
Title: Conservation agriculture in Africa: climate smart agricultural development
Other creators: Mkomwa Saidi; Kassam A. H.
Collection: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Subjects: Sustainable agriculture; Crops and climate; Agricultural ecology; Agricultural conservation; Agriculture durable; Cultures et climat; Écologie agricole; Conservation des ressources agricoles; EBSCO eBooks
Document type: Other
File type: PDF
Language: English
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"Conservation Agriculture (the use of no tillage systems) to preserve soil structure and integrity has become an increasingly important step towards sustainable farming. This book brings together conservation agriculture and climate smart decision making processes for the first time, focusing on Africa"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Front_Cover
  • Dedication
  • Conservation Agriculture in Africa
  • Contents
  • 1 The Malabo Declaration and Agenda 2063: Making Climate Smart Agriculture Real with Conservation Agriculture in Africa
    • Abstract
    • 1.1 The Malabo Declaration and Agenda 2063: Africa’s Vision for Conservation Agriculture-based Climate Smart Agriculture
      • 1.1.1 Agriculture, Livelihoods and Wealth Creation
      • 1.1.2 The Malabo Declaration: Transforming Africa’s Agriculture
      • 1.1.3 Agenda 2063: Framework for The Africa We Want
      • 1.1.4 Operationalization of the Malabo Declaration and Agenda 2063: The ACCA Process
    • 1.2 Conservation Agriculture and Climate Smart Agriculture
      • 1.2.1 What is Conservation Agriculture?
      • 1.2.2 Where is CA Practised in Africa and by Whom?
    • 1.3 Climate Smart Agriculture: What is it?
      • 1.3.1 Conservation Agriculture-based Climate Smart Agriculture
    • 1.4 State of Conservation Agriculture and Climate Smart Agriculture in Africa and Opportunities
      • 1.4.1 State of CA and CA–CSA Activities in Africa
      • 1.4.2 Conservation Agriculture – What if 25 Million Households Adopted ­Conservation Agriculture-based Climate Smart Agriculture?
      • 1.4.3 Safe and Efficient Use of Agrochemicals to Reduce Their Environmental Impact
      • 1.4.4 Mechanization and Commercialization of Smallholder Farming
    • 1.5 The Second Africa Congress on Conservation Agriculture and This Book
    • References
  • 2 Development of Climate Smart Agriculture in Africa
    • Abstract
    • 2.1 Introduction and Background
    • 2.2 Food Security and Climate Change: Major Drivers of Agricultural Transformation
      • 2.2.1 Farming Systems and Natural Resources: Diversity and Fragility
      • 2.2.2 Climate Change and Variability in Africa: Challenges and Impacts
      • 2.2.3 High Commitment to Ambitious and Sustainable Agricultural Transformation
    • 2.3 Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA): Well-sequenced Strategy for Transformation
      • 2.3.1 Evolving Concepts
        • Climate smart agriculture
        • Conservation Agriculture
      • 2.3.2 Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Imperatives and Synergies for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Africa
    • 2.4 Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and Development Initiatives: Supporting Bottom-up Alliances
      • 2.4.1 Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN)
      • 2.4.2 Enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)
      • 2.4.3 Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Central to Gender and Equity
    • 2.5 Fostering and Enhancing ­Conservation Agriculture (CA) ­Science and Technology as a Foundation for Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)
    • 2.6 A New Legacy of Sustainability
      • 2.6.1 Doing More with Less by Leveraging and Harnessing Technology
      • 2.6.2 Rising Crop Productivity and Reducing Yield Gaps During Climate Variability
      • 2.6.3 Recarbonization and Enhancing the Resilience of African Soils
      • 2.6.4 Livestock Performance and Synergistic Integration with Crops
