
Title: Servant-leadership and forgiveness: how leaders help heal the heart of the world
Other creators: Song Jiying; Tran Dung Q.,; Ferch Shann Ray; Spears Larry C.,
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Leadership.; Organizational effectiveness.; Empathy.; Forgiveness.; Nurturing behavior.; Efficacité organisationnelle.; Empathie.; Pardon.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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"A compelling gathering of perspectives on the intersection of servant-leadership and forgiveness"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Contents
  • Foreword: The World of Servant-Leadership
  • Preface: The Forgiveness Ethos of Servant-Leadership
    • The Forgiveness Ethos
    • Crucial Discernment in Forgiveness
    • Notes
    • References
  • Introduction: Love and Forgiveness: The Cornerstones of Servant-Leadership and Social Justice
    • References
  • Part I: Servant-Leadership, Forgiveness, and World Context
    • 1 Awareness, Healing, and Forgiveness: Servant-Leaders Help Heal the Heart of the World
      • The Concept of Servant-Leadership
      • The Ten Characteristics of Servant-Leadership
      • Servant-Leadership and Awareness
      • Servant-Leadership, Healing, and Forgiveness
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References
    • 2 Servant-Leadership and Unconditional Forgiveness: The Lives of Six South African Perpetrators
      • Servant-Leadership, Forgiveness, and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
        • My Journey to South Africa
        • Persons Interviewed
      • Findings
        • Violence Harms Both Victim and Perpetrator
        • Use of Denial and Arrogance as Protection from Shame
        • Empathy in Asking For and Receiving Forgiveness
        • The Gift of Forgiveness and the Ability to Self-Forgive
        • Forgiveness as a Bridge to the Future
      • Conclusion
      • Epilogue
      • References
    • 3 Enlightened Leadership in a Changing, Troubled World
      • Servant-Leadership as a Guiding Philosophical Principle
      • Self-Examination, Reflection, and Determination: The First Steps toward Becoming a “Leader for Others”
      • Personal Contextual Background for Organizational Problem Understanding
      • Business Problem Contextual Background
      • Valueand Principle-Driven Response to the Downsizing Problem
      • Forgiveness Applications
      • Personal Example Asking for Forgiveness: Application of “The Process”
      • Advantages of Servant-Leadership as a Guiding Philosophy
      • References
    • 4 Justice and Forgiveness: Self-Responsibility and Human Dignity in the Midst of Conflict
      • Organizational Conflict
      • Self-Responsibility in the Midst of Conflict
      • Human Dignity and Relatedness
      • Forgiveness
      • Dialogue
      • Conclusion
      • References
    • 5 Servant-Leadership Applied to Balance World Inequalities and Enhance Global Forgiveness and Restoration
      • Unequal Relationships in the Global Scenario
      • Developed Countries’ Lack of Awareness and Perceptual Biases Affecting Equality
      • Personal Experiences of Unequal Treatment and Possible Restoration
      • Servant-Leadership among Cultures and the Possibility of Forgiveness and Equality in a Global Scenario
      • References
  • Part II: Servant-Leadership, Forgiveness, and Social Issues
    • 6 Servant-Leadership, Forgiveness, and Social Justice
      • Servant-Leadership
      • Seeking Responses to the Failures of Contemporary Leadership
      • Tolstoy on the Essence of Listening and Understanding
      • Servant-Leadership, Forgiveness, and Social Justice
      • Conclusion
      • References
    • 7 Forgiveness and Reconciliation as an Organizational Leadership Competency within Transitional Justice Instruments
      • Forgiveness
        • Definition of Forgiveness
        • Conceptualization of Forgiveness
        • The Complexity of Forgiveness
      • Reconciliation
        • Definition of Reconciliation
        • Conceptualization of Reconciliation
      • Forgiveness Religious Themes
      • Leadership
      • Servant-Leadership
      • Conclusion and Further Research
      • References
    • 8 Living Justice and Forgiveness in an Organization during a Religious Crisis: A Proposition
      • Historical Background: Family Arrival at Jos
      • The Socioreligious Landscape in Which My Organization Is in Trouble
      • Critical Interpretation of the Setback
      • Life-Giving Response to the Problem
        • Pattern of School Administration
        • Internal Vignette: An End of Two Villages
        • School Allegory and Imagined Setting
