
Title: Crop production science in horticulture ;. Cut flowers and foliages. — 36.
Other creators: Faust James E. ((Associate Professor),); Dole John M.
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Cut flowers.; Cut foliage.; Flowers.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Record key: on1226075935

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"The cut flower industry is a global business with major production locations around the world. This book describes the major international production locations and markets, including current trends and directions"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Crop Production Science in Horticulture series
  • Cut Flowers and Foliages
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • List of Contributors
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • 1 The Global Cut Flower and Foliage Marketplace
    • Introduction
    • Geography of Cut Flower Markets
      • Export markets
      • Emerging markets
      • Domestic markets
    • Factors Driving the Location of Cut Flower Production
      • Photoperiod
      • Light
      • Temperature
      • Currency exchange rates
      • Labor cost and availability
      • Governmental incentives
      • Free-trade agreements
      • Transportation systems
      • Cold-chain management
      • Airport logistics and proximity
    • Global Production and Markets
      • Species
      • Europe
        • Netherlands
        • Germany
        • Italy
        • Spain
        • UK
        • Belgium
        • Belarus
      • Africa
        • Kenya
        • Ethiopia
        • South Africa
        • Tanzania
      • Middle East
        • Israel
      • North America
        • USA
        • Canada
        • Mexico
      • South and Central America
        • Colombia
        • Ecuador
        • Costa Rica
        • Guatemala
      • Asia and Pacific
        • Japan
        • China
        • India
        • Malaysia
        • Thailand
        • Taiwan
        • Vietnam
        • South Korea
        • Australia
        • New Zealand
    • Connecting Producers and Customers
      • Producer to customer – via intermediates
        • Importers
        • Brokers
        • Wholesale firms/florists
        • Auctions
        • Flower markets
        • Marketing cooperatives
        • Retail florists
        • Street vendors
        • Designers
        • Bouquet makers
        • Box and club stores
        • Grocery stores
        • Online vendors
      • Producer to consumer – direct
        • On-farm sales
        • City and farmers’ markets
        • Farmer florists
        • Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) and subscriptions
        • Online
    • Global Trends
      • Industry consolidation
      • Distribution pathways
      • International transport
      • Phytosanitary obligations
      • Sustainability
    • References
  • 2 Major Cut Flowers
    • Introduction
    • Alstroemeria
      • Market
      • Cultivars and related species
      • Production practices
      • Irrigation and nutrition
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
    • Carnation
      • Market
      • Cultivars and related species
      • Production practices
      • Irrigation and nutrition
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
    • Chrysanthemum
      • Market
      • Cultivars and related species
      • Production practices
      • Irrigation and nutrition
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
    • Dendrobium Orchid
      • Market
      • Cultivars and related species
      • Production practices
      • Irrigation and nutrition
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
    • Freesia
      • Market
      • Cultivars and related species
      • Production practices
      • Irrigation and nutrition
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
    • Gerbera Daisy
      • Market
      • Cultivars and related species
      • Production practices
      • Irrigation and nutrition
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
    • Gladiolus
      • Market
      • Cultivars and related species
      • Production practices
      • Irrigation and nutrition
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
    • Gypsophila
      • Market
      • Cultivars and related species
      • Production practices
      • Irrigation and nutrition
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
    • Lily
      • Market
      • Cultivars and related species
      • Production practices
      • Irrigation and nutrition
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
    • Peony
      • Market
      • Cultivars and related species
      • Production practices
      • Nutrition and irrigation
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
    • Ranunculus
      • Market
      • Cultivars and related species
      • Production practices
      • Irrigation and nutrition
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
    • Rose
      • Market
      • Cultivars
      • Production practices
        • Traditional method
        • Bending method
      • Irrigation and nutrition
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
    • Statice
      • Market
      • Cultivars and related species
      • Production practices
        • Annual statice
        • Perennial or hybrid statice
      • Irrigation and nutrition
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
    • Sunflower
      • Market
      • Cultivars and related species
      • Production practices
      • Irrigation and nutrition
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
    • Tulip
      • Market
      • Cultivars and related species
      • Production practices
      • Irrigation and nutrition
      • Major pests
      • Postharvest management
    • References
  • 3 Cut Foliages
    • Introduction
    • Categorizing Cut Foliage Species
      • Minimum temperature tolerance
        • Cold tolerant
        • Chilling sensitive
      • Climate
        • Tropical
        • Subtropical
        • Temperate
      • Hardiness zone
      • Light
      • Life cycle
        • Annuals
        • Herbaceous perennials
        • Woody
        • Geophytes
    • Harvest and Postharvest
    • Tropical Cut Foliage Species
    • Subtropical Cut Foliage Species
    • Temperate Cut Foliage Species
    • Minor Cut Foliage Species
    • References
  • 4  Specialty Cuts
    • Introduction
    • Production Environment
      • Greenhouses
      • Tunnels and shade houses
      • Field
    • Site Selection
    • Production and Support Systems
    • Plant Establishment
    • Plant Spacing
    • Irrigation
    • Weed Control
    • Specialty Cut Species
      • Production environment
      • Plant type
      • Hardiness zone
      • Vase life