      • 2.6.5 Knowledge economy
      • 2.6.6 Economic and Social Benefits for Green Growth
    • 2.7 Barriers Impinging on Adoption and Diffusion of Conservation Agriculture (CA)
    • 2.8 International Cooperation, Political Statements and Bold Initiatives: Shift Towards Long-term Funding Models
    • 2.9 Africa Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Vision 25×25 and the Adaptation of African Agriculture (AAA) Initiative
      • 2.9.1 Africa Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Vision 25×25: Turning Challenges into Balanced Motivation and Concrete Opportunities
      • 2.9.2 Adaptation of African Agriculture (AAA) Initiative for Scaling-up/out Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)
    • 2.10 Suitability of Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Morocco
    • 2.11 Conclusion: Riding the Wave of Greater Success
    • References
  • 3 Climate Smart Agriculture for Africa: The Potential Role of Conservation Agriculture in Climate Smart Agriculture
    • Abstract
    • 3.1 Introduction
    • 3.2 Climate Change and Agriculture
    • 3.3 Climate Smart Agriculture, Agenda 2063 and the Malabo Declaration
    • 3.4 Conservation Agriculture: The Three Principles
    • 3.5 The Role of Agricultural Soils in Climate Change Mitigation; Consequences of Tillage
    • 3.6 Climate Change Mitigation with Conservation Agriculture: Climate Smart Agriculture
      • 3.6.1 Soil as a Carbon Sink in Conservation Agriculture
      • 3.6.2 Saving CO2 Emissions with Conservation Agriculture
    • 3.7 Conclusions
    • References
  • 4 Mainstreaming of the Conservation Agriculture Paradigm in Africa
    • Abstract
    • 4.1 Introduction
    • 4.2 Agenda 2063: Justification for mainstreaming Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Africa
      • 4.2.1 Political Economy of Conservation Agriculture (CA)
      • 4.2.2 Adoption of Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Africa
      • 4.2.3 Conservation Agriculture (CA) as a Core Component of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)
      • 4.2.4 Enabling Environment for Mainstreaming Conservation Agriculture (CA)
      • 4.2.5 The Africa Conservation Agriculture (CA) Congresses
      • 4.2.6 Institutional Capacity and Policy Support for Mainstreaming
    • 4.3 Conclusions
    • References
  • 5 Challenges and Approaches to Accelerating the Uptake of Conservation Agriculture in Africa and Europe
    • Abstract
    • 5.1 Introduction
    • 5.2 Current Status of Conservation Agriculture (CA) Spread and Adoption
      • 5.2.1 Africa
      • 5.2.2 Europe
    • 5.3 Challenges and Approaches to the Adoption of Conservation Agriculture (CA)
      • 5.3.1 Africa
      • 5.3.2 Europe
    • 5.4 Outlook
    • References
  • 6 Conservation Agriculture in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania: Learnings from Two Decades of Research for Development
    • Abstract
    • 6.1 Introduction
    • 6.2 Conservation Agriculture (CA) Initiatives in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania
      • 6.2.1 Indigenous Practices and Mechanical Measures
      • 6.2.2 Conservation Agriculture (CA) Research in the Southern Highlands
        • Early efforts in soil conservation
        • Development and evaluation of reduced soil disturbance implements
        • Cover crops
      • 6.2.3 Local Capacity Building and Promotion of Conservation Agriculture (CA)
        • Training of technical staff
        • Training of farmers
        • Promotion of CA
      • 6.2.4 Main Benefits of CA in the Southern Highlands
        • Increased and stable crop yields
        • Reduced labour and smoothing labour peaks
        • Economic benefits and improved livelihoods
      • 6.2.5  Adoption of Conservation Agriculture (CA) in the Southern Highlands
    • 6.3 Main Achievements and Challenges of Conservation Agriculture (CA) Adoption
      • 6.3.1 Main Achievements
      • 6.3.2 Challenges of CA Adoption
    • 6.4 Conclusions and Recommendations
