
Title: Social entrepreneurship: concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications
Organization: IGI Global,; Information Resources Management Association,
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Social entrepreneurship.; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS — Industrial Management.; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS — Management.; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS — Management Science.; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS — Organizational Behavior.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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"This book examines the broad topic of social entrepreneurship by looking at relevant theoretical frameworks and fundamental terms. It also addresses the challenges and solutions social entrepreneurs face as they address their corporate social responsibility in an effort to redefine the goals of today's enterprises and enhance the potential for growth and change in every community"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Editorial Advisory Board
  • List of Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Fundamental Concepts and Theories
    • Chapter 1: Social Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability
    • Chapter 2: Social Innovation in the For-Profit Organization
    • Chapter 3: The Role of Social Entrepreneurship and Social Economy in Romanian Sustainable Business Development
    • Chapter 4: Crowdsourcing Dispute Resolution
    • Chapter 5: Crowdsourcing Social Innovation
    • Chapter 6: Introduction of Social Media Platforms and Social Media Analytics for Social CRM
  • Section 2: Development and Design Methodologies
    • Chapter 7: Ethical Behavior and the Development Paradigm
    • Chapter 8: Transforming Crises into Opportunities to Generate Sustainable Business in Brazil
    • Chapter 9: Social Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
    • Chapter 10: On the Configuration of Crowdsourcing Projects
    • Chapter 11: Entrepreneurial Process and Financial Well-Being Generated by a Colombian Association of Vulnerable Individuals
    • Chapter 12: Nascent Social Entrepreneurship
    • Chapter 13: Social Entrepreneurship Taxonomy
    • Chapter 14: Developing an Integration Framework for Crowdsourcing and Internet of Things With Applications for Disaster Response
    • Chapter 15: Industrial Guidelines for Stimulating Entrepreneurship With the Internet of Things
    • Chapter 16: Innovation, Sustainability, and Organizational Change in a Social Portuguese Organization
    • Chapter 17: A Social Enterprise Business Model and a Case Study of Pacific Community Ventures (PCV)
    • Chapter 18: Implementation of a Social Innovation Model for Economic Value Creation
    • Chapter 19: The Business Model of a Public Social Partnership
  • Section 3: Tools and Technologies
    • Chapter 20: A Framework for Using Crowdsourcing in Government
    • Chapter 21: Crowdsourcing the Disaster Management Cycle
    • Chapter 22: Incorporating Global Medical Knowledge to Solve Healthcare Problems
    • Chapter 23: Creating Market Inclusion
    • Chapter 24: The Crowdsourcing Scheme as an Innovative Management Tool in University Spin-Offs
    • Chapter 25: Crowdsourcing as a Tool for Improving Learning in Tertiary Institutions in Developing Countries
    • Chapter 26: Business-Oriented Analytics With Social Network of Things
    • Chapter 27: The Influence of Crowdsourcing Business Model Into Artificial Intelligence
    • Chapter 28: Experiences in Social Innovation
    • Chapter 29: Improving Accessibility Through VGI and Crowdsourcing
    • Chapter 30: Designing Effective Crowdsourcing Systems for the Healthcare Industry
    • Chapter 31: Strengths and Limitations of Social Media Analytics Tools
    • Chapter 32: Social Media as Persuasive Technology for Business in Malaysia
    • Chapter 33: Conducting Survey Research Using MTurk
    • Chapter 34: The Standardization of Down-Streamed Small Business Social Responsibility (SBSR)
    • Chapter 35: A Framework for Interfacing Unstructured Data Into Business Process From Enterprise Social Networks
    • Chapter 36: Software Process Paradigms and Crowdsourced Software Development
  • Section 4: Utilization and Applications
    • Chapter 37: Disruption and Deception in Crowdsourcing
    • Chapter 38: Social Entrepreneurship and Social Inclusion in Peru
    • Chapter 39: Value Creation in Business-to-Business Crowd Sourcing
    • Chapter 40: Applying Business Solutions to Social Problems
    • Chapter 41: Knowledge Creation, Management, and Dissemination in Impact Communities
    • Chapter 42: Professional and Business Applications of Social Media Platforms
    • Chapter 43: Integrative Learning Toward Social Responsibility in Teaching Engineering
    • Chapter 44: How Do UK B2C High-Tech Start-Ups Utilise Innovation Through Social Media to Improve Business Performance and Outcomes?
    • Chapter 45: Understanding Crowdsourcing of Agricultural Market Information in a Pilot Study
    • Chapter 46: The Impact of Social Networks on “Born Globals”
    • Chapter 47: Re-Inventing the Social Business Model
    • Chapter 48: The Permissibility of Crowd Funding Within South Asia
    • Chapter 49: Transformation of Business Through Social Media
    • Chapter 50: Turning Marketing Students into Active Citizens
    • Chapter 51: Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business
    • Chapter 52: Business and Social Media
    • Chapter 53: Managing Small Business Social Responsibility (SBSR) in Formalized Network Using a Euclidean Perspective
  • Section 5: Organizational and Social Implications
    • Chapter 54: Technology and Innovation
    • Chapter 55: Women as Social Entrepreneurs in Turkey
    • Chapter 56: Crowdsourcing in Local Public Administration
    • Chapter 57: The Electronic Obsolescence as an Opportunity for Social Entrepreneurship
    • Chapter 58: Digital Inclusion, Crowdfunding, and Crowdsourcing in Brazil
    • Chapter 59: Impact of General Social Media Experience on Usefulness for Business in the Workplace
    • Chapter 60: Quality and Acceptance of Crowdsourced Translation of Web Content
    • Chapter 61: Business Strategies Creating Value for Social Entrepreneurs
    • Chapter 62: The Potential of Crowdsourcing in the Health Care Industry
    • Chapter 63: Shared Value Creation for Sustainability in Not-for-Profit Organisations
    • Chapter 64: Social Commerce Benefits for Small Businesses
    • Chapter 65: Smart Tourism Development
    • Chapter 66: Social Media Use by Chambers of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) in Turkey
    • Chapter 67: How Social Commerce Emerged
  • Section 6: Managerial Impact
    • Chapter 68: Defining the Role of Social Media as a Contemporary Local Area Marketing Technique in Franchising
    • Chapter 69: Social Media for Business Model Improvement
    • Chapter 70: Organizational Memory
    • Chapter 71: Business and Technology Trends in Social CRM
  • Section 7: Critical Issues and Challenges
    • Chapter 72: Beyond Micro-Tasks
    • Chapter 73: Integrated and Transactional Platforms
    • Chapter 74: Investigating Factors Influencing the Quality of Crowdsourced Work Under Different Incentives
    • Chapter 75: Critical Success Factors in Enterprise 2.0
    • Chapter 76: Evaluating the Business Impacts of Social Media Use With System Dynamics and Agent-Based Modeling
    • Chapter 77: Creating Social Value in Societies
    • Chapter 78: Framing Sustainable Practices
    • Chapter 79: Animal Spirits or Engaging Spirits?
    • Chapter 80: Sustainability and Competitive Advantage
  • Section 8: Emerging Trends
    • Chapter 81: Social Business
    • Chapter 82: The Entrepreneur and Its Vision of Economic Development
    • Chapter 83: Created Shared Value and Sustainable, Inclusive Development of Developing Countries
    • Chapter 84: New Perspectives
    • Chapter 85: Socioeconomics of Solidarity
    • Chapter 86: Social Responsibility, Shared Value, and Business Modelling
    • Chapter 87: Understanding Social Business and Wellbeing at the BoP
    • Chapter 88: Translation Learning Environments for the Future
  • Index

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