
Title: Learn C# 8: a beginner's guide to building a solid foundation for C# programming
Creators: Bancila Marius
Other creators: Sharma Ankit; Rialdi Raffaele
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: C# (Computer program language); EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Learning C# 8 covers in detail the most important building blocks of C# that will help you learn every aspect of C# programming with an easy learning curve. With extensive coverage of the topics explained with the real-world examples, you will gain an in-depth knowledge of practical details involved in software development using C#.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • Dedication
  • About Packt
  • Foreword
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: Starting with the Building Blocks of C#
    • The history of C#
    • Understanding the CLI
      • Common Type System (CTS)
      • Common Language Specification (CLS)
      • Common Intermediate Language (CIL)
      • Virtual Execution System (VES)
    • The .NET family of frameworks
      • .NET Framework
      • .NET Core
      • Xamarin
    • Assemblies in .NET
      • Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
      • Runtime package store
    • Understanding the basic structure of a C# program
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
  • Chapter 2: Data Types and Operators
    • Basic data types
      • The integral types
      • The floating-point types
      • The decimal type
      • The char type
      • The bool type
      • The string type
      • The object type
    • Variables
      • Naming convention
      • Implicity-typed variables
      • Understanding the scope and lifetime of variables
    • Understanding constants
    • Reference types and value types
      • Value types
      • Reference types
      • Boxing and unboxing
    • Nullable types
    • Arrays
      • One-dimensional arrays
      • Multi-dimensional arrays
      • Jagged arrays
    • Type conversion
      • Implicit type conversion
      • Explicit type conversion
      • User-defined type conversions
      • Conversions with helper classes
    • Operators
      • Arithmetic operators
      • Relational operators
      • Logical operators
      • Bitwise and shift operators
      • Assignment operators
      • Other operators
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
  • Chapter 3: Control Statements and Exceptions
    • Understanding control statements
      • Selection statements
      • Iteration statements
      • The jump statements
    • Exception handling
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
  • Chapter 4: Understanding the Various User-Defined Types
    • Classes and objects
      • Fields
      • Methods
      • Constructors
      • Properties
      • Indexers
      • The this keyword
      • The static keyword
      • The ref, in, and out parameters
      • Methods with a variable number of arguments
      • Named and optional arguments
      • Access modifiers
      • Partial classes
    • Structures
    • Enumerations
    • Namespaces
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
  • Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming in C#
    • Understanding OOP
    • Abstraction
    • Encapsulation
    • Inheritance
      • Virtual members
      • Abstract classes and members
      • Sealed classes and members
      • Hiding base class members
      • Interfaces
    • Polymorphism
      • Method overloading
      • Operator overloading
    • SOLID principles
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
    • Further Reading
  • Chapter 6: Generics
    • Understanding generics
    • Generic types
      • Generic classes
      • Inheritance with generic classes
      • Generic interfaces
      • Variant generic interfaces
      • Generic structures
    • Generic methods
    • Type parameter constraints
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
  • Chapter 7: Collections
    • Introducing the System.Collections.Generic namespace
    • The List collection
    • The Stack collection
    • The Queue collection
    • The LinkedList collection
    • The Dictionary collection
    • The HashSet collection
      • Choosing the right collection type
    • Using thread-safe collections
      • IProducerConsumerCollection
      • BlockingCollection
      • ConcurrentQueue
      • ConcurrentStack
      • ConcurrentBag
      • ConcurrentDictionary
      • Choosing the right concurrent collection type
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
  • Chapter 8: Advanced Topics
    • Delegates and events
      • Delegates
      • Events
    • Anonymous types
    • Tuples
      • The Tuple class
      • Value tuples
    • Pattern matching
      • The is expression
      • The switch expression
    • Regular expressions
      • Overview
      • Matching input text
      • Finding substrings
      • Replacing parts of a text
    • Extension methods
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
  • Chapter 9: Resource Management
    • Garbage collection
    • Finalizers
    • The IDisposable interface
    • The using statement
    • Platform invoke
    • Unsafe code
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 10: Lambdas, LINQ, and Functional Programming
    • Functional programming
    • Functions as first-class citizens
    • Lambda expressions
    • LINQ
      • Standard query operators
      • Query syntax
    • More functional programming concepts
      • Partial function application
      • Currying
      • Closures
      • Monoids
      • Monads
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
  • Chapter 11: Reflection and Dynamic Programming
    • Understanding reflection
    • Dynamically loading assemblies
    • Understanding late binding
    • Using the dynamic type
    • Attributes
      • System attributes
      • User-defined attributes
      • How to use attributes?
