
Title: Techniques in plantation science series. Trichoderma: Ganoderma disease control in oil palm : a manual
Creators: Virdiana Ike
Other creators: Rahmaningsih Miranti; Forster Brian P.,; Schmoll Monika; Flood (Julie),
Organization: C.A.B. International,
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Oil palm — Diseases and pests.; Ganoderma diseases of plants.; Trichoderma.; Biological control.; Biological control agents.; Culture techniques.; Fungal antagonists.; Fungal diseases.; Handbooks.; Natural enemies.; Nurseries.; Oil palms.; Oilseed plants.; Plant disease control.; Plant diseases.; Plant pathogenic fungi.; Plant pathogens.; Planting stock.; Soil flora.; Soil fungi.; Techniques.; Virulence.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
Rights: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Record key: on1127281619

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This manual describes methods for isolating Trichoderma from the wild, in vitro culture methods, assessing virulence in combating Ganoderma, commercial production and application to the soil during field planting of nursery-produced oil palm plants. The manual is one in a series of manuals on Techniques in Plantation Science and has direct relevant links with other manuals in the series, particularly: Nursery Practices in Oil Palm, Field Trialling in Oil Palm and Nursery Screening for Ganoderma Response in Oil Palm Seedlings. Target audiences are students and researchers in agriculture, plant pathology, agronomy, growers and end-users interested in the practicalities of sustainable oil palm production. It provides a resource for training, a knowledge base for those new to oil palm and a reference guide to managers, particularly if they are interested in increasing the sustainability of their production.

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Table of Contents

  • Trichoderma : Ganoderma Disease Control in Oil Palm: A Manual
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Preface to manual: Trichoderma: Disease Control in Oil Palm
  • Acknowledgements
  • 1 Introduction
    • 1.1 Trichoderma – Biology, Life-cycle and Antagonism
    • 1.2 Trichoderma as a Biological Control Agent
    • 1.3 Basal Stem Rot Disease in Oil Palm
    • 1.4 Causes of Basal Stem Rot Disease
    • 1.5 Control of Basal Stem Rot caused by Ganoderma
    • 1.6 Trichoderma as a Biological Control Agent for  Ganoderma
    • References
  • 2 Health and Safety Considerations
    • 2.1 Health and Safety in the Laboratory
    • 2.2 Health and Safety in the Nursery
    • 2.3 Health and Safety in the Field
    • 2.4 On the Safety of Trichoderma spp. in Biocontrol Applications
    • Bibliography
  • 3 Culturing Trichoderma
    • 3.1 Potato Sucrose Agar (PSA) Medium Preparation
      • Equipment and tools needed for media preparation
      • Steps in preparing one litre of PSA medium
    • 3.2 Maize Medium Preparation
      • Equipment and tools needed for media preparation
      • Steps in making maize media
    • 3.3 Rice Husk Medium Preparation
      • Equipment and tools required
      • Steps in making culture medium
    • Bibliography
  • 4 Trichoderma Multiplication
    • 4.1 Trichoderma Multiplication on PSA
      • Equipment and tools needed for Trichoderma multiplication
      • Steps in Trichoderma multiplication on PSA
    • 4.2 Trichoderma Multiplication on Maize Medium
      • Materials, equipment and tools
      • Steps in Trichoderma multiplication on maize medium
    • Bibliography
  • 5 Ganoderma Pathogenicity Testing
    • 5.1 Collection of Ganoderma Basidiocarps
      • Steps in basidiocarp collection
    • 5.2 Ganoderma Culture Preparation
      • Steps in preparing one litre of PSA plus antibiotics medium
      • Steps in Ganoderma culture from basidiocarp to PSA medium
    • 5.3 Ganoderma Multiplication in Culture
      • Steps in multiplying Ganoderma in culture
    • 5.4 Preparation of Rubber Wood Blocks
      • Steps in the preparation of rubber wood blocks
    • 5.5 Inoculation of Rubber Wood Blocks
      • Steps in the inoculation of rubber wood blocks
    • 5.6 Incubation of Rubber Wood Blocks with Ganoderma
      • Steps in the incubation of rubber wood blocks
    • 5.7 Pathogenicity Screening of Ganoderma Isolates
    • Bibliography
  • 6 In vitro Trichoderma Antagonism Screening
    • Abstract
    • 6.1 Dual Culture Testing
    • Steps in dual culture testing
    • Bibliography
  • 7 Trichoderma Nursery Screening for Ganoderma Control
    • 7.1 Nursery Preparation
    • 7.2 Selection of Inoculated Rubber Wood Blocks
      • Steps in selecting inoculated RWBs
    • 7.3 Preparation of Trichoderma Isolates
    • 7.4 Nursery Inoculation
    • 7.5 Planting
    • Bibliography
  • 8 Scoring Response of Ganoderma to Trichoderma
    • 8.1 External Observations
      • Steps in taking external observations
    • 8.2 Internal Observations
      • Steps in taking internal observations
      • Outcomes
    • Bibliography
  • 9 Production of Trichoderma for Commercial Application
    • Steps in commercial Trichoderma production
    • Bibliography
  • 10 Trichoderma Application in Oil Palm Plantations
    • 10.1 Trichoderma Application in the Field
      • Steps in Trichoderma application in the field
    • 10.2 Post-application Monitoring
    • 10.3 Trichoderma and Ganoderma Monitoring in the Soil
    • Bibliography
  • Index

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