
Title: New Heidegger research. The fate of phenomenology: Heidegger's legacy
Creators: McNeill William
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Phenomenology.; Phénoménologie.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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In this important new book, leading Heidegger scholar William NcNeill provides a concise and systematic appraisal of the fate of phenomenology in Heidegger. He shows how the issue of "letting be" is already central and prominent in Heidegger's early phenomenology and examines Heidegger's phenomenological approach in relation to art and poetry.

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Table of Contents

  • The Fate of Phenomenology
    • Contents
    • Preface
    • Note on Citations
    • Note on Translations
    • 1 “To the Things Themselves!” Heidegger’s Early Confrontation with Husserl’s Phenomenology
    • 2 “A Few Steps Forward?” On Heidegger’s Radicalization of Phenomenology
    • 3 From Phenomenology to Letting Be: On the Way to Gelassenheit
      • Heidegger’s Radicalization of Phenomenology and Critique of Husserl
      • Letting Be and the Phenomenality of World
      • The Enigma of World
    • 4 A Question of Method? The Crisis of Phenomenology and “The Origin of the Work of Art”
      • Phenomenology and “The Origin of the Work of Art”
      • The Fate of Phenomenology
    • 5 Beyond Phenomenology? From Being and Time to Ereignis
    • 6 The Quiet Force of the Possible: From Destruktion to the History of Being
    • 7 The Last Word of Phenomenology
      • The Heart of Phenomenality
      • Phenomenophasis
    • Works Cited
    • Index
    • Index of Greek Terms
    • About the Author

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