
Title: Modern C++ programming cookbook: master C++ core language and standard library features, with over 100 recipes, updated to C++20. — Second edition.
Creators: Bancila Marius
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: C++ (Computer program language); Computer programming.; EBSCO eBooks
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Language: English
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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Copyright
  • Packt Page
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: Learning Modern Core Language Features
    • Using auto whenever possible
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Creating type aliases and alias templates
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Understanding uniform initialization
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Understanding the various forms of non-static member initialization
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Controlling and querying object alignment
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using scoped enumerations
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using override and final for virtual methods
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using range-based for loops to iterate on a range
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Enabling range-based for loops for custom types
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using explicit constructors and conversion operators to avoid implicit conversion
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using unnamed namespaces instead of static globals
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using inline namespaces for symbol versioning
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using structured bindings to handle multi-return values
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Simplifying code with class template argument deduction
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
  • Chapter 2: Working with Numbers and Strings
    • Converting between numeric and string types
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Limits and other properties of numeric types
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Generating pseudo-random numbers
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Initializing all bits of internal state of a pseudo-random number generator
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Creating cooked user-defined literals
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Creating raw user-defined literals
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using raw string literals to avoid escaping characters
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Creating a library of string helpers
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Verifying the format of a string using regular expressions
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Parsing the content of a string using regular expressions
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Replacing the content of a string using regular expressions
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using string_view instead of constant string references
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Formatting text with std::format
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using std::format with user-defined types
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
  • Chapter 3: Exploring Functions
    • Defaulted and deleted functions
      • Getting started
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using lambdas with standard algorithms
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using generic and template lambdas
      • Getting started
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Writing a recursive lambda
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Writing a function template with a variable number of arguments
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using fold expressions to simplify variadic function templates
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Implementing the higher-order functions map and fold
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Composing functions into a higher-order function
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Uniformly invoking anything callable
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
  • Chapter 4: Preprocessing and Compilation
    • Conditionally compiling your source code
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using the indirection pattern for preprocessor stringification and concatenation
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Performing compile-time assertion checks with static_assert
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Conditionally compiling classes and functions with enable_if
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Selecting branches at compile time with constexpr if
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Providing metadata to the compiler with attributes
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
  • Chapter 5: Standard Library Containers, Algorithms, and Iterators
    • Using vector as a default container
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using bitset for fixed-size sequences of bits
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Using vector for variable-size sequences of bits
      • Getting ready...
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Using the bit manipulation utilities
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it…
      • How it works…
      • See also
    • Finding elements in a range
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Sorting a range
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Initializing a range
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using set operations on a range
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using iterators to insert new elements into a container
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Writing your own random-access iterator
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Container access with non-member functions
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
  • Chapter 6: General-Purpose Utilities
    • Expressing time intervals with chrono::duration
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Working with calendars
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it…
      • How it works…
      • There's more…
      • See also
    • Converting times between time zones
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it…
      • How it works…
      • See also
    • Measuring function execution time with a standard clock
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Generating hash values for custom types
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using std::any to store any value
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using std::optional to store optional values
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using std::variant as a type-safe union
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Visiting an std::variant
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using std::span for contiguous sequences of objects
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it…
      • How it works…
      • See also
    • Registering a function to be called when a program exits normally
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using type traits to query properties of types
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Writing your own type traits
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using std::conditional to choose between types
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
  • Chapter 7: Working with Files and Streams
    • Reading and writing raw data from/to binary files
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Reading and writing objects from/to binary files
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using localized settings for streams
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using I/O manipulators to control the output of a stream
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using monetary I/O manipulators
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using time I/O manipulators
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Working with filesystem paths
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Creating, copying, and deleting files and directories
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Removing content from a file
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Checking the properties of an existing file or directory
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Enumerating the content of a directory
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Finding a file
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
  • Chapter 8: Leveraging Threading and Concurrency
    • Working with threads
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Synchronizing access to shared data with mutexes and locks
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Avoiding using recursive mutexes
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Handling exceptions from thread functions
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Sending notifications between threads
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using promises and futures to return values from threads
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Executing functions asynchronously
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using atomic types
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Implementing parallel map and fold with threads
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Implementing parallel map and fold with tasks
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Implementing parallel map and fold with standard parallel algorithms
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Using joinable threads and cancellation mechanisms
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using thread synchronization mechanisms
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
  • Chapter 9: Robustness and Performance
    • Using exceptions for error handling
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Using noexcept for functions that do not throw exceptions
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Ensuring constant correctness for a program
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Creating compile-time constant expressions
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more…
      • See also
    • Creating immediate functions
      • How to do it…
      • How it works…
      • See also
    • Performing correct type casts
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Using unique_ptr to uniquely own a memory resource
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using shared_ptr to share a memory resource
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Implementing move semantics
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Consistent comparison with the operator <=>
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it…
      • How it works…
      • See also
  • Chapter 10: Implementing Patterns and Idioms
    • Avoiding repetitive if...else statements in factory patterns
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Implementing the pimpl idiom
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Implementing the named parameter idiom
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Separating interfaces and implementations with the non-virtual interface idiom
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Handling friendship with the attorney-client idiom
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Static polymorphism with the curiously recurring template pattern
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Implementing a thread-safe singleton
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
  • Chapter 11: Exploring Testing Frameworks
    • Getting started with Boost.Test
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Writing and invoking tests with Boost.Test
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Asserting with Boost.Test
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using fixtures in Boost.Test
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Controlling outputs with Boost.Test
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Getting started with Google Test
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Writing and invoking tests with Google Test
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Asserting with Google Test
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Using test fixtures with Google Test
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Controlling output with Google Test
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Getting started with Catch2
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Writing and invoking tests with Catch2
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Asserting with Catch2
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Controlling output with Catch2
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it…
      • How it works...
      • See also
  • Chapter 12: C++20 Core Features
    • Working with modules
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Understanding module partitions
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Specifying requirements on template arguments with concepts
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Using requires expressions and clauses
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Iterating over collections with the ranges library
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Creating your own range view
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • See also
    • Creating a coroutine task type for asynchronous computations
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
    • Creating a coroutine generator type for sequences of values
      • Getting ready
      • How to do it...
      • How it works...
      • There's more...
      • See also
  • Bibliography
    • Websites
    • Articles and books
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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