
Title: A liberal theory of practical morality
Creators: Spurgin Earl W
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Applied ethics.; Ethics — Social aspects.; Liberalism.; Ethics, Comparative.; Free enterprise.; Éthique appliquée.; Morale — Aspect social.; Libéralisme.; Morale comparée.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Record key: on1243910289

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"Applied to several of morality's practical matters, Spurgin presents a conception of moral liberalism and argues that it is the best approach to practical morality in a plural society"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Part I: Moral Liberalism
    • 1 Liberalism as a Moral, Not Just a Political, Doctrine
    • 2 Moral Liberalism’s Basic Commitments
    • 3 Practical Morality and Plural Societies
    • 4 Moral Liberalism’s Broad Applicability
  • Part II: Liberty of Internal States
    • 5 General Arguments Regarding the Liberty of Internal States
    • 6 The Moral Liberty of Fantasies
    • 7 Why Schadenfreude Is Morally Permissible
    • 8 Harmful Sports
  • Part III: Liberty of External Acts
    • 9 General Arguments Regarding the Liberty of External Acts
    • 10 Role Model Status and Obligations
    • 11 African American Athletes’ and Celebrities’ Use of the N-Word
    • 12 Punishment by Nongovernmental Institutions
  • Part IV: Obligations and Undue Burdens
    • 13 General Arguments Regarding Obligations and Undue Burdens
    • 14 Social Media Users’ Duty to Self-Censor
    • 15 Harmful Sports Revisited
    • 16 Obligations and Nongovernmental Institutions
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • About the Author

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