
Title: De Gruyter reference. Handbook bibliometrics
Other creators: Ball Rafael
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Bibliometrics — Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Bibliometrics.; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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Record key: on1249035378

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"Bibliometrics and altmetrics are increasingly becoming the focus of interest in the context of research evaluation. The Handbook Bibliometrics provides a comprehensive introduction to quantifying scientific output in addition to a historical derivation, individual indicators, institutions, application perspectives and data bases. Furthermore, application scenarios, training and qualification on bibliometrics and their implications are considered"--Publisher's website.

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Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • 1 History and Institutionalization of Bibliometrics
  • 1.1 A Historical Overview of Bibliometrics
  • 1.2 Institutionalization and Professionalization of Bibliometrics
  • 1.3 Eugene Garfield and the Institute for Scientific Information
  • 1.4 Derek De Solla Price: The Father of Scientometrics
  • 1.5 Coevolution of Field and Institute: The Institutionalization of Bibliometric Research Illustrated by the Emergence and Flourishing of the CWTS
  • 1.6 International Conferences of Bibliometrics
  • 2 Theory, Principles and Methods of Bibliometrics
  • 2.1 Peer Review and Bibliometrics
  • 2.2 Jurisdiction of Bibliometrics
  • 2.3 National Research Evaluation Systems
  • 2.4 The Mathematical Embedding of Bibliometrics
  • 2.5 Bibliometrics in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • 2.6 Relationship between Peer Review and Bibliometrics
  • 3 (Classical) Indicators
  • 3.1 Measuring the Impact of Research – from Scholarly Communication to Broader Impact
  • 3.2 From Simple Publication Figures to Complex Indicators: Bibliometrics and the Dilemma of Methodological Correctness, Significance, and Economic Necessity
  • 3.3 The Journal Impact Factor: A Bibliometric Indicator with a Long Past
  • 3.4 The h-index
  • 4 Alternative Metrics (Altmetrics)
  • 4.1 The Future Has Already Begun: Origin, Classification, and Applications of Altmetrics in Scholarly Communication
  • 4.2 History, Development and Conceptual Predecessors of Altmetrics
  • 4.3 Social Media and Altmetrics
  • 4.4 A Brief History
  • 4.5 PlumX Metrics (Plum Analytics) in Practice
  • 4.6 PLOS Article-Level Metrics
  • 4.7 Eigenfactor
  • 4.8 Academic Social Networks and Bibliometrics
  • 4.9 ResearchGate and the Academic Social Network Sites: New Environments for New Bibliometrics?
  • 4.10 Mendeley
  • 5 Applications, Practice and Special Issues in Bibliometrics
  • 5.1 An Ecology of Measures and Indicators: Bibliometrics in Resource Allocation
  • 5.2 Benchmarkings and Rankings
  • 5.3 Technological Trend Analysis
  • 5.4 Research Collaboration and Bibliometric Performance
  • 5.5 On the Need for Accessibility, Standardization, Regulation, and Verification in Bibliometrics: The Leiden Manifesto and Beyond
  • 5.6 Gender and Bibliometrics: A Review
  • 5.7 Visualization of Research Metrics
  • 5.8 Regional Distribution of Research: The Spatial Polarization in Question
  • 5.9 Bibliometrics and Co-Authorship
  • 6 The Data Basis in Bibliometrics
  • 6.1 Web of Science, Scopus and Further Citation Databases
  • 6.2 Expanding Dimensions: A New Source in the Bibliometrician’s Toolbox
  • 6.3 The Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC): The Construction and Application
  • 6.4 Institutional Repositories and Bibliometrics
  • 7 Teaching and Training
  • 7.1 Institutions for Bibliometric Qualification
  • 7.2 Bibliometrics in the Curriculum
  • 7.3 The Competent Bibliometrician – A Guided Tour through the Scholarly and Practitioner Literature
  • 8 The Future of Bibliometrics
  • 8.1 The Future of Bibliometrics: Where is Bibliometrics Heading?
  • 8.2 Open Science and the Future of Metrics
  • List of Contributors
  • Index

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