      • Attribute targets
      • Assembly attributes
      • Attributes in reflection
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
  • Chapter 12: Multithreading and Asynchronous Programming
    • What is a thread?
    • Creating threads in .NET
      • Using the ThreadPool class
    • Understanding synchronization primitives
    • The task paradigm
      • Synchronous implementations of asynchronous methods
      • Occasionally asynchronous methods
      • Breaking the task chain – blocking the thread
      • Manually creating a task
      • Long-running tasks
      • Breaking the task chain – fire and forget
      • Task and exceptions
      • Canceling a task
      • Monitoring the progress of a task
      • Parallelizing tasks
      • Signaling tasks with the TaskCompletionSource object
      • Synchronization context
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 13: Files, Streams, and Serialization
    • Overview of the System.IO namespace
    • Working with paths
    • Working with files and directories
    • Working with streams
      • Overview of the stream classes
      • Working with file streams
      • Working with memory streams
    • Serializing and deserializing XML
    • Serializing and deserializing JSON
      • Using Json.NET
      • Using System.Text.Json
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
  • Chapter 14: Error Handling
    • Errors
    • Exceptions
      • Catching exceptions
      • The exception objects
      • Conditional catch
      • Throwing exceptions
      • Creating a custom exception type
      • Rethrowing an exception
      • The finally block
    • Debugging and monitoring exceptions
      • Debugging second-chance exceptions
      • Debugging first-chance exceptions
      • AppDomain exception events
      • Logging exceptions
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 15: New Features of C# 8
    • Nullable reference types
      • Enabling the nullable reference type feature
      • Working with nullable reference types
      • Migrating existing code to nullable reference types
    • Default implementation of interface members
      • Interface versioning
      • Interface reabstraction
      • Interfaces as traits
    • Ranges and indices
    • Pattern matching
      • Recursive pattern matching
    • The using declaration
    • Asynchronous Dispose
    • Disposable patterns in structs and ref structs
    • Asynchronous streams
    • Readonly struct members
    • Null coalescing assignment
    • Static local functions
    • Better interpolated verbatim strings
    • Using stackalloc in nested expressions
    • Unmanaged constructed types
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 16: C# in Action with .NET Core 3
    • Using the .NET command-line interface (CLI)
    • Developing on Linux distributions
      • Preparing the development box
      • Writing cross-platform aware code
    • What .NET Standard is and how can it help the application design
      • Creating a .NET Standard library
    • Consuming NuGet packages
      • Adding packages to a project
    • Migrating from .NET Framework to .NET Core
      • Analyzing your architecture
      • Preparing the migration process
      • Migrating the libraries
      • Migrating the tests
      • Migrating the desktop projects
      • Migrating ASP.NET projects
      • Summing up the migration steps
    • Publishing an application
      • Publishing as an FDD
      • Publishing as an SCD
      • Understanding other publishing options
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 17: Unit Testing
    • What is unit testing?
    • What are Microsoft tools for unit testing?
    • Creating a C# unit testing project
    • Writing unit tests
      • Analyzing code coverage
      • The anatomy of a test
    • Writing data-driven unit tests
      • Data from attributes
      • Dynamic data
      • Data from external sources
    • Summary
    • Test what you learned
  • Assessments
    • Chapter 1
    • Chapter 2
    • Chapter 3
    • Chapter 4
    • Chapter 5
    • Chapter 6
    • Chapter 7
    • Chapter 8
    • Chapter 9
    • Chapter 10
    • Chapter 11
    • Chapter 12
    • Chapter 13
    • Chapter 14
    • Chapter 15
    • Chapter 16
    • Chapter 17
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
    • Leave a review - let other readers know what you think
  • Index

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