      • 6.4.1 Conclusions
      • 6.4.2 Recommendations
    • References
  • 7 Historical Review and Future Opportunities for Wider Scaling of Conservation Agriculture in Tunisia
    • Abstract
    • 7.1 Introduction
    • 7.2 Historical Overview
    • 7.3 Current Status
    • 7.4 Characteristics of the Main Conservation Agriculture Systems
    • 7.5 Main Achievements
    • 7.6 Major Constraints to Greater Adoption of Conservation Agriculture in Tunisia
    • 7.7 Future Perspectives and Approach for Rapid Adoption by Smallholder Farmers
    • 7.8 Conclusions
    • References
  • 8 Assessing the Application and Practice of Conservation Agriculture in Malawi
    • Abstract
    • 8.1 Introduction
    • 8.2 Background on Conventional Ridge Tillage (CRT)
    • 8.3 Development and Application of Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Malawi
      • 8.3.1 On-farm Trials
        • Management
        • Comparison of maize yields under CA versus CRT
        • Comparison of groundnut yields under CA versus CRT
        • Labour costs
      • 8.3.2 Development of Guidelines for Implementing Conservation Agriculture (CA)
      • 8.3.3 Monitoring the Application and Practice of Conservation Agriculture (CA) over Time
    • 8.4 Drivers and Challenges of Adoption
      • 8.4.1 Key Drivers of Adoption
      • 8.4.2 Challenges and Barriers to Adoption
    • 8.5 Recommended Strategies to Address Challenges
    • References
  • 9 Research and Technology Development Needs for Scaling Up Conservation Agriculture Systems, Practices and Innovations in Africa
    • Abstract
    • 9.1 Overview of the State of African Agriculture
    • 9.2 Role of Research in Agriculture and Technology Development
    • 9.3 Support of R&D in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
    • 9.4 Conservation Agriculture (CA) Needs Systems Development Research
      • 9.4.1 A Multidisciplinary Systems Approach is Needed
      • 9.4.2 Technology Push, Market Pull or Combined Approaches?
      • 9.4.3 Smallholder Commercial Farming Needs Different Drivers
    • 9.5 The Need for Conservation Agriculture (CA) Research Tailored Beyond Biophysical and Socio-economic Situations
    • 9.6 Specific Areas of Research and Innovation for Scaling Up Conservation Agriculture (CA) Systems
      • 9.6.1 Conservation Agriculture (CA) Facilitates Integrated Pest and Nutrient Management
      • 9.6.2 Conservation Agriculture (CA) is Pillared on Maintenance of Permanent Soil Cover
      • 9.6.3 The Conservation Agriculture (CA) Pillar of Minimum Soil Disturbance Introduces New Research Needs
      • 9.6.4 Research is Needed to Address Context-specific Enhancers or Barriers to Conservation Agriculture (CA) Adoption
      • 9.6.5 Investments in Long-term Research Experimental Sites are ­Necessary for Learning
      • 9.6.6 Need for Research for Conservation Agriculture (CA) Systems that Generate Ecosystem Services
    • 9.7 Looking Ahead
    • 9.8 Conclusions
    • References
  • 10 Moving Paradigms – Conservation Agriculture with Alternative Agronomics to Minimize Inputs
    • Abstract
    • 10.1 Introduction
    • 10.2 Material and Methods
    • 10.3 Results and Discussions
      • 10.3.1 Weed Management
      • 10.3.2 Insect Pest Management
      • 10.3.3 Disease Management
      • 10.3.4 Soil Health and Fertility Management
      • 10.3.5 Energy Use Management
      • 10.3.6 Issues and Policy
      • 10.3.7 Perceptions and Constraints to Adoption of Biological Systems
    • 10.4 Conclusions
    • References
  • 11 Economic and Yield Comparisons of Different Crop and Crop–Pasture Production Systems
    • Abstract
    • 11.1 Introduction
    • 11.2 Location, Climate and Soil
    • 11.3 Resources
    • 11.4 Yield Response of Wheat
    • 11.5 Economic Comparisons for Whole Systems
    • 11.6 Conclusions
    • References
  • 12 Livestock Integration in Conservation Agriculture
    • Abstract
    • 12.1 The Challenge of Livestock for Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Africa
