
Title: Critical theory and contemporary society. Critical theory and demagogic populism
Creators: Jones Paul
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Populism.; Populism; Frankfurt school of sociology.; Political culture.; PHILOSOPHY / Movements / Critical Theory; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Record key: on1202232090

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Table of Contents

  • Front matter
  • Dedication
  • Contents
  • Figures and table
  • Acknowledgements
  • Part I: Critically theorizingdemagogic populism
    • Introduction: from orthodox ‘populism studies’ to critical theory
      • (a) An enduring orthodox dilemma: contesting ‘populism’ and ‘radical right’
      • (b) The Radical Right project: enter the demagogue
      • (c) Towards modern demagogy and demagogic populism: plan of the book
    • The Institute’s analysis of ‘modern demagogy’
      • (a) From ‘authoritarian(ism)’ to ‘modern demagogy’
      • (b) Demagogic devices, their social psychology, and populism
      • (c) Psychotechnics: the modern demagogue as cultural producer
    • Expanding the reach of the Institute’s analysis
      • (a) The problem of ‘modern’ populism and demagogy
      • (b) From ‘Weberian Marxism’ to ideal-typification
      • (c) The state capitalism thesis as ‘negative’ ideal-type
      • (d) Ideal-type and physiognomy
      • (e) Towards a critical-theoretical comparativist typology
    • Gramscian analyses of fascism and populism: Poulantzas, Laclau, Hall
      • (a) Gramsci’s legacy: a brief sketch
      • (b) Laclau and Poulantzas on fascism and populism
      • (c) Laclau’s formalist reading of Worsley
      • (d) Hall’s ‘authoritarian populism’ and other challenges to Laclauian hyperformalism
    • Towards a synthesis of critical perspectives
      • (a) Adorno contra Laclau on Freud’s Group Psychology
      • (b) A Poulantzian mediation
      • (c) Towards a social-formalist synthesis
  • Part II: Populist contradictions of the culture industry
    • Cultural populisms and culture industry
      • (a) From Volk to culture industry
      • (b) ‘Mass culture’ and the attribution of ‘cultural elitism’ to the culture industry thesis
      • (c) Cultural populism: deepening the concept
      • (d) From cultural populism to ‘popular arts’
      • (e) Popular arts and ‘contestation’
    • Counter-demagogic popular art: towards a selective tradition
      • (a) Below the Surface
      • (b) A Face in the Crowd: the paradigmatic case
      • (c) Left-demagogy and counter-demagogic popular art
      • (d) Successful liberal exposure: Murrow’s ‘slaying’ of the McCarthyist dragon and its aesthetic legacy
    • Excursus: an outline of Trumpian psychotechnics
    • Structural transformations of demagogic populism
      • (a) Towards a conclusion: mediated physiognomics and demagogic populism
      • (b) A disintegrating public sphere?
      • (c) Structural transformation of ‘social structures’ and institutions of the public sphere
      • (d) The dialectic of contradictory institutionalization and demagogic populism
      • (e) The return of the repressed?
    • Appendix: Adorno, Theodor W. ‘Introduction to Prophets of Deceit’ (1949, previously unpublished)
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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