      • Harvest stage
  • 5 Irrigation and Fertilization
    • Introduction
    • Crop Water Relations and Irrigation Management
      • Water relations in soil substrates and plants
      • Water potential components in soil/substrate
      • Water potential components within the plant
      • Irrigation water quality
      • Salinity
      • pH and alkalinity
      • Irrigation management
      • Air–water balance in soils and substrates
      • Water footprint
    • Mineral Nutrition and Fertilization Management
      • Nutrient delivery
      • Factors affecting nutrient uptake
      • Nutrient uptake capacity and behavior
      • Plant responses to nutrient supplies
      • Nutrient solution management
      • Nitrogen forms in nutrient solutions and pH management
      • Recirculating and recycling nutrient solutions
      • Monitoring plant and growing medium nutrient status
      • Integrative nutrient diagnosis techniques
    • References
  • 6 Diseases and Disease Management
    • Introduction
    • General Principles of Disease Management
    • Fungal and Oomycete Diseases Affecting Foliar and Floral Tissues
      • Botrytis blight, gray mold
        • Pathogen description
        • Important hosts
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
      • Powdery mildew
        • Pathogen description
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Important hosts
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
      • Rust
        • Pathogen description
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Management practices
      • Downy mildew
        • Pathogen description
        • Important hosts
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
      • Itersonilia petal blight
        • Pathogen description
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Important hosts
        • Management practices
      • Stemphylium leaf and flower spot, ray speck
        • Pathogen description
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Important hosts
        • Management practices
      • Alternaria leaf spot, flower spot, speck and blight
        • Pathogen description
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
      • Rose black spot
        • Pathogen description
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Important host
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
    • Fungal and Oomycete Diseases Causing Root, Crown, Corm, Basal and Stem Rots
      • Fusarium bulb, corm, stem rot and wilt
        • Pathogen description
        • Important hosts
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
      • Pythium root rot
        • Pathogen description
        • Important hosts
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
      • Phytophthora root and stem rot
        • Pathogen description
        • Important hosts
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
      • Rhizoctonia root and stem rot
        • Pathogen description
        • Important hosts
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
      • Thielaviopsis root rot, black mold
        • Pathogen description
        • Important hosts
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
    • Bacterial and Phytoplasma Diseases Affecting Foliar and Floral Tissues
      • Pseudomonas bacterial wilt, bacterial leaf spot
        • Pathogen description
        • Important hosts
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
      • Xanthomonas bacterial leaf spot
        • Pathogen description
        • Important hosts
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
      • Rodococcus, fasciation, leafy gall
        • Pathogen description
        • Important hosts
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
      • Aster yellows
        • Pathogen description
        • Important hosts
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Management practices
    • Bacterial Diseases Affecting Root, Crown and Stem Tissues
      • Crown gall
        • Pathogen description
        • Important hosts
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
      • Erwinia, bacterial soft rot
        • Pathogen description
        • Important hosts
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
        • Management practices
    • Virus and Viroid Diseases
      • Pathogen description
        • Symptoms
        • Virus dissemination strategies
        • General management strategies for virus and viroid diseases
    • Nematode Diseases
      • Description and importance
      • General management practices
      • Root-knot nematodes – Meloidogyne spp.
        • Important hosts
        • Symptoms and signs
        • Disease cycle
    • References
  • 7  Biological Control of Pests
    • Introduction
    • Why Use Biological Control?
    • Major Pests and Their Biological Control
      • Two-spotted mite (Tetranychus urticae)
      • Western flower thrips (WFT) (Frankliniella occidentalis)
      • Tobacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) and the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum)
      • Aphids (Aphididae)
      • Mealybugs (Pseudococcidae)
      • Leaf miner
      • Nematodes
      • Caterpillars (Order: Lepidoptera)
    • Integrated Pest Management
      • Conservation of predator populations
      • Beneficial, entomopathogenic nematodes
      • Integrated use of pesticides
      • Choice of biological control agent
    • The Future
      • New pests
      • Barriers and drivers
      • Research and development
    • References
  • 8  Postharvest Management
    • Introduction
    • Preharvest Care
      • Cultivar
      • Light
      • Temperature
      • Nutrition
      • Pests
      • Water
    • Harvest
      • Developmental stage
      • Time of day
      • Harvest method
      • Foliage removal and bunching
      • Transport from field/greenhouse to packing house
    • Postharvest Bucket and Vase Solutions
      • Greenhouse/field harvest bucket solution
      • Pre-packaging bucket solution
      • Shipping/holding bucket solution
      • Vase solution
    • Postharvest Handling
      • Processing
      • Grading
      • Bunching
      • Treatment with solutions
      • Sleeving
      • Packing
      • Sanitation
      • Water quality
      • Ethylene control
      • Anti-transpirants and moisture-retentive packaging
      • Coloring, glitter and other enhancements
    • Storage and Shipping
      • Temperature
      • Humidity
      • Disease control
      • Environmental monitoring
      • Air movement
      • Light
      • Forced-air cooling
      • Controlled-atmosphere (CA) storage
      • Wet vs. dry storage and shipping
    • Postharvest Future Directions
    • References
  • Index
  • Back Cover

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