    • 12.2 Manure and Urine Improve Soil Fertility and Soil Health
      • 12.2.1 Manure and Urine Deposited by Grazing Animals
      • 12.2.2 Collecting and Spreading Manure in Zero-grazing Systems
      • 12.2.3 Combining Manure and Chemical Fertilizer Improves Fertilizer Use Efficiency
    • 12.3 Increasing Crop Rotation Diversity and Increasing Cover Crop Adoption With Grazing
      • 12.3.1 Crop Rotations With Perennial Forages
      • 12.3.2 Revolutionizing Cover Crop Adoption With Livestock
      • 12.3.3 Stimulating Tree–Crop Associations
      • 12.3.4 Favouring Diversity by Increasing Mixed Cropping Options With Livestock
    • 12.4 The Challenge and Opportunities of Using Livestock to Maintain Organic Cover in Conservation Agriculture (CA)
      • 12.4.1 Extensive Versus Intensive Systems
      • 12.4.2 Livestock Intensification and Feed Quality
      • 12.4.3 Controlled Grazing
      • 12.4.4 Burning for Pasture Renovation
      • 12.4.5 Corralling and Stubble Grazing Contracts Between Pastoralist Herders With Crop Farmers
    • 12.5 Conclusions
    • References
  • 13 Enhancing Climate Resilience Using Stress-tolerant Maize in Conservation Agriculture in Southern Africa
    • Abstract
    • 13.1 Introduction
    • 13.2 Performance of Drought- tolerant (DT) Maize Varieties Under Smallholder Conditions
    • 13.3 Performance of Improved Drought-tolerant (DT) Maize Cultivars in Conservation Agriculture (CA) and Conventional Systems
    • 13.4 Yield Stability of Stress-tolerant Maize Under Different Environments and Management
    • 13.5 Intercropping Experiences and Lessons Learnt
    • 13.6 Enhancing Climate Resilience Using Stress-tolerant Maize Cultivars and Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Southern Africa: Socio-economic Perspective
    • 13.7 Conclusions
    • References
  • 14 Tillage Effect on Agronomic Efficiency of Nitrogen Under Rainfed Conditions of Tanzania
    • Abstract
    • 14.1 Introduction
    • 14.2 Materials and Methods
      • 14.2.1 Site Description
      • 14.2.2 Experimental Design
      • 14.2.3 Soil Moisture Measurement
      • 14.2.4 Yield Measurement and Data Analysis
    • 14.3 Results
      • 14.3.1 Crop Productivity
      • 14.3.2 Soil Moisture
      • 14.3.3 Agronomic Efficiency (AE) of Nitrogen (N)
    • 14.4 Discussion
      • 14.4.1 Crop Productivity
      • 14.4.2 The Socio-ecological Environment and Conservation Agriculture (CA)
    • 14.5 Conclusion
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
  • 15 Effect of Conservation Agriculture on Soil Properties and Maize Grain Yield in the Semi-arid Laikipia County, Kenya
    • Abstract
    • 15.1 Introduction
      • 15.1.1 Conservation Agriculture
      • 15.1.2 Use of Lablab purpureus as a Cover Crop
      • 15.1.3 Soil Furrow Opening
      • 15.1.4 Conserving Soil Moisture with Plant Residue Mulch
    • 15.2 Materials and Methods
      • 15.2.1 Study Site
      • 15.2.2  Crops and Land Holdings
      • 15.2.3  Experimental Procedure
      • 15.2.4  Leaf Chlorophyll Content
    • 15.3  Results and Discussion
      • 15.3.1  Rainfall
      • 15.3.2  Soil Properties
      • 15.3.3  Chlorophyll Content in Leaves: Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) Readings
      • 15.3.4  Maize Grain Yields
    • 15.4  Conclusions
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
  • 16 Increasing Adaptation to Climate Stress by Applying Conservation Agriculture in Southern Africa
    • Abstract
    • 16.1  Introduction
    • 16.2  Site Descriptions and Methods
      • 16.2.1  Site Description
      • 16.2.2  Trial Management and Data Collection
      • 16.2.3  Water Infiltration and Soil Moisture
      • 16.2.4  Data Analysis of Maize Yield Data
    • 16.3  Results and Discussion
      • 16.3.1  Effect of CA on Water Infiltration
      • 16.3.2  Effect of Conservation Agriculture (CA) on Soil Moisture Content
      • 16.3.4  Yield Response of CA Systems to Climate Stress
      • 16.3.5  Where Does an Increased Adaptive Capacity of CA Systems Come From?
