
Title: The Philosophical Foundations of Management Thought
Creators: Joullié Jean-Etienne.; Spillane Robert.
Imprint: Lanham: Lexington Books, 2020
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Management — Philosophy.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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The authors provide an overview of major Western philosophies and their significance for managers, management academics, students, and consultants.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • The Philosophical Foundations of Management Thought
  • The Philosophical Foundations of Management Thought: Revised and Expanded Edition
  • Copyright
  • Dedication
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1
  • Ancient Heroism
    • Homer’s World
    • Homer’s Heroes
    • Homer’s Man
    • Ancient Heroism Today
    • Peter Drucker
    • Management by Objectives and Self-Control
    • After Drucker
    • Managing, Heroically
    • Notes
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 2
  • Greek Rationalism
    • A World in Transition
    • Plato’s Forms
    • The Rule of the Wise
    • Leading from the Psyche
    • Plato’s Legacy
    • Plato, C.E.O.
    • Notes
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 3
  • Italian Renaissance
    • Rome and Christianity
    • The Italian Renaissance
    • Niccolò Machiavelli
    • Machiavelli’s Virtù
    • Machiavelli’s Shadow
    • Machiavelli in the Executive Suite
    • Notes
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 4
  • French Rationalism
    • The Nominalist Challenge
    • The Scientific Revolution
    • René Descartes
    • Cartesian Doubt
    • The Cogito
    • Descartes’S Theology
    • Cartesian Circles
    • Managing Rationally
    • Notes
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 5
  • British Empiricism
    • British Empiricism
    • David Hume: The Study of Human Nature
    • Hume’s Fork
    • Causation and Induction
    • Humean Nature
    • Hume’s Critics
    • Managing without Nonsense
    • After Hume
    • Notes
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 6
  • Positivism
    • The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte
    • The Science of Society
    • Positivism after Comte
    • Managing Positively
    • Positivism and Management Academia
    • Beyond Positivism
    • Notes
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 7
  • Critical Rationalism
    • The Problem of Demarcation
    • The Growth of Scientific Knowledge
    • The Endless Pursuit of Truth
    • The Critique of Historicism and the Case for the Open Society
    • Popperian Science and Management Academia
    • The Logic of Strategic Management Discoveries
    • Critical Irrationalism
    • Notes
    • Further readings
  • Chapter 8
  • German Romanticism
    • The French Enlightenment
    • The German Enlightenment
    • The First Attack on the Enlightenment
    • Immanuel Kant: Reluctant Romantic
    • Johann Fichte: The Apotheosis of the Will
    • Arthur Schopenhauer: The Dark Side of the Will
    • The Romantic Legacy
    • Managing Romantically
    • Notes
    • Further Reading
  • Chapter 9
  • Heroic Individualism
    • The Wanderer and His Shadow
    • History of European Nihilism
    • The Anti-Christ
    • Will to Power
    • Managing Aristocratically
    • Human, All Too Human
    • Notes
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 10
  • Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry
    • Psychoanalysis’S Main Principles
    • Psychoanalysis at Work
    • Freud under Analysis
    • Psychiatry
    • The Myth of Mental Illness
    • Managing Mind
    • Notes
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 11
  • French Existentialism
    • The Fathers of Existentialism
    • Consciousness as Nothingness
    • Condemned to Be Free
    • Freedom and Responsibility at Work
    • The Existentialism of Peter Drucker
    • No Exit
    • Further Criticisms
    • Notes
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 12
  • American Pragmatism
    • Charles Sanders Peirce’s Pragmatic Maxim
    • Williams James’s Convenient Pragmatism
    • John Dewey’s Naturalistic Pragmatism
    • George Herbert Mead’s Pragmatic Social Psychology
    • Management: Practice, Theory, Ideology
    • Making Management Work
    • Neopragmatism
    • Notes
    • Further Reading
  • Chapter 13
  • Postmodernism
    • The End of Modernity
    • French Theory
    • The Linguistic Turn
    • The Postmodern Condition
    • Managing without Certainties
    • Critical Management Studies
    • The Postmodern Disorder
    • Post-Postmodernism
    • Notes
    • Further reading
  • Epilogue
    • Promising Beginnings
    • Unresolved Tensions
    • The Way Forward
    • Philosophy as Prophylaxis
    • Philosophy as Citizenship
    • Philosophy as Management Education
    • Notes
    • Further reading
  • Bibliography
  • Name Index
  • About the Authors

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