
Title: Introduction to Blockchain and Ethereum: use distributed ledgers to validate digital transactions in a decentralized and trustless manner.
Creators: Castiglione Maldonado Fatima.
Imprint: Birmingham: Packt, 2018
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Bitcoin.; Electronic funds transfers.; Electronic commerce.; COMPUTERS / Electronic Commerce .; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Table of Contents

  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Ethereum Blockchain
    • Introduction
    • Introducing the Ethereum Blockchain
      • The Blockchain Data Structure
      • Public Key Cryptography
      • Distributed Ledgers
      • Consensus Mechanism
      • Introducing Cryptocurrencies
      • Introducing Networks and Smart Contracts
    • Cryptology and Keys
      • Traditional Codes and Cryptography
      • New Cryptography
    • Opening an Ethereum Account
      • Account Numbers and their Associated Private Keys
      • Wallets
      • Exercise 1: Creating a Wallet and Safeguarding its Information
      • Private Keys and Public Keys
      • Using your Wallet
      • Exercise 2: Getting the Toy Ether from the Rinkeby Test Network
    • The Ethereum Network, Nodes, and Mining
      • The Ethereum Network
      • Nodes
      • Mining
    • Transactions and Blocks
      • Transactions and Calls
      • Calls
      • Exercise 3: Calling the Ethereum Network
      • Transactions, Transaction Hashes, and Gas
      • Blocks and Block Hashes
      • Confirmations
    • Sending and Checking Transactions
      • Sending Transactions
      • Exercise 4: Sending and Receiving Transactions
      • Receiving Transactions
      • Checking Transactions
    • Summary
  • Learning Solidity
    • Introduction
    • The Solidity Language
    • Your First Smart Contract
      • Activity 1: Creating an Ethereum Token
      • Exercise 5: Using Remix to Compile Our Token
    • Basic Solidity
      • Solidity Data Types
      • Global and Local Variables
      • Collections
      • Mappings
      • Exercise 6: Creating Our Own Collection
    • Testing Solidity
      • Exercise 7: Deploying and Testing a Smart Contract
    • Summary
  • Solidity Contracts
    • Introduction
    • Your First dApp
      • Architecture of a dApp
      • Ganache
      • Exercise 8: Using MetaMask to connect to Ganache
      • Voting Contract
      • Compiling and Deploying Contracts
      • A Simple Web Page
    • Using an Oracle
      • Interface
      • Payment
      • Calculating Payments
      • Request Types
      • Functions and Getters
    • Summary
  • Index

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