
Title: Modern Computer Architecture and Organization: Learn X86, ARM, and RISC-V Architectures and the Design of Smartphones, PCs, and Cloud Servers.
Creators: Ledin Jim.
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Computer architecture.; Computer architecture; EBSCO eBooks
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A no-nonsense, practical guide to help you learn the current and future processor and computer architectures that will enable you to design computer systems and develop better software applications across a variety of domains.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • About Packt
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Fundamentals of Computer Architecture
  • Chapter 1: Introducing Computer Architecture
    • The evolution of automated computing devices
      • Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine
      • ENIAC
      • IBM PC
      • The iPhone
    • Moore's law
    • Computer architecture
      • Binary and hexadecimal numbers
      • The 6502 microprocessor
      • The 6502 instruction set
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 2: Digital Logic
    • Electrical circuits
    • The transistor
    • Logic gates
    • Latches
    • Flip-flops
    • Registers
    • Adders
      • Propagation delay
    • Clocking
    • Sequential logic
    • Hardware description languages
      • VHDL
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 3: Processor Elements
    • A simple processor
      • Control unit
      • Arithmetic logic unit
      • Registers
    • The instruction set
    • Addressing modes
      • Immediate addressing mode
      • Absolute addressing mode
      • Absolute indexed addressing mode
      • Indirect indexed addressing mode
    • Instruction categories
      • Memory load and store instructions
      • Register-to-register data transfer instructions
      • Stack instructions
      • Arithmetic instructions
      • Logical instructions
      • Branching instructions
      • Subroutine call and return instructions
      • Processor flag instructions
      • Interrupt-related instructions
      • No operation instruction
    • Interrupt processing
      • IRQ processing
      • NMI processing
      • BRK instruction processing
    • Input/output operations
      • Programmed I/O
      • Interrupt-driven I/O
      • Direct memory access
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 4: Computer System Components
    • Technical requirements
    • Memory subsystem
    • Introducing the MOSFET
    • Constructing DRAM circuits with MOSFETs
      • The capacitor
      • The DRAM bit cell
      • DDR4 SDRAM
      • Graphics DDR
      • Prefetching
    • I/O subsystem
      • Parallel and serial data buses
      • PCI Express
      • SATA
      • M.2
      • USB
      • Thunderbolt
    • Graphics displays
      • VGA
      • DVI
      • HDMI
      • DisplayPort
    • Network interface
      • Ethernet
      • Wi-Fi
    • Keyboard and mouse
      • Keyboard
      • Mouse
    • Modern computer system specifications
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 5: Hardware-Software Interface
    • Device drivers
      • The parallel port
      • PCIe device drivers
      • Device driver structure
    • BIOS
      • UEFI
    • The boot process
      • BIOS boot
      • UEFI boot
      • Embedded devices
    • Operating systems
    • Processes and threads
      • Scheduling algorithms and process priority
    • Multiprocessing
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 6: Specialized Computing Domains
    • Real-time computing
      • Real-time operating systems
    • Digital signal processing
      • ADCs and DACs
      • DSP hardware features
      • Signal processing algorithms
    • GPU processing
      • GPUs as data processors
    • Examples of specialized architectures
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Section 2: Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets
  • Chapter 7: Processor and Memory Architectures
    • Technical Requirements
    • The von Neumann, Harvard, and modified Harvard architectures
      • The von Neumann architecture
      • The Harvard architecture
      • The modified Harvard architecture
    • Physical and virtual memory
    • Paged virtual memory
      • Page status bits
      • Memory pools
    • Memory management unit
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 8: Performance-Enhancing Techniques
    • Cache memory
      • Multilevel processor caches
      • Static RAM
      • Level 1 cache
      • Direct-mapped cache
      • Set associative cache
      • Fully associative cache
      • Processor cache write policies
      • Level 2 and level 3 processor caches
    • Instruction pipelining
      • Superpipelining
      • Pipeline hazards
      • Micro-operations and register renaming
      • Conditional branches
    • Simultaneous multithreading
    • SIMD processing
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 9: Specialized Processor Extensions
    • Technical requirements
    • Privileged processor modes
      • Handling interrupts and exceptions
      • Protection rings
      • Supervisor mode and user mode
      • System calls
    • Floating-point mathematics
      • The 8087 floating-point coprocessor
      • The IEEE 754 floating-point standard
    • Power management
      • Dynamic voltage frequency scaling
    • System security management
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 10: Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets
    • Technical requirements
    • x86 architecture and instruction set
      • The x86 register set
      • x86 addressing modes
      • x86 instruction categories
      • x86 instruction formats
      • x86 assembly language
    • x64 architecture and instruction set
