
Title: Geospatial intelligence: concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications
Organization: IGI Global,; Information Resources Management Association,
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Geographic information systems.; Geospatial data.; SCIENCE / Earth Sciences / Geography; TRAVEL / Budget; TRAVEL / Hikes & Walks; TRAVEL / Museums, Tours, Points of Interest; TRAVEL / Parks & Campgrounds; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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"This book explores multidisciplinary applications of geographic information systems and technologies in addition to the latest trends and developments in the field. It also examines land administration, encompassing both cadastral systems and land registration, as well as the methods of land governance strategies. Highlighting a range of topics such as geovisualization, spatial analysis, and landscape mapping"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • List of Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Fundamental Concepts and Theories
    • Chapter 1: Simplified Toolbar to Accelerate Repeated Tasks (START) for ArcGIS
    • Chapter 2: A Multi-Feature Based Automatic Approach to Geospatial Record Linking
    • Chapter 3: Industrial Heritage as an Operative Territorial Resource
    • Chapter 4: The Power of Monsanto's Stone
    • Chapter 5: Indigenous Cultural Knowledge for Therapeutic Landscape Design
    • Chapter 6: Military Geography Research Notes
    • Chapter 7: James R. Anderson Lecture
    • Chapter 8: A Novel Approach to Studying Cultural Landscapes at the Watershed Level
    • Chapter 9: Geographical Information Systems in Modern Citizen Science
  • Section 2: Development and Design Methodologies
    • Chapter 10: Cultural Landscape
    • Chapter 11: Semantic Web and Geospatial Unique Features Based Geospatial Data Integration
    • Chapter 12: Semantic-Based Geospatial Data Integration With Unique Features
    • Chapter 13: CloudGanga
    • Chapter 14: A Practical UAV Remote Sensing Methodology to Generate Multispectral Orthophotos for Vineyards
    • Chapter 15: Urban Landscape Quality Management and Monitoring
    • Chapter 16: Geospatial Resource Integration in Support of Homeland Defense and Security
    • Chapter 17: Framework for GeoSpatial Query Processing by Integrating Cassandra With Hadoop
    • Chapter 18: Studying Surface and Canopy Layer Urban Heat Island at Micro-Scale Using Multi-Sensor Data in Geographic Information Systems
    • Chapter 19: Accelerating Geospatial Modeling in ArcGIS With Graphical Processor Units
    • Chapter 20: GML-Based Data Management and Semantic World Modelling for a 4D Forest Simulation and Information System
    • Chapter 21: Integrated Multi-Scalar Approach for 3D Cultural Heritage Acquisitions
    • Chapter 22: Traditional vs. Machine-Learning Techniques for OSM Quality Assessment
    • Chapter 23: A Geo-Informatics Technique for the Management of Meningitis Epidemic Distributions in Northern Nigeria
    • Chapter 24: On Visual Computing for Architectural Heritage
    • Chapter 25: A Spatio-Temporal Decision Support System for Designing With Street Trees
    • Chapter 26: A Large Margin Learning Method for Matching Images of Natural Objects With Different Dimensions
  • Section 3: Tools and Technologies
    • Chapter 27: Development and Implementation of Interoperable Secure SDI Model Using Open Source GIS
    • Chapter 28: Geographic Information System for the Smart Grid
    • Chapter 29: Remote Sensing Image Classification Using Fuzzy-PSO Hybrid Approach
    • Chapter 30: Alternative Tool for an Integrative Landscape Interpretation
    • Chapter 31: Measuring and Monitoring Urban Sprawl of Jaipur City Using Remote Sensing and GIS
    • Chapter 32: Ontology Driven Cross-Linked Domain Data Integration and Spatial Semantic Multi Criteria Query System for Geospatial Public Health
    • Chapter 33: Detection of Urban Areas Using Genetic Algorithms and Kohonen Maps on Multispectral Images
    • Chapter 34: Assessment of the Contribution of Crowd Sourced Data to Post-Earthquake Building Damage Detection
    • Chapter 35: CulturalNature Arga #2
    • Chapter 36: Cuckoo Search Based Decision Fusion Techniques for Natural Terrain Understanding
