
Title: Psychophysiological Methods in Language Research: Rethinking Embodiment in Studies of Linguistic Behaviors
Creators: Hardacre Bahiyyih
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Education: Bilingual Education.; Psychology: Physiological Psychology.; Language and languages — Research — Methodology.; Psychophysiology.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
Rights: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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This book is a guide for language researchers who are considering the adoption of a transdisciplinary and multidimensional approach to language research. It aims to provide a n overview of each of the most popular physiological methods today, along with their applications in research, and basic data collection procedures.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Psychophysiological Methods in LanguageResearch
  • Psychophysiological Methods in LanguageResearchRethinking Embodiment inStudies of Linguistic Behaviors
  • Copyright
  • Dedication
  • Contents
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1
  • Describing Emotions
    • Basic Emotions
    • Cultural Considerations
    • The Role of Emotions in Language Research
    • Autonomic Physiological Responses that Indicate Emotional States
    • The Polyvagal Theory
    • The Somatic Marker Hypothesis
    • Using Psychological Scales
  • Chapter 2
  • Electrocardiography
    • Electrocardiography and Language Research
    • Important Considerations about Methodological Procedures
  • Chapter 3
  • Blood Pressure
    • BP and Language Research
    • Important Considerations about Methodological Procedures
  • Chapter 4
  • Electrodermal Activity
    • Electrodermal Activity and Language Research
    • Important Considerations about Methodological Procedures
    • Note
  • Chapter 5
  • Skin Temperature
    • Skin Temperature and Language Research
    • Important Considerations about Methodological Procedures
  • Chapter 6
  • Electroencephalography
    • Electroencephalography and Language Research
    • Important Considerations about Methodological Procedures
    • Note
  • Chapter 7
  • Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    • Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Language Research
    • Important Considerations about Methodological Procedures
  • Chapter 8
  • Eye Movement and Eye Tracking
    • Eye Movement and Eye Tracking and Language Research
    • Important Considerations about Methodological Procedures
  • Chapter 9
  • Respiration
    • Respiration and Language Research
    • Important Considerations about Methodological Procedures
  • Chapter 10
  • Facial Expression Analysis
    • Facial Expression Analysis and Language Research
    • Important Considerations about Methodological Procedures
    • Note
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • About the Author

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