
Title: Assessment of responsible innovation: methods and practices
Other creators: Yaghmaei Emad; Poel Ibo van de
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Research, Industrial — Moral and ethical aspects.; Technological innovations — Moral and ethical aspects.; Science — Moral and ethical aspects.; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / General; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Business Ethics; Research, Industrial — Moral and ethical aspects; Science — Moral and ethical aspects; Technological innovations — Moral and ethical aspects; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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"Responsible Innovation encourages innovators to work together with stakeholders during the research and innovation process, to better align the outcomes of innovation with the values, needs and expectations of society. Assessing the benefits and costs of Responsible Innovation is crucial for furthering the responsible conduct of science, technology and innovation. However, there is until now only limited academic work on Responsible Innovation assessment. This book fills this lacuna. Assessment of Responsible Innovation: Methods and Practices presents tools for measuring, monitoring, and reporting upon the Responsible Innovation process and the social, environmental, scientific, and economic impacts of innovations. These tools help innovators to mitigate risk and to strengthen their strategic planning. This book aligns assessment tools and practices with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The prospects as well as the limitations of various Responsible Innovation assessment approaches and tools are discussed, as well as their applicability in various industry contexts. The book brings together leading scholars in the field to present the most comprehensive review of Responsible Innovation tools. It articulates the importance of assessment and value creation, the different metrics and monitoring systems that can be deployed and the reporting mechanisms, including the importance of effective communication"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Half Title
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Table of contents
  • Figures
  • Tables
  • Abbreviations
  • Notes on the editors and contributors
  • Acknowledgments
  • Disclaimer
  • Introduction
    • Synopsis/ overview of the contributions
    • Overview of best practices
    • Note
    • References
  • Part I Reflections on responsible innovation
    • 1 Scientific and democratic relevance of RRI: Dimensions and relations
      • 1.1 Introduction
      • 1.2 Science and society
      • 1.3 Democracy: principles, models and methodologies
      • 1.4 Responsible research and innovation features
        • 1.4.1 Responsibility: a multi-level concept responding to historical challenges
      • 1.5 Six keys and their relevance for science and democracy
        • 1.5.1 Engagement
        • 1.5.2 Gender
        • 1.5.3 Open access
        • 1.5.4 Science education
        • 1.5.5 Ethics
        • 1.5.6 Governance
      • 1.6 The implementation role of the six keys for science and democracy
      • 1.7 Conclusions
      • Acknowledgments
      • Notes
      • References
    • 2 Locomotive breath? Post festum reflections on the EC Expert Group on Policy Indicators for Responsible Research ...
      • 2.1 Introduction: the alien phenomenon of RRI
      • 2.2 The results from the Expert Group: a suite of indicators for a network approach
        • 2.2.1 What to indicate?
        • 2.2.2 What about substantive values such as sustainability and social justice?
      • 2.3 What does it mean to take a “network approach”?
      • 2.4 RRI: a sinking ship?
      • 2.5 … or a Flying Dutchman?
      • 2.6 Off track and into the sea
      • Notes
      • References
  • Part II RRI in companies
    • 3 Strategic responsible innovation management (StRIM): A new approach to responsible corporate innovation through ...
      • 3.1 Introduction
      • 3.2 Innovation, CSR and their relation to business strategy
        • 3.2.1 Innovation
        • 3.2.2 Corporate social responsibility
        • 3.2.3 Strategy and strategic management
          • Innovation and strategy
          • CSR and strategy
      • 3.3 The link between innovation and CSR
        • 3.3.1 Conceptual perspective
        • 3.3.2 Bi-directional link between CSR and innovation
          • CSR-driven innovation
          • Innovation-driven CSR
        • 3.3.3 CSR, innovation and value creation
        • 3.3.4 Responsible innovation and stakeholder management
        • 3.3.5 Challenges and limitations in connecting CSR and innovation
      • 3.4 Strategic responsible innovation management (StRIM)
        • 3.4.1 Planning
        • 3.4.2 Implementation
        • 3.4.3 Evaluation and control
      • 3.5 Conclusions
      • Funding
      • Acknowledgements
      • Copyright
      • Note
      • References
    • 4 On the challenges and drivers of implementing responsible innovation in foodpreneurial SMEs
      • 4.1 Introduction
      • 4.2 Literature review
      • 4.3 Method
      • 4.4 Findings
        • 4.4.1 Unfamiliarity with the RI concept
        • 4.4.2 The challenge of stakeholder inclusion
        • 4.4.3 Beyond profit maximisation, personal incentives and visions of change
      • 4.5 Discussion
      • 4.6 Limitations and conclusion
      • References
    • 5 Supporting RRI uptake in industry: A qualitative and multi-criteria approach to analysing the costs and benefits of ...
