
Title: Solutions journalism: news at the intersection of hope, leadership, and expertise
Creators: Dodd Bill ((College teacher),)
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Journalism — Social aspects.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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"As audiences increasingly avoid negative news, journalists are being called upon to tell optimistic stories about the future. This book explores emerging solutions reporting practices while arguing for a journalism based on hope psychology and a pluralist conception of leadership and expertise"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Solutions Journalism
  • Solutions Journalism: News at the Intersection of Hope,Leadership, and Expertise
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Part I
    • Chapter 1
    • Hope
      • Social Hope
      • Journalism’s Psychotherapeutic Turn
      • Positive Psychology
      • The Psychology of Hope
      • Hope Theory
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 2
    • Leadership
      • From Public Journalism to Solutions Journalism
      • The Public Sphere
      • Governance and Public Opinion
      • Field Theory
      • The Governmental Field
      • Leadership as Symbolic Capital
      • Leadership Frames
      • Metaphor
      • The Moral Politics of Leadership
      • Conclusion
  • Part II
    • Chapter 3
    • “New Tasmania”
      • Lagging Tasmania
      • Economic Recession
      • Forestry Collapse
      • “New Tasmania”
      • Refugees of the Interior
      • New Tasmania under New Management
      • Solutions
      • The Tasmanian Governmental Field
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 4
    • “An Entrepreneurial Spirit”
      • Tasmania’s Journalistic Field
      • “An Entrepreneurial Spirit”
      • Tests of Leadership
      • Reflections and Balance
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 5
    • Governmental Metaphors
      • Navigation
      • Construction
      • Nurturance
      • Conclusion
      • Note
    • Chapter 6
    • Expertise
      • “Industry Experts”
      • Metaphor as Masquerade
      • Utilitarian Rigor
      • Hope, Virtue, and Practical Wisdom
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 7
    • Conclusion
      • Solutions Journalism
      • Expanding the Governmental Field
      • A Taxonomy of Solutions Journalism
      • Solution Ensembles
      • Metaphor Adaptation
      • Conclusion
  • Appendices
  • References
  • Index
  • About the Author

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