    • Chapter 37: Free and Open Source Tools for Volunteer Geographic Information and Geo-Crowdsourcing
    • Chapter 38: The Integral of Spatial Data Mining in the Era of Big Data
    • Chapter 39: A Reality Integrated BIM for Architectural Heritage Conservation
    • Chapter 40: TCloud
    • Chapter 41: Digital Photogrammetry and Structure From Motion for Architectural Heritage
    • Chapter 42: Modelling the Spatial Distribution of the Anopheles Mosquito for Malaria Risk Zoning Using Remote Sensing and GIS
    • Chapter 43: Characterization of Fire Regime Descriptors in Botswana Using Remotely Sensed Data
    • Chapter 44: The Use of Social Media for Urban Planning
    • Chapter 45: On the Intersection Between Speaker Installations and Urban Environments
    • Chapter 46: Use of Cloud, Multimedia, and QR Codes to Enhance Print Maps
    • Chapter 47: Using OpenStreetMap to Create Land Use and Land Cover Maps
    • Chapter 48: Photo Based Volunteered Geographic Information Initiatives
  • Section 4: Utilization and Applications
    • Chapter 49: A Cross Reading of Landscape Through Digital Landscape Models
    • Chapter 50: Alternative Methods for Developing and Assessing the Accuracy of UAV-Derived DEMs
    • Chapter 51: City Landscape
    • Chapter 52: FogLearn
    • Chapter 53: Exploring Non-Linear Relationships Between Landscape and Aquatic Ecological Condition in Southern Wisconsin
    • Chapter 54: Applying Geospatial Information and Services Capabilities Beyond the Battlespace
    • Chapter 55: Structure Analysis of Hedgerows With Respect to Perennial Landscape Lines in Two Contrasting French Agricultural Landscapes
    • Chapter 56: A Paradigm of Improving Land Information Management
    • Chapter 57: Water Quality Mapping of Yamuna River Stretch Passing Through Delhi State Using High Resolution Geoeye-2 Imagery
    • Chapter 58: Geospatial Mashups in Web GIS for Tourism Infrastructure
    • Chapter 59: Environmental Object Recognition in a Natural Image
    • Chapter 60: Detection of Urban Expansion by Using DMSP-OLS, Landsat Data and Linear Spectral Unmixing Method
    • Chapter 61: Application of Data Fusion for Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of Water Quality in the Shenandoah River
    • Chapter 62: Recognition on Images From Internet Street View Based on Hierarchical Features Learning With CNNs
    • Chapter 63: Spatial Data Mining, Spatial Data Warehousing, and Spatial OLAP
    • Chapter 64: Research in Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems
    • Chapter 65: Reigniting GIS's Application in Ecotourism
    • Chapter 66: Cloud-Based Geo-Information Infrastructure to Support Agriculture Activity Monitoring
    • Chapter 67: Riparian Vegetation and Digitized Channel Variable Changes After Stream Impoundment
    • Chapter 68: 3D Reconstruction for the Interpretation of Partly Lost or Never Accomplished Architectural Heritage
    • Chapter 69: Geospatial and Spatio-Temporal Analysis in Health Research
  • Section 5: Organizational and Social Implications
    • Chapter 70: Nurturing a Geospatially Empowered Next Generation
    • Chapter 71: The Role of Landscape in the Representation of Portuguese Wine Producing Regions
    • Chapter 72: Quantifying Urban Sprawl With Spatial Autocorrelation Techniques Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data
    • Chapter 73: Digital Technologies for “Minor” Cultural Landscapes Knowledge
    • Chapter 74: Providing an Attractive Environment for People to Engage in Health Activities
    • Chapter 75: Fire Recurrence and the Dynamics of the Enhanced Vegetation Index in a Mediterranean Ecosystem
    • Chapter 76: Assembly, Space, and Things
    • Chapter 77: Between Cuvier and Darwin
    • Chapter 78: Ecosystems as Agent Societies, Landscapes as Multi-Societal Agent Systems
  • Section 6: Critical Issues and Challenges
    • Chapter 79: The Fundamentals and Applications of Geo-Spatial Research
    • Chapter 80: A Review of Methodological Integration in Land-Use Change Models
  • Section 7: Emerging Trends
    • Chapter 81: When Competitive Intelligence Meets Geospatial Intelligence
    • Chapter 82: Sequential Experiences in Energy Producing Landscapes
  • Index

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