
Title: Homer's hero: human excellence in the Iliad and the Odyssey
Creators: Kundmueller Michelle M.,
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Heroes in literature.; Characters and characteristics.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Table of Contents

  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction: Human Excellence in Homer
    • Arendt: Human Excellence in Public Pursuit of Honor
    • Socrates: Human Excellence in the Preference for Private Life
    • Homeric Excellence
    • Reading “Homer’s” Texts: The Iliad and the Odyssey
  • Part I: The Iliad
    • 1 Homer’s Honor-Loving Heroes: Ajax and Agamemnon
      • Ajax, Wall of the Achaians
      • Agamemnon, Lord of Men
      • Agamemnon, the Lion
      • Agamemnon, Shepherd of the People
      • The Shade of Agamemnon
      • Conclusion
    • 2 Homer’s Love-Torn Heroes: Achilles and Hektor
      • Brilliant Achilles
      • Hektor, Breaker of Horses
      • The Human Price of the Love of Glory
      • Conclusion
    • 3 Homer’s Pausing Hero: Odysseus at Troy
      • Public Odysseus, Like Zeus in Counsel
      • Inner Odysseus, Great Glory of the Achaians
      • Loving Father of Telemachos
      • Conclusion
  • Part II: The Odyssey
    • 4 A Hero’s Story
      • Telling a True Homecoming Story
      • The True Homecoming Story
      • Conclusion
    • 5 Remembering Home
      • Distinguishing Home from Pleasure
      • Remembering to Remember Home
      • The Meaning of Home on the Eve of Homecoming
      • Conclusion
    • 6 At the Heart of Homecoming
      • Lion at Bay
      • King Penelope
      • Beloved Penelope
      • Conclusion
    • 7 The Meaning of Homecoming
      • “King” in Ithaka
      • Athena’s Commands and Odysseus’s Desires
      • Athena’s Wrath and Odysseus’s Actions
      • Odysseus Minding His Own Business
      • Conclusion
  • Conclusion: Homer’s Hero
    • The Excellence of the Homeric Hero
    • The Justice of the Homeric Hero
    • Conclusion
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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