting
      • What is blacklisting?
        • Benefit and disadvantage of blacklisting
      • What is whitelisting?
        • Benefit and disadvantage of whitelisting
      • Which is better?
    • Using HTTPS for everything
      • HTTP versus HTTPS
      • Web application security
        • SSL/TLS deployment
          • SSL/TLS key size
          • Signing algorithm
          • Secure protocol
        • Preventing an authentication hacking attack
        • Use cookies securely
        • Vulnerabilities scan
        • Server security
        • Introduce a bug bounty program
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 6: Threat Detection and Response
    • Network threat detection
      • Detection methods
        • Intrusion detection system
          • Types of IDSs
        • Network capture solution 
        • Threat detection with Netflow/IPFIX
          • NetFlow vs. IPFIX
    • Endpoint threat detection
      • What’s an endpoint
        • Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) system
      • Case Study – Why EDR system is required?
      • Security policy 
      • How to choose an EDR solution ?
    • Security information and event management
      • SIEM—Event versus incident and data breach
        • What is an event?
        • What is a security incident?
        • What is a data breach?
      • How do SIEM systems work?
        • Event generator sensors
        • Event and log collection or data aggregation
        • Correlation
        • Reporting and Alerting
        • Dashboards
        • Automation
        • Log management
        • SIEM commercial products 
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 7: Vulnerability Assessment
    • Infrastructure concerns
      • What is vulnerability assessment?
        • Plan
        • Network discovery
        • Vulnerability scan
        • Report
        • Remediation
      • Why do we need vulnerability assessment?
        • Types of vulnerability assessment
          • Network-based assessment
          • Host-based assessment
    • Nessus installation, configuration, and vulnerability assessment methodology
      • Installation
        • Policies
    • Sample report
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 8: Remote OS Detection
    • Reasons for OS detection 
      • Network operating system inventory – trace your infrastructure 
    • Determining vulnerability of target hosts
    • Tailoring exploits
    • OS detection technique with Nmap
      • Nmap tool
      • Operating system detection
    • TCP/IP fingerprinting methods supported by Nmap
      • TCP/UDP/IP basic
      • The FIN probe
      • TCP ISN sampling
      • TCP initial window
      • Type of service
      • Time-to-live (TTL)
      • Don't Fragment (DF) bit
    • Understanding an Nmap fingerprint
    • OS matching algorithms
      • Defense against port scans
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 9: Public Key Infrastructure – SSL
    • Foundation of SSL
      • How do I know that SSL is working?
      • Why no PadLock?
      • SSL certificate
        • The evolution of SSL and TLS
          • Current Supported Standard
          • Why hasn't TLS 1.3 been implemented yet?
          • Time to say goodbye to SSL and early TLS
        • SSL certificate component 
          • Root certificate
          • Intermediate certificate
          • SSL certificates classes 
    • TLS versus SSL
    • Public Key Infrastructure
      • Symmetric encryption
      • Asymmetric encryption
      • Hash function
    • Attacks against PKI
    • Microsoft Windows and IIS
    • OpenSSL
    • SSL Management tools
    • Summary 
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 10: Firewall Placement and Detection Techniques
    • Technical requirements
    • Firewall and design considerations
      • Firewall terminology
      • Firewall generations
      • Firewall performance
      • Firewall placement  and design network topology
        • Single firewall architecture
          • Single firewall architecture with a single IP subnet
          • Single firewall architecture with multiple IP subnets
        • Multilayer firewall architecture
          • Firewall sandwich design
    • Demilitarized Zone
      • DMZ to Internal Access Policy 
    • OSI model versus TCP/IP model
    • Firewall performance, capabilities, and function
      • Firewall management
      • Application proxies
      • Detecting firewalls
      • Debugging tools
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further Reading
  • Chapter 11: VPN and WAN Encryption
    • Overview
    • Classes of VPN
    • Type of VPN protocol
      • Point-to-Point tunneling protocol
      • Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
      • Secure Socket Tunneling protocol
      • Internet Protocol Security
      • SSL VPN
      • MPLS VPN
    • VPN Design
    • IKE V1 versus IKE V2
    • WAN Encryption technique
      • IPsec Layer-3 encryption
      • MACsec—Layer-2 Encryption
      • Optical Network—Layer-1 Encryption
    • Summary 
    • Questions
    • Further Reading
  • Chapter 12: Summary and Scope of Security Technologies
    • DDoS protection
      • Remotely triggered black hole routing (RTBH)
        • Black hole traffic from the source of the attack
        • Black hole traffic to the destination of the attack
    • BGP FlowSpec
      • DDoS scrubbing
      • Blockchain Technology for Fighting DDoS Attacks
    • AI in cyber security 
    • Next Gen SIEM
    • Software Defined Networking Firewall
    • Bring-Your-Own-Identity (BYOI)
    • Summary
    • Further reading 
  • Assessment
  • Other Books you may enjoy
  • Index

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