
Title: Dictatorship by degrees: Xi Jinping in China
Creators: Feldman Steven P.
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Political culture; Totalitarianism.; Political culture.; Politics and government.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Record key: on1224043114

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"Steven P. Feldman argues that Chinese political culture, based on the core principle of small group loyalties, is inherently unstable, resulting in an ongoing tendency for leaders to concentrate power in order to accomplish their goals. He examines this trend in Xi Jinping's regime through the concept of pre-totalitarianism"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Part I
    • Chapter One: Pre-Totalitarianism
    • Chapter Two: The Chinese Political System
  • Part II
    • Chapter Three: Patterns in Chinese Politics
    • Chapter Four: Management and Governance
    • Chapter Five: Censorship
    • Chapter Six: Vicissitudes in Dictatorial Control
    • Chapter Seven: Political Change
    • Chapter Eight: Mao and the Cultural Revolution as Models
    • Chapter Nine: Factions Today
    • Chapter Ten: Parade, Party, and President Xi
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • About the Author

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