      • 5.1 Introduction
      • 5.2 Methodology and context
      • 5.3 Background
        • 5.3.1 Responsible Research and Innovation and corporate social responsibility
        • 5.3.2 Issues regarding RRI implementation in companies
      • 5.4 The PRISMA model
      • 5.5 The pathway for RRI implementation in companies
        • 5.5.1 Opportunities and barriers for implementing RRI
        • 5.5.2 Setting the strategy for RRI implementation
        • 5.5.3 Using a multi-criteria and qualitative approach to analyse impacts of RRI actions
      • 5.6 Discussion and conclusion
      • Acknowledgement
      • Notes
      • References
    • 6 Do voluntary standards support responsible innovation implementation and reporting in industry? The case of the ...
      • 6.1 Introduction
      • 6.2 Voluntary standards as an RRI practice
        • 6.2.1 Classifications of voluntary standards
        • 6.2.2 The potential role of voluntary standards in RRI
        • 6.2.3 The drawbacks of voluntary standards as RRI instrument
        • 6.2.4 Application of voluntary standards for RRI: the use of front-of-pack labels in the food industry
      • 6.3 Methods
      • 6.4 Findings
      • 6.5 Discussion and conclusions: the future of voluntary standards as instrument for supporting RRI implementation and ...
      • 6.6 Limitations of the study
      • 6.7 Future directions
      • References
  • Part III Responsible innovation assessment
    • 7 Monitoring Responsible Research and Innovation in the European research area: The MoRRI project
      • 7.1 Introduction
      • 7.2 Challenges
      • 7.3 RRI keys
        • 7.3.1 Public engagement (PE)
        • 7.3.2 Science literacy and scientific education (SLSE)
        • 7.3.3 Gender equality (GE)
        • 7.3.4 Open access (OA)
        • 7.3.5 Ethics
        • 7.3.6 Governance
      • 7.4 Development of indicators
      • 7.5 Emerging patterns at the country level
      • 7.6 Exploring the benefits of RRI
      • 7.7 The future of monitoring RRI
      • Acknowledgement
      • References
    • Best practice I The B Impact Assessment
    • 8 The COMPASS self-check tool: Enhancing organizational learning for responsible innovation through self-assessment
      • 8.1 Introduction
      • 8.2 Organizational learning and responsible innovation
        • 8.2.1 Organizational learning in innovation processes
        • 8.2.2 Organizational learning for responsibility
        • 8.2.3 The contribution of self-assessment to organizational learning
      • 8.3 Developing a self-assessment tool for responsible innovation
      • 8.4 Introducing the COMPASS self-check tool
        • 8.4.1 Aligning company practice and responsible innovation
        • 8.4.2 Actionable results for organizational improvement
      • 8.5 Discussion and conclusions
      • Notes
      • References
    • Best practice II Societal Readiness Thinking Tool by NewHoRRIzon
      • Description of the good practice example
      • Aims and goals
      • Benefit for organisation
      • Note
      • References
    • 9 Reflexive monitoring in action as a methodology for learning and enacting Responsible Research and Innovation
      • 9.1 Introduction
      • 9.2 Background
      • 9.3 Formulating criteria for RRI – and putting them to good use
      • 9.4 Illustrating RMA’s value as an RRI way of assessing RRI
      • 9.5 Discussion and conclusion
      • Notes
      • References
    • Best practice III Data-driven materiality analysis
      • Aims and goals
      • Benefit for organization
      • References
    • 10 A future-oriented evaluation and development model for Responsible Research and Innovation
      • 10.1 Introduction
      • 10.2 Theoretical background
        • 10.2.1 Complexity and heterogeneity
        • 10.2.2 Towards systems thinking in evaluation
      • 10.3 Future-oriented evaluation and development model for Responsible Research and Innovation
        • 10.3.1 Stakeholder identification and engagement
        • 10.3.2 Defining values, operational goals and impacts
        • 10.3.3 Integration into the organization(s)
        • 10.3.4 Follow-up
        • 10.3.5 Critical questions of the approach
      • 10.4 Conclusions
      • Notes
      • References
    • Best practice IV PRISMA KPI analysis tool
      • Description of good practice example
      • Aims and goals
      • Benefit for organizations
      • Reference
    • 11 Assessing Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) systems in the digital age
      • 11.1 Introduction
      • 11.2 RRI requires a system approach
      • 11.3 Assessment of RRI systems
        • 11.3.1 Assessing innovation systems: reviewing the state of the art
        • 11.3.2 Assessment of RRI systems: adding responsibility to the mix
      • 11.4 Assessing RRI systems in the digital age
        • 11.4.1 The digital age: big data analytics and IoT platforms
          • Big data analytics
          • IoT platforms
        • 11.4.2 Assessing RRI systems in the digital age: a scheme
      • 11.5 Conclusions
      • References
    • Best practice V Managing social impacts and ethical issues of research and innovation: the CEN/WS 105 guidelines to ...