      • 16.3.6  How can the Adaptive Capacity be Improved?
    • 16.4  Conclusions
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
  • 17 What Drives Small-scale Farmers to Adopt Conservation Agriculture Practices in Tanzania?
    • Abstract
    • 17.1  Introduction
    • 17.2  Methodology
      • 17.2.1  Sampling Procedures
      • 17.2.2  Sample Size
      • 17.2.3  Basic Assumptions on Adoption
      • 17.2.4  Computation of Area Under CASI
      • 17.2.5  Computation of CASI Adopters
    • 17.3  Results and Discussions
      • 17.3.1  The Role of Demographic and Human Capital
      • 17.3.2  Demonstrations and Farmer to Farmer Exchange as Information Source
      • 17.3.3  Social Capital
      • 17.3.4  Access to Markets
      • 17.3.5  Contribution of CASI in ­Production Profitability and Food ­Security at Household Level
    • 17.4  Methods Used to Disseminate CASI Practices
      • 17.4.1  Adoption of CASI
      • 17.4.2  Persistence of Adoption
      • 17.4.3  Adoption of Various Combinations of CASI Practices
      • 17.4.4  Area Under Various Combinations of CASI Practices
    • 17.5  Impacts of the SIMLESA Programme in the Community
    • 17.6  Conclusions
    • References
  • 18 Impact of Conservation Agriculture on Soil Health: Lessons from the University of Fort Hare Trial
    • Abstract
    • 18.1  Introduction
    • 18.2  Materials and Methods
      • 18.2.1  Experimental Site
      • 18.2.2  Experimental Design
      • 18.2.3  Crop Management Practices
      • 18.2.4  Field and Laboratory ­Measurements
        • C-sequestration and CO2 fluxes
        • Biological activity
        • Soil quality index (SQI)
      • 18.2.5  Data Analyses
    • 18.3  Results and Discussion
      • 18.3.1  C-sequestration and CO2 Fluxes
      • 18.3.2  Soil Biological Activity
      • 18.3.3  Soil Quality
    • 18.4  Conclusions
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
  • 19 Formal Education and Training for Conservation Agriculture in Africa
    • Abstract
    • 19.1  Introduction
    • 19.2  Current State of Formal Conservation Agriculture (CA) Education and Training in Africa
    • 19.3  Broadening Perspectives on Formal Conservation Agriculture (CA) Education, Training and Skills Development
      • 19.3.1  Cross-sector issues and Conservation Agriculture (CA)-led Agricultural Transformation
      • 19.3.2  Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Tertiary Education
      • 19.3.3  Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Schools
      • 19.3.4  Conservation Agriculture (CA) Learning Community
      • 19.3.5  Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Media
      • 19.3.6  Resource Mobilization and Cooperation
    • 19.4  Transition to Conservation Agriculture (CA)-led Systemic Change in Education, Training and Skills Development
      • 19.4.1  Intra-organizational Mainstreaming of Conservation Agriculture (CA) into Education, Training and Skills Development at Universities, Colleges and Schools
      • 19.4.2  Inter-organizational Mainstreaming of Conservation Agriculture (CA) into Cross-sector Programmes With University Brokerage
      • 19.4.3  Triple Helix or Learning Alliance Model of Collaboration
    • 19.5  Summary and Conclusions
      • 19.5.1  At Institutional Level
      • 19.5.2  At National Level
      • 19.5.3  At Regional Level
    • References
  • 20 Strengthening Conservation Agriculture Education in Africa
    • Abstract
    • 20.1  Introduction
    • 20.2  Education Opportunity Offered by MOOCs
    • 20.3  CA Education and Training Capacity Development
      • 20.3.1  Relevance of the Conservation Agriculture (CA) Centres of Excellence
      • 20.3.2  ACT’s Conservation Agriculture (CA)-CoE Strategic Growth Vision
      • 20.3.3  CA-CoE Impact Vision
    • 20.4  CA Curriculum Development
      • 20.4.1  Methodology