        • Resolutions
        • The Morning Assembly after the Incident
        • Long-Term Measures
      • References
    • 9 Toward a Servant-Led Response Rooted in Forgiveness and Restorative Justice in the Catholic Clergy Sexual Abuse Scandal and Cover-Up
      • A Story of Clergy Abuse and Asking for Forgiveness
      • Introduction
      • A History of the Reported Scandal in the United States (1983–Present)
      • Servant-Leadership and the Catholic Church: A Life-Affirming Vision
      • Toward Forgiveness and Restorative Justice through Listening, Empathy, and Healing
        • Listening
        • Empathy
        • Healing
      • Toward Restorative Justice in the Sexual Abuse Scandals
      • Concluding Reflection
      • Note
      • References
    • 10 Fascism and Forgiveness
      • References
    • 11 Amazing Grace: Seeking Grace and Forgiveness in Law Enforcement
      • Collective Responsibility
      • Law Enforcement in America
      • Servant-Leadership
      • Forgiveness
      • Asking Forgiveness
      • Granting Forgiveness and Restorative Justice
      • Forgiving Murder
      • Moving Forward
      • Conclusion
      • Note
      • References
    • 12 Forgiveness: A Humble Path to Servant-Leadership for Police
      • My Personal Story of Forgiveness and Healing
      • A Time to Kill and a Time to Heal: Police and Forgiveness
      • Forgiveness, Humility, and Servant-Leadership
      • Police and Servant-Leadership
      • References
  • Part III: Servant-Leadership, Forgiveness, and Family
    • 13 Servant-Leadership, Forgiveness, and Unlimited Liability: Fathers and Sons
      • References
    • 14 Servant-Leadership and Forgiveness Asking: Two Personal Narratives and a Discussion
      • Servant-Leadership and the Superiority of Nonviolence
      • Personal Forgiveness Asking Experiences: Two Narratives
        • First Narrative: With My Dad
        • Second Narrative: With a Jesuit Companion
      • Conclusion: Insights Gained and a Discussion
      • References
    • 15 Justice and Forgiveness in the Family
      • The Problem
      • The Solution
      • The Sponsorship Relationship in AA
      • Ninth Step in the Microcosm
      • Conclusion
      • Editor’s Note
      • References
  • Part IV: Servant-Leadership, Forgiveness, and Personal Applications
    • 16 The Image of God, Servant-Leadership, and Forgiveness
      • The Image of God and Transcendence
      • The Image of God and Creation Unity
      • The Image of God and Hope
      • The Divine Image
      • References
    • 17 Servant-Leadership, Regenerative Love, and Forgiveness
      • Servant-Leadership—“None Dare Call It Religious?”
      • Unleashing the Amazing Powers of Love
      • The Wonderful Gifts of Religion?
      • Unconditional Love Thrives without Organization, Rules, or Regulations
      • Honoring the History of the Great Spiritual Traditions
      • A Gentle Chiding of Religion
      • The Beauty and Simplicity of Love
      • Love and the Pointing Finger of “Touchy-Feely”
      • Love: The One Creative Force
      • Implications for the Education of Our Children
      • The Turning of Violence and Hate into Tolerance, Love, and Forgiveness
      • The Power of Forgiveness
      • Conclusion
      • References
    • 18 Finding the Way Home: The Emergence of a Servant-Leader through the Power of Forgiveness
      • Sowing the Seeds of Discontent: The Beginning of Conflict
      • The Path to Mistrust: Losing Faith in the System
      • The Path to Gridlock: Overcoming System Failure
      • The Other Path: Forgiveness and Reconciliation
      • The Athens Incident: A Collision of Leadership and Conscience
      • A Stranger in a Strange Land
      • Finding the Way Home: Restoring Intimacy and Peace
      • Notes
      • References
    • 19 The Bull, the China Shop, and Forgiveness
      • The Bull
      • The China Shop
      • Forgiveness
      • Conclusion
      • References
  • Part V: Servant-Leadership, Forgiveness, and Continuing Research Development
    • 20 Development of a Leadership Forgiveness Measure
      • Methods
        • Participants
        • Measures
      • Results
      • Conclusion
      • References
    • 21 The Principles of Servant-Leadership = The Principles of Forgiveness
      • Life’s Clues from Forgiveness
      • Living a More Forgiving and Thriving Life
      • The Principles of Forgiveness = The Principles of Servant-Leadership
      • The Journey for the New Year
      • References
  • About the Editors
    • Jiying Song, PhD, PMP
    • Dung Q. Tran, PhD
    • Shann Ray Ferch, PhD
    • Larry C. Spears
  • List of Contributors
  • Index

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