      • Aims and goals
      • Description of good practice example
      • Benefits for the organisation
      • Notes
      • References
    • 12 RRI intensity: A proposed method of assessing the requirement for responsible innovation in ICT projects
      • 12.1 Introduction
        • 12.1.1 Societal impact
        • 12.1.2 Possible responses: before and after impact occurs
        • 12.1.3 Research gap
      • 12.2 Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)
        • 12.2.1 Definitions and foundation
        • 12.2.2 Development and implementation
        • 12.2.3 RRI as an extension of prior methods
        • 12.2.4 Balancing creativity and compliance
      • 12.3 Responsible Research and Innovation intensity level
        • 12.3.1 Technology readiness and innovation potential
        • 12.3.2 Step 1: Axis 1 – technology readiness level
        • 12.3.3 Step 2: Axis 2 – innovation potential
          • Sustainable development goals
          • Establishing the innovation potential score
            • Example
        • 12.3.4 Step 3: assessing RIL
        • 12.3.5 Operationalising RRI intensity level
        • 12.3.6 Other factors
          • Research portfolios
          • Significant risks
          • Alternative applications
      • 12.4 Conclusions
        • 12.4.1 Limitations of the method
      • 12.5 Further research
      • Notes
      • References
    • Best practice VI Benchmarking for a better world: assessing corporate performance on the SDGs
      • Description of the good practice example
      • Aims and goals
      • Benefit for the organisation
    • 13 The responsible side of innovation: Towards the measurement of a new construct
      • 13.1 Introduction
        • 13.1.1 Creativity and responsibility
      • 13.2 The relevance of the dimensions of Responsible Research and Innovation for moral creativity
        • 13.2.1 Anticipation
        • 13.2.2 Reflexivity
        • 13.2.3 Inclusion
        • 13.2.4 Responsiveness
      • 13.3 Findings
      • 13.4 Development of the responsible creativity and innovation scale
      • 13.5 Discussion and conclusion
      • Acknowledgement
      • References
    • Best practice VII Enabling the private sector to manage its impact on the SDGs
      • Aims and goals
      • Benefit for organizations
      • Notes
    • 14 RRI measurement and assessment: Some pitfalls and a proposed way forward
      • 14.1 Introduction
      • 14.2 The constellation of actors
        • 14.2.1 Innovator
        • 14.2.2 Regulator or standard setter
        • 14.2.3 RRI assessor
        • 14.2.4 Direct stakeholders
        • 14.2.5 Indirect stakeholders
      • 14.3 Potential motivations for doing RRI assessment
        • 14.3.1 Compliance
        • 14.3.2 Accountability, transparency and trust
        • 14.3.3 Learning and improving performance
        • 14.3.4 Avoiding regulation
      • 14.4 An overview of some existing RRI metrics and assessment methods
      • 14.5 Measurement problems
      • 14.6 Strategic behavior
      • 14.7 Discussion
      • 14.8 Conclusions
      • Acknowledgment
      • Notes
      • References
  • Index

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