      • 20.4.2  How Conservation Agriculture (CA) Responds to Development Needs
      • 20.4.3  Job Areas for Conservation Agriculture Experts
      • 20.4.4  The Conservation Agriculture (CA) Curriculum
    • 20.5  Conservation Agriculture (CA) Quality Assurance Framework
      • 20.5.1  Scope and Purpose of the Framework
      • 20.5.2  Components of Standards and Indicators for Conservation Agriculture (CA) Training Institutions
        • Vision, mission and objective statements
        • Conservation Agriculture (CA) curriculum and teaching/learning delivery
        • Inputs
        • Outputs
      • 20.5.3  Components of Standards and Indicators for Conservation Agriculture (CA)-practising Organizations
      • 20.5.4  Self-assessment, Objectives and Approaches
      • 20.5.5  Accreditation of Conservation Agriculture (CA) Training Institutions and Practising Organizations
      • 20.5.6  Sustaining the Conservation Agriculture (CA) Quality Assurance System
    • 20.6  Concluding Remarks
    • References
  • 21 Conservation Agriculture Innovation Systems Build Climate Resilience for Smallholder Farmers in South Africa
    • Abstract
    • 21.1  Introduction
    • 21.2  Smallholder Farming System and Participants
    • 21.3  Aspects of the CA-SFIP Innovation System
    • 21.4  Horizontal Scaling
    • 21.5  System Indicators
      • 21.5.1  Social Agency Indicators
      • 21.5.2  Value Chain Indicators
      • 21.5.3  Productivity Indicators
    • 21.6  Soil Health Indicators
    • 21.7  Climate Resilience Indicators
      • 21.7.1  Resilience Snapshots
      • 21.7.2  Participatory Impact Assessments (PIAs)
    • 21.8  In Conclusion
    • References
  • 22 Lessons Learnt from Concern Worldwide’s Conservation Agriculture Interventions in Malawi and Zambia, 2010–2018
    • Abstract
    • 22.1  Introduction
    • 22.2  Background: Concern’s Approach to Alleviating Extreme Poverty
    • 22.3  Contextual Configurations of Project Areas
      • 22.3.1  Limited Labour Capacity
      • 22.3.2  Limited Financial Capability
      • 22.3.3  Compromised Soil Health
      • 22.3.4  Limited Provision of Extension Services
    • 22.4  Concern’s Approach to Conservation Agriculture (CA) – Phase I (2010–2013)
    • 22.5  Concern’s Approach to Conservation Agriculture (CA) – Phase II (2013–2016)
      • 22.5.1  Lead Farmers as Innovators
      • 22.5.2  Follower Farmer Adoption
      • 22.5.3  Negotiating the Last Mile of Seed Provision
    • 22.6  Persistent Challenges in CA Scaling and Uptake
      • 22.6.1  Consumption Support and Conservation Agriculture (CA)
      • 22.6.2  Essential Takeaways in Conservation Agriculture (CA): Remembering the Poor
    • 22.7  Conclusion
    • References
  • 23 Development of Adaptive Training Materials for Conservation Agriculture Promotion in Africa
    • Abstract
    • 23.1  Introduction
    • 23.2  Development of Adaptive Training Materials
    • 23.3  Results and Discussion
      • 23.3.1  Adoption and Adaptation of Training Materials
      • 23.3.2  Scaling Out
      • 23.3.3  Challenges and Constraints: an Evolving Response
    • References
  • 24 Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization and Commercialization for Widespread Adoption of Conservation Agriculture Systems in Africa
    • Abstract
    • 24.1  Introduction
    • 24.2  Mechanization of Conservation Agriculture
      • 24.2.1  The Significance of Mechanization Towards the Application and Adoption of Conservation Agriculture (CA)
      • 24.2.2  Issues and Options for Smallholder and Large-scale Farms in Sub-Saharan Africa
        • Smallholder Conservation Agriculture (CA) Farmers
        • Large-scale Conservation Agriculture (CA) Farmers
      • 24.2.3  Commercialization of Conservation Agriculture (CA) Service Provision