      • The x64 register set
      • x64 instruction categories and formats
      • x64 assembly language
    • 32-bit ARM architecture and instruction set
      • The ARM register set
      • ARM addressing modes
      • ARM instruction categories
      • ARM assembly language
    • 64-bit ARM architecture and instruction set
      • 64-bit ARM assembly language
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 11: The RISC-V Architecture and Instruction Set
    • Technical requirements
    • The RISC-V architecture and features
    • The RISC-V base instruction set
      • Computational instructions
      • Control flow instructions
      • Memory access instructions
      • System instructions
      • Pseudo-instructions
      • Privilege levels
    • RISC-V extensions
      • The M extension
      • The A extension
      • C extension
      • The F and D extensions
      • Other extensions
    • 64-bit RISC-V
    • Standard RISC-V configurations
    • RISC-V assembly language
    • Implementing RISC-V in an FPGA
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Section 3: Applications of Computer Architecture
  • Chapter 12: Processor Virtualization
    • Technical requirements
    • Introducing virtualization
      • Types of virtualization
      • Categories of processor virtualization
    • Virtualization challenges
      • Unsafe instructions
      • Shadow page tables
      • Security
    • Virtualizing modern processors
      • x86 processor virtualization
      • ARM processor virtualization
      • RISC-V processor virtualization
    • Virtualization tools
      • VirtualBox
      • VMware Workstation
      • VMware ESXi
      • KVM
      • Xen
      • QEMU
    • Virtualization and cloud computing
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Domain-Specific Chapter 13: Computer Architectures
    • Technical requirements
    • Architecting computer systems to meet unique requirements
    • Smartphone architecture
      • iPhone X
    • Personal computer architecture
      • Alienware Aurora Ryzen Edition gaming desktop
      • Ryzen 9 3950X branch prediction
      • Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GPU
      • Aurora subsystems
    • Warehouse-scale computing architecture
      • WSC hardware
      • Rack-based servers
      • Hardware fault management
      • Electrical power consumption
      • The WSC as a multilevel information cache
    • Neural networks and machine learning architectures
      • Intel Nervana neural network processor
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 14: Future Directions in Computer Architectures
    • The ongoing evolution of computer architectures
    • Extrapolating from current trends
      • Moore's law revisited
      • The third dimension
      • Increased device specialization
    • Potentially disruptive technologies
      • Quantum physics
      • Spintronics
      • Quantum computing
      • Carbon nanotubes
    • Building a future-tolerant skill set
      • Continuous learning
      • College education
      • Conferences and literature
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Answers to Exercises
    • Chapter 1, Introducing Computer Architecture
    • Exercise 1
    • Answer
    • Exercise 2
    • Answer
    • Exercise 3
    • Answer
    • Exercise 4
    • Answer
    • Exercise 5
    • Answer
    • Exercise 6
    • Answer
    • Chapter 2, Digital Logic
    • Exercise 1
    • Answer
    • Exercise 2
    • Answer
    • Exercise 3
    • Answer
    • Exercise 4
    • Answer
    • Exercise 5
    • Answer
    • Exercise 6
    • Answer
    • Chapter 3, Processor Elements
    • Exercise 1
    • Answer
    • Exercise 2
    • Answer
    • Exercise 3
    • Answer
    • Exercise 4
    • Answer
    • Exercise 5
    • Answer
    • Exercise 6
    • Answer
    • Chapter 4, Computer System Components
    • Exercise 1
    • Answer
    • Exercise 2
    • Answer
    • Chapter 5, Hardware-Software Interface
    • Exercise 1
    • Answer
    • Exercise 2
    • Answer
    • Chapter 6, Specialized Computing Domains
    • Exercise 1
    • Answer
    • Exercise 2
    • Answer
    • Exercise 3
    • Answer
    • Chapter 7, Processor and Memory Architectures
    • Exercise 1
    • Answer
    • Exercise 2
    • Answer
    • Exercise 3
    • Answer
    • Chapter 8, Performance-Enhancing Techniques
    • Exercise 1
    • Answer
    • Exercise 2
    • Answer
    • Exercise 3
    • Answer
    • Chapter 9, Specialized Processor Extensions
    • Exercise 1
    • Answer
    • Exercise 2
    • Answer
    • Exercise 3
    • Answer
    • Exercise 4
    • Answer
    • Exercise 5
    • Answer
    • Exercise 6
    • Answer
    • Exercise 7
    • Answer
    • Exercise 8
    • Answer
    • Chapter 10, Modern Processor Architectures and Instruction Sets
    • Exercise 1
    • Answer
    • Exercise 2
    • Answer
    • Exercise 3
    • Answer
    • Exercise 4
    • Answer
    • Exercise 5
    • Answer
    • Exercise 6
    • Answer
    • Exercise 7
    • Answer
    • Exercise 8
    • Answer
    • Chapter 11, The RISC-V Architecture and Instruction Set
    • Exercise 1
    • Answer
    • Exercise 2
    • Answer
    • Exercise 3
    • Answer
    • Exercise 4
    • Answer
    • Chapter 12, Processor Virtualization
    • Exercise 1
    • Answer
    • Exercise 2
    • Answer
    • Exercise 3
    • Answer
    • Chapter 13, Domain-Specific Computer Architectures
    • Exercise 1
    • Answer
    • Exercise 2
    • Answer
    • Chapter 14, Future Directions in Computer Architectures
    • Exercise 1
    • Answer
    • Exercise 2
    • Answer
    • Exercise 3
    • Answer
    • Exercise 4
    • Answer
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
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  • Index

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