    • 24.3  Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization: a New Perspective on Mechanization
    • 24.4  Commercialization of Agriculture to Enhance Conservation Agriculture (CA) and Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (SAM) Adoption
      • 24.4.1  Opportunities and Constraints to Practising Commercialization of Agriculture
      • 24.4.2  How Commercialization of Agriculture Contributes to Conservation Agriculture (CA) and SAM Adoption
    • 24.5  Promotion of Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Africa
      • 24.5.1  Mechanization Supply Chain Business Models, Support Services and Associated Businesses
    • 24.6  Policy Dimensions
      • 24.6.1  Promoting National Buy-in of the AUC SAMA Philosophy
      • 24.6.2  The Role of the Public and Private Sectors
      • 24.6.3  Capacity Development for Mechanization
    • 24.7  Business Models for Sustainable Mechanization Services
      • 24.8.1  Examples of Novel Forms of Service Provision
        • Tinga
        • Hello Tractor
        • TroTro
      • 24.8.2  Increasing Application of ICT
      • 24.8.3  Potential for Drones and Robotics
    • 24.8  Conclusions
    • References
  • 25 Centres of Excellence in Conservation Agriculture: Developing African Institutions for Sustainable Agricultural Development
    • Abstract
    • 25.1  Introduction
    • 25.2  Conservation Agriculture (CA) and its Benefits
    • 25.3  Centres of Excellence in Sustainable Agricultural Development in Africa
    • 25.4  Methodology
    • 25.5  The Role of Conservation Agriculture (CA) Centres of Excellence in Promoting its Adoption
      • 25.5.1  Knowledge Management and Communication
      • 25.5.2  Establishment and/or Supporting Conservation Agriculture (CA) Communities of Practice
      • 25.5.3  Partnership Development
      • 25.5.4  Policy Analysis and Advocacy
      • 25.5.5  Conservation Agriculture (CA) Education and Training
      • 25.5.6  Engagement by Private Sector and Conservation Agriculture (CA) Service Providers
    • 25.6  Quality Assessment of the Conservation Agriculture (CA) Centres of Excellence
      • 25.6.1  Vision, Mission Statements and Objectives
      • 25.6.2  Quality Assurance Systems
      • 25.6.3  Conservation Agriculture (CA) Demonstration, Adoption and Research Delivery
      • 25.6.4  Staff Management and Development
      • 25.6.5  Budget and Funding
      • 25.6.6  Facilities and Environment
      • 25.6.7  Post-training and Research Support Follow-up
    • 25.7  Conclusions and Future Prospects
    • References
  • 26 On-farm Experimentation for Scaling-out Conservation Agriculture Using an Innovation Systems Approach in the North West Province, South Africa
    • Abstract
    • 26.1  Introduction
    • 26.2  Methods and Materials
      • 26.2.1  Background
      • 26.2.2  On-farm Experimentation
    • 26.3.  On-farm Collaborative-managed Trials Implemented in Ottosdal
      • 26.3.1  Comparison Between Low Plant Density in Wide Rows (Local) and High Density in Narrow Rows (Argentinian) Configurations
      • 26.3.2  Comparison of Conventional and Conservation Agriculture (CA) Cropping Systems
      • 26.3.3  Testing and Screening Cover Crops
      • 26.3.4  Green Fallow Soil Restoration Trial
      • 26.3.5  Livestock Integration Trial
    • 26.4  Results and Discussion
      • 26.4.1  Comparison Between Low Plant Density in Wide Rows (Local) and High Density in Narrow Rows (Argentinian) Configurations
      • 26.4.2  Comparison Between Conventional and Conservation Agriculture (CA) Cropping Systems
      • 26.4.3  Testing and Screening Cover Crops
      • 26.4.4  Green Fallow Soil Restoration Trial
      • 26.4.5  Livestock Integration Trial
    • 26.5  Conclusions
    • References
  • 27 Conservation Agriculture for Climate Smart Agriculture in Smallholder Farming Systems in Kenya
    • Abstract
    • 27.1  Introduction
    • 27.2  Conservation Agriculture (CA)
      • 27.2.1  Conservation Agriculture (CA)–Sustainable Intensification (SI)
      • 27.2.2  Improving Soil Productivity With CASI Practices
        • Soil bulk density reduction
        • Soil health
        • Management of acid soils
      • 27.2.3  Effect on CASI in Semi-arid Cropping
      • 27.2.4  CASI on Maize–Legume-based Cropping Systems
        • Crop yields
        • Labour productivity
        • Crop water use efficiency
        • Weed control
        • Computer model simulations
      • 27.2.5  Scaling CASI in the SIMLESA Project
    • 27.3  Conclusions
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
  • 28 Conservation Agriculture for Smallholder Farmers in Rainfed and Irrigated Systems in the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plain: Lessons Learned
    • Abstract
    • 28.1  Introduction
    • 28.2  Substantial Time Needed During Learning Period
    • 28.3  Conservation Agriculture (CA) is a Continuous Evolution and Improvement Process
      • 28.3.1  Designing No or Minimum Mechanical Soil Disturbance Planters for Conservation Agriculture (CA)
      • 28.3.2  Lands and Soils Suitable for Conservation Agriculture (CA) Practice
      • 28.3.3  Weed Management
        • Pre-planting weed control
        • Post-planting weed control
    • 28.4  Performance of Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Rice Cultivation
      • 28.4.1  Rice Cultivation in Non-puddled Soils
      • 28.4.2  Strip Planting Direct Seeded Rice
    • 28.5  Performance of Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Upland Crop Cultivation
    • 28.6  Long-Term Benefit of Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Intensive Rice-based Systems
      • 28.6.1  Long-term Trends of Crop Yield and Profit Margin
      • 28.6.2  Irrigation Water Saving
      • 28.6.3  Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration
      • 28.6.4  Greenhouse Gas Implication
      • 28.6.5  Farm-level Benefit of Conservation Agriculture (CA) Adoption
    • 28.7  Relevance to Conservation Agriculture (CA) for Africa in the Context of the Malabo Declaration
    • 28.8  Conclusions
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
  • 29 Evaluation of the Technical Capacity of Artisans to Fabricate the Animal-powered Direct Seeder Super-Eco in Sénégal
    • Abstract
    • 29.1  Introduction
    • 29.2  Materials and Methods
      • 29.2.1  Context
      • 29.2.2  Characteristics of the Adapted Animal-powered Direct Seeder Super-Eco
      • 29.2.3  Collection of Data
      • 29.2.4  Data Analysis
    • 29.3  Results
      • 29.3.1  Choice of Quantitative Variables Relevant to the Typology of Artisans
      • 29.3.2  Socio-demographic Characteristics of the Artisans Within the Peanut Basin
      • 29.3.3  Characteristics of the Artisans Capable of Manufacturing the Animal- powered Super-Eco Direct Seeder
    • 29.4  Discussion
      • 29.4.1  Role of Artisans in Fabrication, Repair and Maintenance
      • 29.4.2  Ability of Artisans to Design and Fabricate the Animal-powered Super-Eco Direct Seeder
      • 29.4.3  Smallholder Farmer Interest in the Animal-powered Super-Eco Direct Seeder
    • 29.5  Conclusion
    • References
  • 30 The Future: Towards Agenda 2063
    • 30.1  The Second Africa Congress on Conservation Agriculture (CA)
    • 30.2  Speech by the Director General of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), Mr Mzamo Michael Mlengana, at the Official Opening of the Second Africa Congress on Conservation ­Agriculture (CA)
    • 30.3  Action Statement from ­Stakeholders
      • 30.3.1  Action Statement from ­Stakeholders of the Second Africa Congress on Conservation Agriculture (CA)
  • Index
  • Back Cover

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